Too much Liberal events. More Conservative events is needed.
Black Gold
Economists say that expanding Oil fields will help get more Oil. However, environmentalists say it will damage wildlife. What is your choice?
We need more Oil!

, Oil Well/Offshore Platform produces +1 Oil, -1

on title
NO! We need to save the animals, one habitat at a time.

, Oil Well/Offshore Platform loses half of

value, 25% chance OW/OP gets destroyed
Actually, I was meaning to destroy the Oil Well/Offshore Platform for more habitat land.

, removes Oil, removes OW/OP, +1 Health on Title, half of commerce gain on city is removed. +3

Solar or Oil, the choice is yours!
Environmentalists want to increase Fuel Mileage standards and introduce Solar Panel cars. Economics say this will literally kill the car market as we know it.
Introduce it!

, See below
That is a horrible, atrocious idea! What were you thinking!?
Nothing happens
OUTCOME 1 (50% happening)
The ecomony is taking a huge hit. The Solar cars are unpopular due to the slowness, and many car companies can't meet the new standards. However, you react the laws before it hits you too hard. Gas Guzzlers are what the people want.

(On top the -5000), 3

in all cities (5 If Highway system is built)
OUTCOME 2 (25%)
The companies deal with the new, unpopular Solar Cars. This is, however, an unwise decision, as the people are mad. This is angering the public. You choose to milk the standards to keep lobbying from the Environmentalists, however.

(on top the -5000), 3

in all cities (5 with Highway), 1

in all cities (2 in cities)
OUTCOME 3 (15%)
It worked! Somewhat. Both the companies and the people cope with the flaws of Solar powered cars. However, Oil-powered cars that fit the standards are the all range, and even Environmentalists know that Solar will lose against Oil in the long run.

in all cities (Yadayadayada Highway). -3

(You get the drill)
OUTCOME 4 (5%)
You did it. You just sent our

ing entire ecomony in ruins. Car companies went bankrupt. The Stock Market dropped. You accomplished one thing, however. [No one drives anymore, but that's because
no one can afford to now
Lose all :Gold:, If Green, go into Red. If Red, double your expenses. -10

in all cities (Do not apply Highway bonuses), Highways, Roads, and Railroads provides no bonuses except unit movement. City commerce ceases for 5 turns, then goes back to half of original value.
Electric Expansion, Part II
(Can only happen if "Let us lead the way!" is chosen. Around 25-50% of happening)
If failed. Royally failed. This policy screwed us up. The cars are nowhere near as popular as Oil. Companies that invested in electric cars are or close to becoming bankrupt. Our Economy lays in tatters. I hope your proud of yourselves.

Lose all bonuses from first part, -10000

. Cities produce half the Commerce they're supposed to.