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Grey Goo!

Requirements: Some Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence Technologies.
5% chance of occurring.
A group of nanobots have achieved sentience and are multiplying at a massive rate. At current exponential growth rates, these nanobots will begin to choke out the sun!

1) We must inform all world leaders of this predicament!

+3 diplomacy with all leaders; +3 :) in all cities; costs 5000 :gold:

2) Keep to this to ourselves; if word gets out, then we will face the wrath of the world!

+1 :) in all cities; costs 1000 :gold:; 10% chance of game ending

3) This is impossible. The lunatic scientists have once again condemned our nation to gross hysteria and mass panic.

-3 diplomacy with all leaders; 25% chance of game ending.
With a chance to end the game the probabilty of this occuring shyould be less then 0.0001.
Major Buy-Out
Must own 2 corps

[Corp1] is attempting to buy out [Corp2]. This will lower comprtition and scare other cmpanies away.

1) Let them do what they want

%60 chance of buyout meaning any city with either corp. will get the other and 1:mad: per city for 30 turns. Other corps may begin to dissaper from your cities
40% Chance nothing happens

2) Stop the buy out

- 1 relationships with all Free Market civs (Tampering with market)

3) Finance this takeover

100% chance of #1, -100 gold , - 1 relationships with all Free Market civs (Tampering with market)
I just had the idea of simulating legislative initiatives by random events. We have civics to simulate the overall political structure of a civ. But I think we also need something to simulate laws that don't affect political structure in a way that required a change of civics but still have an effect on production/healt/commerce etc.

This could look like this:

Health organizations in our country recently intensified the demands for a law that restricts smoking. They are now supported by quite a part of our populations. What should we do?

1) Keep it the way it is. We are a free country and people are free to smoke wherever they want. (0 gold, 10% chance of 1 :mad:/city/24 turns)
2) We should force a market-based desicion on this. Raise the tobacco tax! (0 gold, 50% chance of 1 :mad:/city/24 turns, supermarket gives +1 gold)
3) They are right. We should protect the nonsmokers. Outlaw smoking in public buildings, public transportation and restaurants. (low gold, +1 :health: in every city, 10% chance of 1 :mad:/city/24 turns; only possible with tech "Biopolitics", don't know if it made it into the current tech tree)
4) That's about time. Smoking is unhealthy and dangerous. We must prohibit tobacco. (high gold, +2 :health: in every city, 75% chance of 1 :mad:/city, only possible with tech "Biopolitics")

I'll post events for laws concerning gay marriage, health care, renewable energies and organic farming shortly. What else does engage legislatives around the globe these days?
How about this:

Great New Mod

"Some people from your country have made an amazing mod for Civilization 4 that represents the modern day."

Great! I want it. - +1 :) in all cities and +25% :commerce: in all cities for 15 turns.

It is very good. Mass advertise it. - Takes blank amount of money per turn and +3 :) in all cities.

It's terrible. - +5:mad: in all cities.

_______ - <The one about increased science in the other one>

Increased Tourism

"Your country has increased tourism."

Great! - +1:) in all cities.
I want more! - +25% :commerce: in all cities +1:mad: in all cities
Who cares about tourism - +1:mad: in all cities and slowed population growth.

I haven't read through so these might be on there already.

EDIT: I now see the one about the mod, but I like mine better.
I say that we should have the Olympics in the game. We could have an Olympic Comity of all 48 civs that vote on one city to host the Winter/Summer Olympics. We would have both olympics just as in real life and we would also have it occur every two years, alternating between Winter and Sumer respectively. The olympics would give the host city more money (:gold:) and happiness (:)). We could either have the first few olympics in their set cities (Vancouver for 2010 Winter Olympics, London for 2012 Summer Olympics, and Sochi for 2014 Winter Olympics) or we could have them in new cities for those respective years.

We could also have major sporting events that would work like the olympics. For example, we could have the World Cup, the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup, the NBA finals, etc.

I found this, it was the closest thing I could find to what I described above. It also has a bunch of other random events in it.
i always found the baseball world series misleading in its naming...
I know I don't think we should put the world series, NBA finals, Super Bowl, or Stanly cup playoffs in it because those are mostly American. Good idea BTW.
Football world Cup? Rugby World Cup? Commonwealth Games?
Are those events real? Never heard of them. ;)


what not even the commonwealth games, you sure your a Canadian? ;)

I guess apart from the Olympics there are no international sporting events where you get all the world taking part.

Like I had never heard of the Ice Hockey World Championships till i just looked it up :p
heh, I'm just joking around, of course I have heard of all three.

You should look up the world junior hockey championship instead! ;-)

(I don't say this at all because Canada just won its 5th consecutive gold)
edit: moved this post to the sports events thread.

(Will not happen in Communist civs)

Due to a few greedy bankers, the stock market has fallen 2000 points in the last month. Unemployment is rising, and businesses are failing everywhere. if nothing is done, this could lead to a full scale depression!

Let the market take care of it:
+10% inflation, -25% commerce in next ten turns for three biggest cities. +5 :mad: for next five turns. -1 with non-communist civs.

Give some money to the banks, and get some employment plans out there:
-3000 gold, +10% :hammers: for next 15 turns. In addition, 35% chance for the "Let the market take care of it" events to happen.

This looks like proof the free market cannot work in a nation like ours:
-1000 gold, switch to communism (no anarchy), +1 :) for 10 turns
Airport Expansion

Your major airport wishes to expand into a developed area and extend its runways. They say that without expansion they cannot possibly compete with neighbouring infrastructure and will lose profits.

Pass legislation for expansion:
+2 :yuck: & +2 :mad: in the city, +1000 Gold, Airport +1 Gold

Deny expansion plans:
+1 :) in the city, -500 Gold

Electric Expansion (requires The Electric Car tech)

Our top scientists and business advisors have asked that we lead the electric revolution and provide the grounds for a complete switch-over to electric automobiles. The move would require massive overhauls of our entire country however.

Led us lead the way!:
+1 :) & :health: in all cities, Starts a Golden Age, -4000 Gold

We simply cannot afford to:
+1 :mad: & +1 :yuck: in all cities
Give some money to the banks, and get some employment plans out there:
-3000 gold, +10% :hammers: for next 15 turns. In addition, 35% chance for the "Let the market take care of it" events to happen.

Has to be called; "Bailout"!

Great stuff guys. :D
I was think about another one where if you had whales you could get caught for illegally harvesting them.
Too much Liberal events. More Conservative events is needed.

Black Gold

Economists say that expanding Oil fields will help get more Oil. However, environmentalists say it will damage wildlife. What is your choice?

We need more Oil!
10000 :gold:, Oil Well/Offshore Platform produces +1 Oil, -1 :health: on title

NO! We need to save the animals, one habitat at a time.

+1 :), Oil Well/Offshore Platform loses half of :gold: value, 25% chance OW/OP gets destroyed

Actually, I was meaning to destroy the Oil Well/Offshore Platform for more habitat land.

-1000 :gold:, removes Oil, removes OW/OP, +1 Health on Title, half of commerce gain on city is removed. +3 :).

Solar or Oil, the choice is yours!
Environmentalists want to increase Fuel Mileage standards and introduce Solar Panel cars. Economics say this will literally kill the car market as we know it.

Introduce it!
-5000 :gold:, See below

That is a horrible, atrocious idea! What were you thinking!?
Nothing happens

OUTCOME 1 (50% happening)

The ecomony is taking a huge hit. The Solar cars are unpopular due to the slowness, and many car companies can't meet the new standards. However, you react the laws before it hits you too hard. Gas Guzzlers are what the people want.

-5000 :gold: (On top the -5000), 3 :yuck: in all cities (5 If Highway system is built)

OUTCOME 2 (25%)
The companies deal with the new, unpopular Solar Cars. This is, however, an unwise decision, as the people are mad. This is angering the public. You choose to milk the standards to keep lobbying from the Environmentalists, however.

-10000 :gold: (on top the -5000), 3 :mad: in all cities (5 with Highway), 1 :health: in all cities (2 in cities)

OUTCOME 3 (15%)
It worked! Somewhat. Both the companies and the people cope with the flaws of Solar powered cars. However, Oil-powered cars that fit the standards are the all range, and even Environmentalists know that Solar will lose against Oil in the long run.

3 :health: in all cities (Yadayadayada Highway). -3 :yuck: (You get the drill)

OUTCOME 4 (5%)

You did it. You just sent our :):):):)ing entire ecomony in ruins. Car companies went bankrupt. The Stock Market dropped. You accomplished one thing, however. [No one drives anymore, but that's because no one can afford to now

Lose all :Gold:, If Green, go into Red. If Red, double your expenses. -10 :yuck: in all cities (Do not apply Highway bonuses), Highways, Roads, and Railroads provides no bonuses except unit movement. City commerce ceases for 5 turns, then goes back to half of original value.

Electric Expansion, Part II
(Can only happen if "Let us lead the way!" is chosen. Around 25-50% of happening)

If failed. Royally failed. This policy screwed us up. The cars are nowhere near as popular as Oil. Companies that invested in electric cars are or close to becoming bankrupt. Our Economy lays in tatters. I hope your proud of yourselves.

Aw, :):):):)!

Lose all bonuses from first part, -10000 :gold:. Cities produce half the Commerce they're supposed to.
Too much Liberal events. More Conservative events is needed.

Black Gold

Economists say that expanding Oil fields will help get more Oil. However, environmentalists say it will damage wildlife. What is your choice?

We need more Oil!
10000 :gold:, Oil Well/Offshore Platform produces +1 Oil, -1 :health: on title

NO! We need to save the animals, one habitat at a time.

+1 :), Oil Well/Offshore Platform loses half of :gold: value, 25% chance OW/OP gets destroyed

Actually, I was meaning to destroy the Oil Well/Offshore Platform for more habitat land.

-1000 :gold:, removes Oil, removes OW/OP, +1 Health on Title, half of commerce gain on city is removed. +3 :).

Solar or Oil, the choice is yours!
Environmentalists want to increase Fuel Mileage standards and introduce Solar Panel cars. Economics say this will literally kill the car market as we know it.

Introduce it!
-5000 :gold:, See below

That is a horrible, atrocious idea! What were you thinking!?
Nothing happens

OUTCOME 1 (50% happening)

The ecomony is taking a huge hit. The Solar cars are unpopular due to the slowness, and many car companies can't meet the new standards. However, you react the laws before it hits you too hard. Gas Guzzlers are what the people want.

-5000 :gold: (On top the -5000), 3 :yuck: in all cities (5 If Highway system is built)

OUTCOME 2 (25%)
The companies deal with the new, unpopular Solar Cars. This is, however, an unwise decision, as the people are mad. This is angering the public. You choose to milk the standards to keep lobbying from the Environmentalists, however.

-10000 :gold: (on top the -5000), 3 :mad: in all cities (5 with Highway), 1 :health: in all cities (2 in cities)

OUTCOME 3 (15%)
It worked! Somewhat. Both the companies and the people cope with the flaws of Solar powered cars. However, Oil-powered cars that fit the standards are the all range, and even Environmentalists know that Solar will lose against Oil in the long run.

3 :health: in all cities (Yadayadayada Highway). -3 :yuck: (You get the drill)

OUTCOME 4 (5%)

You did it. You just sent our :):):):)ing entire ecomony in ruins. Car companies went bankrupt. The Stock Market dropped. You accomplished one thing, however. [No one drives anymore, but that's because no one can afford to now

Lose all :Gold:, If Green, go into Red. If Red, double your expenses. -10 :yuck: in all cities (Do not apply Highway bonuses), Highways, Roads, and Railroads provides no bonuses except unit movement. City commerce ceases for 5 turns, then goes back to half of original value.

Electric Expansion, Part II
(Can only happen if "Let us lead the way!" is chosen. Around 25-50% of happening)

If failed. Royally failed. This policy screwed us up. The cars are nowhere near as popular as Oil. Companies that invested in electric cars are or close to becoming bankrupt. Our Economy lays in tatters. I hope your proud of yourselves.

Aw, :):):):)!

Lose all bonuses from first part, -10000 :gold:. Cities produce half the Commerce they're supposed to.
uh... no one has been pushing solar cars, electric cars yes, solar no

also many people like the Tesla Roadster and it is electric

also those events are just silly because they force you to choose one option or you get screwed
I agree, civ king. Omega, all the other events you call "liberal" are trying to balance the outcome so no matter what you choose, each choice will result in benefits AND downsides. These events are just plain ideology. You force the player to choose corresponding to your political position and if he doesn't he will most likely be punished. Not even the diction is unbiased! And by doing all this you implicate all this as "the" truth. It is not the aim of this mod to be a pseudo-pedagogic game that educates players towards a certain ideology.
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