• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Everyone Take a DEEP breath.....

Yeah come on its not like you plunked down $900 to watch a college football team play 6 home games and completely suck this year when they were expected to be a top 5 team. Oh wait we were discussing Civ4. I LOVE IT and feel 100% satified I will get my money out of it. :)

I agree probably best to wait before mass panic. Leave that to us disappointed Tennessee Football fans. :mad:
Hmmm, I've got about 6 or 7 hours in this game now, and I have yet to see a single bug, CTD, graphical blemish, or load problem.

User errors if you ask me. ;)
The only big problem I have had is with the wonder movies. Visually they are fine. The music plays , but cuts in and out.

Aside from that, the game runs very good considering my rig is 3 years behind the times.
I have noticed sound cuts in and out and skips at times through the game. Seems to come and go. Its a bit annoying but not a game killer. Hope its in the patch. However do think its a great game and after a patch or two will satisfy most people.
Guess it is prolly impossible for the nerds of any games company to really anticipate how many users do not have updated card drivers.
Or, how many cards, especially mobile-only ones, do not get any driver support at all.
Take a deep breath, REALLY check your system, and come back again.
I have a soundblaster card does their site post updated drivers and such like Nvidia does? Best I remember last time I updated all of it they were up to date but cannot remember to be honest with you. However I am not complaining about the game at all I love it.
Rocky Top said:
Good post by most but I would like to address alfeas post.

I certainly have no intention of getting into a 'flame fest' with you. I was merely pointing out that those with problems need to give the developers more than a few hours for a patch before you start your childish name calling and hollow threats. I never once suggested you be pleased with the issues nor did I suggest you not voice your concerns.

Actually, you should be pleased you have a forum where you can go that is sensitive to your problems and has the support from so many trying to solve these problems. PC games have come so far with avenues for sloving these problems but it never fails, there are always a few that run around half cocked with their hollow threats and demands.

As far as my "funshine happy days" thoughts, I am sorry you feel handeling a problem in a more mature and productive way is wrong. I happen to solve problems for a living. I am hired to find solutions to others problems in the business world and I have never been successful in whining, crying and calling everyone names while searching for solutions. It does not work that way in the 'real world' but if you feel that serves your agenda best by doing so, have at it.

Just a word of advice...the next time you need help in solving a problem that is troubling you try being a bit more mature and looking at ALL sides of the equation instaed of pissing & moaning as loud as possible. I believe you will be pleased with the results when using your mind to solve problems instead of letting your emotions run amock.

By the way, how are your spam filled rants helping solve your problem? :rolleyes:

Dear Original Poster,

Where exactly does maturity play into this equation? I just purchased a 53 dollar game that said on the side of the box "ATI Radeon 7500 or better needed to play". I have a Radeon 9550--a common, very decent graphics card. I get home and find that Radeon 9550 cards don't work. Along with at least a half-dozen other common ATI cards. Can I take the game back? Technically, per the return policy on the back of my receipt--no I can't.

Now, here's my big question for you, Mr. Sunhine Fun days happy-time holier than thou original poster and his disciples--do I bend over and just see how deep they want to shove it up my bleep, or, do I maybe get the word out, and hold these game companies accountable for their releases, so that maybe next time I won't be swindled out of 53 dollars. As far as I'm concerned, Firaxis etc deserve as much negative publicity as possible right now, and even an immature peon like me ranting on a fansite is an indictment on the poor quality of their product.

So please, take your problem-solving Phd, your cool calm manner, and stick it somewhere that's applicable--this is not the place for it.

Moderator Action: Warning. Cool your flames, NOW!
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
alfeas said:
Dear Original Poster,

Where exactly does maturity play into this equation? I just purchased a 53 dollar game that said on the side of the box "ATI Radeon 7500 or better needed to play". I have a Radeon 9550--a common, very decent graphics card. I get home and find that Radeon 9550 cards don't work. Along with at least a half-dozen other common ATI cards. Can I take the game back? Technically, per the return policy on the back of my receipt--no I can't.

Now, here's my big question for you, Mr. Sunhine Fun days happy-time holier than thou original poster and his disciples--do I bend over and just see how deep they want to shove it up my bleep, or, do I maybe get the word out, and hold these game companies accountable for their releases, so that maybe next time I won't be swindled out of 53 dollars. As far as I'm concerned, Firaxis etc deserve as much negative publicity as possible right now, and even an immature peon like me ranting on a fansite is an indictment on the poor quality of their product.

So please, take your problem-solving Phd, your cool calm manner, and stick it somewhere that's applicable--this is not the place for it.
:lol: Here here my good man. Let's have a bit more of that before the lynch mob marches to take2 and/or firaxis.
alfeas said:
Dear Original Poster,

Where exactly does maturity play into this equation? I just purchased a 53 dollar game that said on the side of the box "ATI Radeon 7500 or better needed to play". I have a Radeon 9550--a common, very decent graphics card. I get home and find that Radeon 9550 cards don't work. Along with at least a half-dozen other common ATI cards. Can I take the game back? Technically, per the return policy on the back of my receipt--no I can't.

Now, here's my big question for you, Mr. Sunhine Fun days happy-time holier than thou original poster and his disciples--do I bend over and just see how deep they want to shove it up my bleep, or, do I maybe get the word out, and hold these game companies accountable for their releases, so that maybe next time I won't be swindled out of 53 dollars. As far as I'm concerned, Firaxis etc deserve as much negative publicity as possible right now, and even an immature peon like me ranting on a fansite is an indictment on the poor quality of their product.

So please, take your problem-solving Phd, your cool calm manner, and stick it somewhere that's applicable--this is not the place for it.


Mr. Sunshine fun days happy. Hilarious post granted I don't agree.

All the sudden the opening happy go lucky music for that dumb old show "FULL HOUSE" just appeared in my head.

"As the days... go...byyyy...."

TV, I feel your pain...

1000.00 for 4 season tickets...250.00 parking pass...Fighting 110,000 people for hotdogs and cokes all to watch an overrated, undisciplined football team flounder around on offense. To bad Fulmer can't get a 'patch' to fix our pathetic offense. :lol:

Now for MR. alfeas or maybe it's Miss alfeas, let me ask you a question. How much has your name calling, whining and moaning done to either fix your issues or get your money back? EXACTLY!

This has nothing to do with seeing how deep they are going to stick it up your a**. It is a GAME that cost 50 bucks that has some issues (many less issues than you do I may add). If you would stop crying and name calling long enough to actually comprehend what I and others are trying to tell you maybe you would not be so...well, never mind. Until you learn to handle adversity like a man instead of a 3 year old, nothing anyone tries to do to help you will work.

I did not direct my original post at you personally but based on your lack of comprehension skills that you have shown, I am not surprised you took it personally. I guess I will just have to try and help the ones who are interested in help and leave you to your 'wittle pity party'.

Oh, and you are correct...this forum is not the place for cool heads and reasonable thoughts. Your temper tantrum will solve everyones problems so much faster. :rolleyes: Now, I will go back to playing this fantastic game while you scream & cry and demand your just due! :cry:

Good luck to those who really are trying to solve your problems through the proper channels. As far as this alfeas dude, I have one last question for you...Would like some cheese with your whine? :lol:

Moderator Action: Warning. Take your own advice, and keep your cool about other posters, too.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Speaking as a moderator, I can say we don't have any problems with threads containing legitimate complaints, directed at legitimate targets. If somebody screws up, they should be held accountable.

That said, I have known many of the beta testers (and Firaxians) online here for up to four years. I was involved in the Civ3-Conquests Beta Test with many of them. I can guarantee you that a major issue like not working with half the ATI cards out there (seemingly) wouldn't have been allowed to just slide by. But even if they had *hundreds* of beta testers (like we did in C3C), there are *thousands of thousands* of possible computer system configurations. My guess is that there is some common theme among all those "won't run" complaints that was simply missed during testing.

Anyway, I agree with the thread starter: this is just a game; make the problems known, and then wait for them to fix it, which they *will* do. Many, many flaming rant threads don't help anything.

FWIW, I don't even know if Civ4 will play on my system: it meets the hardware specs, but I run Linux. ;) Cedega handles Civ3 pretty well, so I am crossing my fingers ... :D
Hmmm, I just couldn`t resist to give my little comment. Honestly, I don`t expect there will be a major technical problem with this game alas nothing`s perfect. It seems some threads will become a "flame fest" though the original idea is positive. Ideal civ for civ 4 is one of the examples and then bugs. I`m not really an expert but maybe it just a matter of words that sometimes hurt someone more than the others. Calling someone immature or childish might "tick" someone`s nerve.

I really understand the frustration involved when something is not working as it is intended. So do some unfortunate folks around the world who has to wait a little longer for this game to come. But we do have patience virtue where we could use it to funnel our frustration elsewhere/positively. But, still it will be more relieve to just spill it out, right! :crazyeye:

As I see now, the problem seems to come from bad/old driver seeing that some others don`t have the problem. Maybe we can try to update the driver first using the steps given in this forum. If the problem persists, we can just wait "a little longer" for the patch or whatever solution it has. I too like Padma is still unsure if my computer can run civ 4. I hope it will though I will have a new comp next month. I have another old comp that I want to install civ 4 too.

No offense. Chill out my friends! :goodjob:
Rocky Top,

Man we could make some serious bank if we could get a patch like that. How about a virsus for some other teams in that order as well.
Hmm. For those astonished that many common ATI cards don't work, let me tell a little story.

It's a story about Silent Hunter III. You know, the submarine sim that came out to rave reviews earlier this year? Well, the initial retail release was protected with StarForce, a copy-protection system that apparently was based on the notion that, if you can't install the game, you can't crack it. :lol: If you managed to install the game, however, you would be treated to:
- Reliable CTDs and reboots within 5 minutes of play
- Hideous sound artifacts
- The delightful sight of a mind-swallowing black sun (the developers listened to too much Soundgarden)
-Buggy camera controls

Apart from that, however, the game was great. I especially liked scanning the horizon, hunting for enemy shipping and watching out for destroyers. I was a silent assassin... Unless my target was in a 60-degree arc in front of me. If I tried to look anywhere close to where I was going, the game would slow to 1 frame per second. And that was the case for ALL Nvidia cards.

After several patches and working with Nvidia to rewrite the drivers (a couple of months), the Nvidia bug was fixed. Of course, this fix also managed to disable all sonar. But submarines don't need sonar, do they?

And let's not talk about the fact that the best way to sink enemy ships wasn't with a deck gun or torpedoes, but by ramming them. I rammed a battleship, sank it, and didn't suffer a scratch.

Bugs are a regrettable fact of life in the game industry. I don't suggest that anyone should be complacent, or that you shouldn't express your anger, tell others to hold off on buying until the problem is patched, or even return your copy. I understand all that, and I've done it with other titles. But I've never been surprised when bugs rendered a game unworkable. Nor do I think that a bug is evidence that the developers are malicious, lazy, or incompetent. It's just the nature of the beast.
I'm of two minds on the subject of graphics cards (which is two more than I usually have). On the one hand, I have a machine that is not state-of-the-art graphics wise, or anywhere near it. ONe of the reasons I wasn't a beta this time was my graphics chip (Yep, one of those god-awful onboard things)

My computer runs Civ3 without a glitch, Children of the Nile plays perfectly, but I lose certain details like water graphics and sun/moon/sky graphics. Fine by me. Is t so wrong to expect Civ4 to do the same?

On the other hand, if I did have one of these powerful beasts, I would expect a game that took full advantage of them. I didn't buy a PS2 to play games with the same graphics I got on my old NES, I expect fully-rendered, full-animation graphics.

T&L is not new, but for some reason, graphics card manufacturers have skimped on it, especially Intel graphic chipsets. Try focusing some of your anger on the maker of your graphics card/chip maker, or on the companies that market computers with inferior graphics capabilities. That's where it belongs.
Short version: I don't care for better graphics. I care for the strategy inside a strategy game. Please Firaxis, enable the game to be played with very low graphic levels and cheap graphic cards.

Long version: In my opinion there is very little point in moving a strategy game into 3d. Civ2 or even Civ1 graphics would be good enough for me, if there would be a civ game what had a multiplayer capacity of over 64 people on one map, possibility to play on extremely large and detailed maps and be extremely easily moddable. It is unwise, in my opinion, to eliminate a vast percentage of the strategy gamer market by not giving the option in a strategy game to play at "unit icon" level graphics. Even as Civ3 worked nicely on my pc I still relatively soon turned off unit animations and so I was, basically, only moving unit icons around the map. I still trust the game developers care for the fan base and will soon create patches what will enable playing the game with very low graphics. It would be sad for the civilization series, if the lust for better graphics would destroy the strategy and gameplay of this strategy game.
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