preTurn 1948AD drop Science to 30%.
(I) Lose supply of Ivory.
Japan declares war on France, MPP kicks in and we declare war on France
1950 Gojkyville switched to SS Thrusters.
(I) England and Russia alliance against us. England declares war on us.
1951 MMWM
(I) Persia attacks Japan. MPP causes us to declare war on Persia.
1952 MMWM
(I) We lose Supply of Silk. Redo deal with Babylon for Silk.
Persia & Japan make peace.
Egypt attacks Japan. MPP males us declare war on Egypt.
1953 prepare to launch an assault vs Egypt to get gems
(I) Japan declares war on Persia.
Is Japan really against us?
(I) Persia lands an invasion force consisting of 2 infantry, 1 rifleman and a longbow.
1955 We send 40 artillery pieces and 10 mech infantry to repel the Persian attack, we are sucessful. I was worried I might have to use one of our armies
1956 We capture Pi-Rameses and have a nice supply of gems.
(I) France wants peace, we have 2 turns left on MPP with Japan, so I put Joan off.
1958 We make peace with England.
(I) Egypt Japan sign peace agreement.
1959 MPP with Japan expires.
Peace with Persia they give us 60 gold. (almost entire treasury)
Peace with France, Joan gives us 40 gold. (almost entire treasury)
Peace with Russia, Cathy gives us 15 gold. (almost entire treasury)
Egypt will not meet with us.
1960 We sink 3 Egyptian ships and raze a city.
Peace with Egypt for 140 gold + 2 gpt.
Trade incense to Egypt for 34 gpt.
1961-1969 MMWM researching for space ship building, learning a tech every 4 years. Building SS parts as learned.
1970 Gojkyville completes SS Storage. Gojkyville starts bulding an army as Place holder.
1971 1 year till we learn lasers.
(I) We learn Lasers.
Ask to look at big picture
Change to Domestic Advisor
Find Gojkyville and change from Army to Pary Lounge.
Frankfort completes Exterior Casing.
Gojkyville completes PP
Space Ship Launches
German Victory
Here it is if you want to see the win follow the above steps
(I) Lose supply of Ivory.
Japan declares war on France, MPP kicks in and we declare war on France
1950 Gojkyville switched to SS Thrusters.
(I) England and Russia alliance against us. England declares war on us.
1951 MMWM
(I) Persia attacks Japan. MPP causes us to declare war on Persia.
1952 MMWM
(I) We lose Supply of Silk. Redo deal with Babylon for Silk.
Persia & Japan make peace.
Egypt attacks Japan. MPP males us declare war on Egypt.

1953 prepare to launch an assault vs Egypt to get gems

(I) Japan declares war on Persia.

(I) Persia lands an invasion force consisting of 2 infantry, 1 rifleman and a longbow.
1955 We send 40 artillery pieces and 10 mech infantry to repel the Persian attack, we are sucessful. I was worried I might have to use one of our armies

1956 We capture Pi-Rameses and have a nice supply of gems.
(I) France wants peace, we have 2 turns left on MPP with Japan, so I put Joan off.
1958 We make peace with England.
(I) Egypt Japan sign peace agreement.
1959 MPP with Japan expires.
Peace with Persia they give us 60 gold. (almost entire treasury)
Peace with France, Joan gives us 40 gold. (almost entire treasury)
Peace with Russia, Cathy gives us 15 gold. (almost entire treasury)
Egypt will not meet with us.
1960 We sink 3 Egyptian ships and raze a city.
Peace with Egypt for 140 gold + 2 gpt.
Trade incense to Egypt for 34 gpt.
1961-1969 MMWM researching for space ship building, learning a tech every 4 years. Building SS parts as learned.
1970 Gojkyville completes SS Storage. Gojkyville starts bulding an army as Place holder.
1971 1 year till we learn lasers.
(I) We learn Lasers.
Ask to look at big picture
Change to Domestic Advisor
Find Gojkyville and change from Army to Pary Lounge.
Frankfort completes Exterior Casing.
Gojkyville completes PP
Space Ship Launches

Here it is if you want to see the win follow the above steps