• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Ummah Al Salaam cuts all major communications with the outside Phylas and has locked down its habitat until further notice, stating that they are commencing preparations for colonization and will restore comms post-landing.
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The Captain of the Unity notes that taking such an option will bar them from energy supplies and molecular feed system in the rest of the ship until communication is restored.
The Captain of the Unity

In the interest of halting weapon smuggling and stockpiling running rampant throughout the ship, will be instating a system of checkpoints and drone patrols along the Spine, aided by the Keepers in this endeavor.

Please submit to a brief scan by participating Planetfall authority, after which you will receive a temporary pass to prevent the Mechanical Hound from seizing you in the Spine. There will be 24 checkpoints in all, located in front of each Habitat module.

Speaking of smuggling, any who report supposedly defunct but still functioning printer or an illegal tap into to molecular feed system will be rewarded well.
The Security Council of the Workers' Syndicate has partially declassified court records regarding the recent trials of 7 high-ranking members of the Mikhailov administration who were charged per the Syndicate Penal Code for the crime of reckless endangerment of life support systems in regards to their military actions leading up to the energy crisis on Unity. The defense initially argued for the charges to be thrown out on the basis that the Unity engine is not a life support system in its own right. What constitutes a life support system is however only vaguely definied in the Syndicate Penal Code and the judge ruled in favor of the prosecution who argued that the engine provides the means to keep life support systems running which implies the engine itself is an essential part of Unity's life support system. At trial, a defense of executive immunity was presented instead but eventually struck down as it had basis only in antiquated legislation that had not been enforced in over a century. 6 of the 7 defendants were found guilty, including Mikhailov, and sentenced to time in prison. The length of the sentences are specified to be in year(s) but the details remain classified.

To prepare for planetfall, the Executive Directorate has issued an order to convert prison sentences for low-risk criminals into supervised community service. "We believe that the best way for these men and women to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Syndicate is to work towards our safe arrival on Planet", said Director Sørensen in a brief statement. This program includes the Mikhailov Six who are not deemed a danger to society in their current capacity.
<< Tianji >>
The Plan Epsilon

The report titled fluttered into life upon Xiaoying's documentary-tablet. Plan "E", it said plainly, using the greek symbol for epsilon. She sighed heavily and started browsing the plan details, waiting for Dr. Zhu and Da Meng, with whom she was to meet for a consensus. The other members of the clique - Jiang Diao, Wang Kaimin, Liu Faoshing, and the Köng (as he insisted to be known), were busy with important other tasks related to reining in the Politburo during this time of upheaval. The fallout of the spine warfare and the difficulty incorporating some of the ex-worker's syndicalists (who, for some reason, viewed the Politburo as "undemocratic and capitalistic" - whatever that meant) had caused a buzz in the General Assembly, and the otherwise stable harmony of the Habitat had been clearly disrupted. This, Dr. Zhu told the rest of the SC in a terse address, was what they had been training for. Now was the time for the SC to demonstrate its vision and integrity, keep the peace, and protect the people of Tianji.

That's all well and good, thought Xiaoying, thirstily draining her headache medicine, but we're all trapped in a submarine-cum-mental asylum for the next 194 days.

"The Commissary is expected to publish a report of supplies and maintenance later today." Xiaoying heard Da's voice, sharp and clear, as the door to the meeting room opened.

They were not meeting in the Club today, as they had not done since Xiaoying's initiation, but rather were making use of their amenities in the Politburo offices. After all that had happened, Xiaoying had come to grow rather fond of her office, where she spent most of her working hours, staring out the window at the arboretum, where gardeners and farmers tended to be busy at all different times of day or "night." It had a sort of pacifistic and orderly feel, which more than usually helped her relax.

"Yes, I hope that the rumors aren't true," said Dr. Zhu, entering the room behind Da Meng. "I was hoping we could meet with Captain Alaria today, but I'm afraid she might be too busy."

Xiaoying stood up and bowed respectfully, and they did the same for her.

"Comrade Deng," said Dr. Zhu. "I hope you are doing well."

"And you as well, Comrade Zhu," she replied evenly. "I have received Comrade Da's report and have been perusing it just now."

"Yes, Kong and I finished putting that together last night, after news broke of the missing supplies and the rumors came through," said Da Meng, sitting herself down at the table and flicking her fingers at some auxiliaries. Lights started popping up around the tables and walls, displaying the plan details, as the door closed and locked itself automatically. Almost as if as an after thought, she smiled her serpentine smile at Xiaoying, and added, "Good morning, Comrade Deng."

Xiaoying appreciated this gesture although she did not feel it was absolutely necessary. Straight to business, she felt. "And to you. I've only had time to read the abstract and the conclusion. Are you certain about your conclusions?"

"In a way, I am," she said, adjusting her spectacles. "In another way I am not. The major problem with the Plan is expressed in Section C, but given projection of resource shortages and other weaknesses it's a solution worth considering, as expressed in Section B."

Dr. Zhu grimaced and scratched his chin. "I feel skeptical about this proposal. It seems to me we lack the resources to ensure that it can work without endangering the Habitat to extinction. I read the plan thereof in Section A, but-"

Xiaoying felt her mind trailing off, so to catch up, she lighted her docu-tab and checked the table of contents:

Classified to the Inner Circle of the Politburo: a modest proposal for alternative settlement

Abstract. - How it can be accomplished, why it must be accomplished.
Section A.
How the resources available to Habitat 9 and the habitat module can be made to function as a contained habitat on Epsilon-V.
Section B. How dangers posed by external phyle influence and uncertainties resulting the long-term settlement prospects of Planet, and the resource needs of the phyle, encourage a targeted solution to resolve these problems.
Section C. How the environment of Epsilon-V poses risk of extinction.
Section D. Conclusion. Preparations to detach from Tongyi and land on Epsilon-V independently should be made and efforts to construct the supporting infrastructure thereof would assist settling Habitat-9 in any similar zero-atmosphere environment, with appropriate modifications for the magnetic shielding.

She looked up again, and now she saw that Da Meng was talking.

"The magnetic shielding around Epsilon-V is unique in the area, especially with the unknown radiation influences in the area and the overall peculiarities of all the rocky bodies around them. Atmospheric containment is therefore the only major concern, as well as resistance or contingency for tectonic or volcanic interference. We can mass-produce atmosphere suits from the prototypes we already have, and rely on mineral extraction and geothermal energy to build robust facilities with high population-reclamation rates in the event of a disaster..."

The "Zhu suit", Dr. Zhu's invention of a multi-functional, comfortable space suit capable of surviving zero-gravity and zero-atmosphere environments. Mostly useful within the Spine, its usefulness in deep space is limited as it lacks extensive radiation protection. The support of larger magnetic fields, typically meant to be generated by the host-station or host-body, is required for maximum functionality in hostile space environments.

Dr. Zhu held up a hand at this point. "That is sufficient for any disaster which causes damage to the auxiliary facilities, but the primary habitat will require constant maintenance and active disaster contingencies under that schematic."

Da Meng inclined her head. "Acknowledged, but that's the price we would have to pay. Constant vigilance."

"Sounds tiring," said Xiaoying.

Da Meng and Dr. Zhu both looked at her, Da with a little glint of annoyance in her eyes, but Dr. Zhu chuckled.

"Good point, if tersely made," he said, leaping off of it. "We came to this new System to find a home, not a fortified worksite in a hostile hell-scape."

"It will indeed be 'tiring,'" said Da Meng slowly, keeping her eyes trained on Xiaoying for a second before looking back at Dr. Zhu. "But unfortunately this entire situation is tiring."

Dr. Zhu nodded. "That's why we should seek a solution that admits the greatest possibility of success with the least effort. Water moves effortlessly, Comrade Da. Be like the water."

Da Meng pursed her lips and looked back at the screens, lost in thought for a moment, while Xiaoying looked at the projected images of Epsilon-V: the volcanic, metallic planet with the strong magnetic field.

"This is not meant to be a long-term solution, right?" She said, cautiously.

Da Meng looked over at her. "It's a short-term solution meant to grant us an environment protected from the most dangerous thing in this system: other people."

Xiaoying nodded slowly. "So, in that case... this would not be a permanent settlement for the entire phyle."

"That is the idea, yes. We would support the expansion of future operations from Epsilon-V as an interim base of operations. The possibility to abuse tectonic heating caused by Super-Jovus for power, the richness of the metals in the base... as well as the very hypothetical possibility of mining hydrogen and helium from Super-Jovus itself."

Dr. Zhu waved that off. "That's far too hypothetical to consider at this point."

Da Meng pursed her lips again, but continued. "The volcanic and tectonic activity would need to be monitored. We have the technology for that. It wouldn't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is, hm?"

They sat in silence for a few moments, Da Meng looking between them earnestly, Dr. Zhu scratching his chin, and Xiaoying's imagination floating off.

"Well," said Dr. Zhu, "I have to say I do not think this plan should be our primary strategy. I'd like to hold off on any such absolute pronunciations until we have had a chance to meet with Captain Alaria. And as a contingency, it sounds reckless... too reckless." He turned to Xiaoying. "What do you think, Comrade Deng?"

Xiaoying snapped to her senses again, blinking. "Well, uh..."

She thought for a moment. The idea that they might have to have a plan to deal with sudden destabilization on the Tongyi had been floating around the phyle since the Worker's Syndicate and the Order Militant went to war in the spine. That embarrassing accident and the division among the phyles indulged the General Assembly's pathological fear of "the unharmonious ones" - or anyone not in the phyle, a "kind" way of referring to outsiders, and they cried out for some assurance that the Tianji would not pin its survival on the goodwill of its fellows. Within the Politburo, the attitude was a little different: it was assumed that the other phyles did not want to perish either, but the idea that they lacked the self-control to avoid that outcome was enough to give all of them pause.

Hence... Contingency Plan "E."

"It seems to me," said Xiaoying slowly, "that the people want to know that there is a contingency plan in case something goes to horsehocky in the next 194 days. As brutal as these methods are, they are logical, and the situation will surely be different if something devastating happens to the Tongyi. We will be left to fend for ourselves and make do with what we can. In light of that..." she took a deep breath, "I think the adoption of these contingency preparations will give us the means we need to react to disaster, and forge our own path if the need becomes preeminent. We should always be prepared."

Dr. Zhu nodded respectfully, and Da Meng cracked a slow smile.

"That is my thinking as well," she said. "We can apply these preparations to a number of airless bodies in the system, and give ourselves a fighting chance if catastrophe sees fit to strike."

"Well, then," said Dr. Zhu. "It seems we are decided. We shall pursue these contingency operations, as we continue to wait and watch."

Da Meng stood, and started pulling images off the wall, looking somewhat pleased with herself. "This will be quite a relief to me as we meet with Captain Alaria later today. By the way, are you coming with us, Comrade Deng?"

She blinked. "I wasn't aware I had been invited."

"Rubbish," said Da Meng. "You're one of us. I think you'd make a fine member of our delegation."

Dr. Zhu added, "I think it's a good idea for you to meet Captain Alaria. You may like her."
To: All Phyles aboard the Unity
From: Sarvesh Mhasalkar, Phyle Affairs Committee

Namaste. In these tense times and as we come closer to Planet we believe we should do something to help the morale of all about the Unity. Therefore we suggest a Planetfall Mela. A Mela, or festival, is a community event featuring games, food, tests of skills, plays and music along with vendors for a one week duration. We would like to either send a travelling troupe or would be willing to have visitors for the next week. We ask that if we travel we request security be provided. If people instead want to come to our community we ask they can submit to security before entering our community. We know that there is not many resources to spare so only contribute what you can spare. We ask the Crown and other Phyles to assist with security patrols.
This measure has the Crown and the Captain's approval in the endeavor.

We would like for UaS to provide physical security within the Habitats that the fair will happen, or otherwise coordinate with the existing security forces of the habitats. We fear our forces are being stretched too thin.
Ummah Al Salaam has completed its preparations and has restored general communications with all of Unity. We will distribute information of the festival to our population, and provide an appropriate security detail for the event. May Al-ah, blessed be his name, smile upon us and grant us a moment of reprieve from the difficult hardships we have faced - and will face onward in the times to come.

Additionally, as a general announcement: The Mosque of New Mecca remains ever open to all believers of the faith of peace. We welcome you, your families, and your friends - to attend the weekly khuṭbah for the duration of our flight towards our new home. Let the blessed words of our creator soothe you and steel your mind. Warm meals will be provided along the social activities during the sermon. You are all welcome.
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Inventory of Colonization-Dedicated Materials

Note that as a result of continued human activity in the spine and the discharge of high-voltage weapons therein, a static charge had built up within the spine and caused condensation from people’s breaths, sweat, wounds, and bodies to accumulate as minute droplets of floating water. These followed centrifugal forces out from the spines and into colonization modules where they were able (in conjunction with the redox energy of the static charge) to cause significant corrosion of some materials as well as shorting some finer electric circuits. This, combined with the direct damage to the ship from the violence is represented in the inventory. Additional damaged items also exist.

11 ferries
self-propelled ground to orbit vehicle
seats 250 or comparable cargo
electrically powered using ‘islands of stability’ atomic batteries- will need to be recharged after escaping gravity

4 cargo vehicles
self-propelled ground to orbit vehicle
hauls cargo (120m^3 volume)
electrically powered using ‘islands of stability’ atomic batteries- will need to be recharged after escaping gravity

11 command modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle (ablation shields, parachutes, fins, etc)
25MW fission atomic plant (25 years uranium fuel)
communications suite (satellite uplink)
standard optical computing systems

5 atomic energy modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
75MW fission atomic plant (8 years uranium fuel)

2 fossil fuel energy modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
fossil fuel plant (no fuel)

3 solar energy modules (1 damaged module could be recovered but requires repairs and printing of parts)
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
solar energy plant

2 security modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
deploys las-cannon based defensive security system (requires energy)
deploys rho-field shields (requires energy)

2 quantum computing modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
advanced quantum computer (capable of 40 simultaneous superpositions, zettaflop scale processing)

9 construction modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
dedicated construction drones and tele-operated robots (bulldozers, cranes, etc)
command center for controlling these is modular and can operate from surface or orbit
charging station (will require energy input from a reactor or other source)

2 drilling modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
dedicated drilling drones and tele-operated robots (drills, pipe-assembly, etc) for recovering hydrocarbons
command center for controlling these is modular and can operate from surface or orbit
charging station (will require energy input from a reactor or other source)

3 printer fabrication modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
small scale molecular printing system (requires energy)
molecular intake systems (requires access to liquids with dissolved macromolecules- on earth these were typically the sea)

2 automated factory modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
small automated (conventional) factory (requires materials, energy)

8 land exploration vehicle modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
contains 3 electric ‘rover’ vehicles equipped with sensor and communication equipment (cannot be used in mountainous terrain)

2 naval exploration vehicle modules
passive atmospheric entry vehicle
contains 2 electric ‘corvette’-scale ships equipped with sensor and communication equipment

3 orbital surveillance satellites
deployed from Unity directly
wide-spectrum observational satellite accessible from Unity habitats and colonization command modules
limited solar energy generation for maintenance of satellite

2 orbital solar energy generation satellites
deployed from Unity directly
can be used to recharge ferry or cargo vehicles or serve as the basis for further development of orbital space
limited surveillance and communication

Other materials, like greenhouses, residences, labs, suits, (weapons?), were anticipated to be fabricated at the time of arrival depending on local conditions.
Tianji (Habitat 9) will maintain its previous lock-down status, though as stated will allow exceptions for individuals qualified by the Politburo itself. Applicants for joining the General Assembly will be vetted according to their past service in other phyles. We expect to continue to be granted our fair share of resources apportioned by the Commissary of the Unity.
The Captain of the Unity

Requests that the phyles expressly claim whether or not they will be working in close proximity with other factions on the ground to establish a joint settlement, or otherwise settlements who desire close interactions with each other, as well as what they would like to pursue as immediate goals upon Planetfall.

The Crown would want to maintain the supply of nanites necessary for our augments, and focus upon immediate survival and setting up of a colony by securing an energy supply. We are interested in close cooperation with Tianji and Atlas-Mitsubishi.
Senior O'Neil of the Outermost

We would like to extend an offer to the Keepers of the Ossuary for a joint colony on Mount Erebus. (Not sure which large mountain blob I want, leaning towards the northern one but would happily take the southeastern or midwestern one instead). We will be aiming to make our colony self-sufficient, beginning with constructing a geothermal plant for energy and building underground for protection from the storms and possibly hostile wildlife.
Atlas Mitsubishi headquarters will be co-located with Tianji and the Autumn Kingdom. But we are willing to open offices with whomever will have us. You never know when you'll need advanced medical or computing assurance!
Regarding Quantum Computing Nodes and Security Modules--

These two modules are of questionable value to survival on the planet (although we may be wrong and there may be, I don't know, dinosaurs or something and maybe somebody just *needs* to process zetaflops of data) and as such the Crown suggests that it be awarded to multiple phyles working in close proximity to each other at once to be shared between them.
The Keepers of the Ossuary will gladly travel to the Surface at Starfall with the Outermost. We request, however, that other phyles will allow us to maintain a small presence within your settlements so that we may properly and respectfully see to your dead.

Additionally, the Keepers of the Ossuary request Custodianship of the Unity, to maintain our ancient and sacred duties. We will watch the stars to stand against what might harm those below, and we will maintain the Unity until such time as Humanity needs her again.

Printer Hacks:

Unauthorized molecular feed and power usage drop off dramatically in the wake of the discovery of illicit printing. It seems fear of discovery is enough to stop the instigator from continuing their illicit activity.
The Workers' Syndicate would be interested in cooperation with the Communalist Confederacy upon planetfall, as we believe our two phyles share many common goals and ideals even if we may disagree on ways to implement some of those goals in the long-term. Our vision is clear: a self-sufficient socialist community governed by the workers for the workers, building on our strong military traditions to ensure the safety of our settlement while also employing a more diverse workforce as a result of the temporary demilitarization program which has reduced the size of our armed forces. We cannot currently reveal any plans in regards to preferred landing sites and the like as consensus has not yet been reached between the Directorate and the Security Council, and it is something we are open to discuss with any potential cooperation partners aswell.
Quantum computers are our bread and butter so we'd like to have one. We're also members of a big settlement and every other settlement that'll have us. As an act of good will we'll also make it available for everyone without fear nor favour and for a low low price!
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We're also offering to establish a trust for all the shipping we probably won't agree on how to distribute. We'll run it for the public good and a low low profit. It'll have nice clear rules for operation and you know you can trust us to do right by them because we hold contracts to be sacred writ! Some of you could also sit on the board to keep us even more honest than we already are.
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We're also prepared to setup a mediation service between Phyles! Our courts will use the sacred and hallowed Delaware Uniform Commercial Code and we'll create perfect replicant copies of the greatest jurists ever to have lived - Scalia, Rehnquist, Freisler, Vyshinsky and Robespierre - to adjudicate!
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