ExtraModMod continued

From my understanding, puppets last until the end of turn. They copy promotions of their summoner, so they should still have summoner promotion, right? Do Puppet’s summon last for 2 turn?

I believe yes, unless you are summoning something out of the list that I mentioned earlier.

"Random Evil Leader"

Ouch. Did you have Revolutions enabled? Do you know whether that guy was there at the beginning?

I'm having some problems with the installation. I've installed Fall From Heaven 2 and the o patch, and I can run the normal mod without issues. [...]

Thanks for the report. I don't know how to fix this, it seems that the registry entry that the installer uses to find the Civ4 directory is not present. Please try the zip version in the future.
Did anybody successfully used the installer with the steam version?
Ouch. Did you have Revolutions enabled? Do you know whether that guy was there at the beginning?

No he was a revolution, and an utterly unsuccessful one, so I didn't have much of a chance to observe him "in the wild"
For some reason game options (raging barbarians etc.) aren't saving for me. Could be because I had to jump through several hoops to get the mod to work in the first place, the only thing i eventually got to work was extracting base FfH2 to C:/Mods/Fall From Heaven 2, running the installer, moving the EMM folder to its proper location and then copying the contents of the FfH2 folder to it without overwriting. IME Civ4 mods really dislike Steam installations so that might have something to do with it, but I can run Terkhen's EMM and base FfH2 without any issues.

Also holy crap.

E: Oh, and is there any way to disable specific extra leaders? I don't mind the rest but I really dislike the extra Barbarian ones.

E2: Python Exception upon promoting Corlindale to Creation II, mousing over the spell or giving him orders would cause it to reoccur although he would still execute them, with the exception of spells/abilities which I couldn't use.
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E: Oh, and is there any way to disable specific extra leaders? I don't mind the rest but I really dislike the extra Barbarian ones.
As you dont seem to get competent answers (I know approximately nothing about EMM):
Normally you can do that by changing the CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml file. It looks like this:
And if you dont want Decius as leader for Bannor you can remove the Decius part:
As you dont seem to get competent answers (I know approximately nothing about EMM):
Normally you can do that by changing the CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml file. It looks like this:
And if you dont want Decius as leader for Bannor you can remove the Decius part:
That seems to have done the trick. Much appreciated!

E: Managed to replicate the Creation 2 Python Exception with a regular Mage, except this time I was able to cast other spells.

E2: Is it normal for a Mobius Witch to spawn without any spell promotions? Even a L1 Adept gets one freebie, so it's kind of weird.
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For some reason a bunch of normal units are being labeled as "domestics" by the military position/density overlay (e.g. the Stygian Guard and Myconoid in this image)


  • Domestics.png
    1.8 MB · Views: 1,844
I'm not sure how much it has to do with EMM or even FfH2 but I've had multiple instances of absolutely insane clusters of luxury resources. This is on large fractal with Blessing of Amatheon on. It seems mostly to happen with dyes, and while I suspect the fact they only spawn on jungles has something to do with it this still seems rather excessive, especially considering the map had a much larger jungle that was nothing like this (pretty much the entire unsettled area north of Kurios).


E: Comparison: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....711/BDE3F9C620E187FB992D4AB5D872DFB3E5F9298A/

In retrospect even that seems terribly cluttered, they're much more evenly spread out and while it's offset by the fact jungles suck I might just turn double bonuses off in the future.
eh... the first piture is strange.. but the second seems normal for a double bonus map
That isn't really a view I look at on most maps so I don't really have much to compare to despite the ample hours poured into FfH2 and EMM, and so far I haven't felt bonus resources feel excessive, but looking at that picture it's really weird how uniformly they're distributed. Maybe that's by design to avoid situations like the one in the first screenshot, but, eh. I didn't even know what the "bonuses" Blessing of Amatheon refers to were until somewhat recently.

Anyhow, without the first screenshot I probably would've never noticed the second, and while I can't say with 100% certainty I never saw it happen previously it's happened at least twice in the current version. The game I took the screenshot from also had a riverside spot that could reach a half dozen cotton/silk tiles which, while rare, isn't something I've never seen before, especially since it was clearly two clusters of two different resources that just happened to be in range of each other.
For some reason game options (raging barbarians etc.) aren't saving for me. Could be because I had to jump through several hoops to get the mod to work in the first place, the only thing i eventually got to work was extracting base FfH2 to C:/Mods/Fall From Heaven 2, running the installer, moving the EMM folder to its proper location and then copying the contents of the FfH2 folder to it without overwriting. IME Civ4 mods really dislike Steam installations so that might have something to do with it, but I can run Terkhen's EMM and base FfH2 without any issues.
I have no idea what could cause this. Are you playing other mods in the meantime? In any case, Steam users should probably install the mod via archive, not via setup. I made a note in the first post.

Fixed, thanks. That wasn't even the correct repository.

E2: Is it normal for a Mobius Witch to spawn without any spell promotions? Even a L1 Adept gets one freebie, so it's kind of weird.
I think they should start with several random spheres. I'll check this.

Anyhow, without the first screenshot I probably would've never noticed the second, and while I can't say with 100% certainty I never saw it happen previously it's happened at least twice in the current version. The game I took the screenshot from also had a riverside spot that could reach a half dozen cotton/silk tiles which, while rare, isn't something I've never seen before, especially since it was clearly two clusters of two different resources that just happened to be in range of each other.
I'm pretty sure there were no recent changes affecting resource spread. Did you always use the same map script?
I'm not sure how much it has to do with EMM or even FfH2 but I've had multiple instances of absolutely insane clusters of luxury resources. This is on large fractal with Blessing of Amatheon on. It seems mostly to happen with dyes, and while I suspect the fact they only spawn on jungles has something to do with it this still seems rather excessive, especially considering the map had a much larger jungle that was nothing like this (pretty much the entire unsettled area north of Kurios).


E: Comparison: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....711/BDE3F9C620E187FB992D4AB5D872DFB3E5F9298A/

In retrospect even that seems terribly cluttered, they're much more evenly spread out and while it's offset by the fact jungles suck I might just turn double bonuses off in the future.
I wonder if the Tomb of Seculus multiplies resources around it on map generation. That would be cool from a lore perspective.

Speaking of which, I feel like something fun should happen if I bring a Patrian Artifact to the Remnants of Patria
I wonder if the Tomb of Seculus multiplies resources around it on map generation. That would be cool from a lore perspective.

Speaking of which, I feel like something fun should happen if I bring a Patrian Artifact to the Remnants of Patria
I second this!
I have no idea what could cause this. Are you playing other mods in the meantime? In any case, Steam users should probably install the mod via archive, not via setup. I made a note in the first post.

Just EMM. I tried again and for whatever reason I got the intended installation method to work. Weird. Anyway, the issue persists, from what I can see there's an issue either parsing or writing the CivilizationIV.ini file - I most likely had one from the previous EMM installation, and it had a part called GameOptions followed by a bunch of 0s and 1s (on and off for each option I presume). I removed the file and as I expected a new one got created, but it's missing that part entirely. There's nothing in the file that seems to point towards the game options.

Map settings, difficulty and victory conditions OTOH get properly saved and are listed in the file.

I think they should start with several random spheres. I'll check this.
Usually they do, yeah, but sometimes I get blanks. I'll see if the issue persists the next time I roll Sheaim.

I'm pretty sure there were no recent changes affecting resource spread. Did you always use the same map script?

Pretty much, yeah.

E: Also, uh, are animals supposed to do that?
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amusing... don't let gorillas play with flaming axes !!

for me the wrong model on units often appear when I use "low graphics" option. as soon as the unit is in it's "rest position" I get non-FFH graphics. but it's ok
Are you referring to the unit using the wrong model? I get that a lot on the map, but I don't think I've ever seen it give the wrong model in that window.
Nah, that happens all the time since I have all settings minimized so I'm used to it. It's certainly the first time I've seen a wild animal pick up an item though.
Reposting here from here (https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/extramodmod.486227/page-73#post-15904402) as suggested

Hey guys,

I've been asked to look at this (I haven't played with this yet, busy coding & playing my own MOD) but I hear it's working very very well in multiplayer ! Great to hear !

The question asked - on the map WorldOfErebus, starting distances between players are often too small.
As anyone encountered this issue and look at solving this? It'd be good if anyone can share his changes here...

Having a look myself :
The traditional 'assignStartingPlot' function calls the custom-made 'SetStartingPlots' (line 5559)
def assignStartingPlots():

    gc = CyGlobalContext()
    gameMap = CyMap()
    iPlayers = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()

'SetStartingPlots' just really decide which players gets which but doesn't decide where exactly besides calling FindStartingPlot in the class Starting Area (line 5670)
It defines areas cleanly and sets how many players can have each area (this is a factor)
        for startingArea in chosenStartingAreas:
            for i in range(startingArea.idealNumberOfPlayers):
                del shuffledPlayers[0]

The class 'StartingArea' (line 5718) defines all of it.
It creates a list of all acceptable plots with the function 'CalculatePlotList' (line 5736)
Then it will do 'FindStartingPlot' sort all the plots and put them in 'BestPlot'

Since it does a loop for each player (line 5896)
        for n in range(numPlayers):

I'm thinking you can maybe put a negative value for proximity to a starting plot already decided (line 5968 AND 6021)
Am not sure if it can be defined at this stage but I think if you fill in a list with already decided startingPlots then it should work
                    #value -= proximityToOtherStartingPlot

                    valueMod = northMod * westMod * edgeMod

                    value *= valueMod
                    if value > bestValue:
                        bestValue = int(value)
                        bestSpot = m

Anyone already had or willing to look at this?
Unfortunately FFH2 doesn't work on my current PC so any pointer for my friends would be super welcome.
That seems to have done the trick. Much appreciated!

E: Managed to replicate the Creation 2 Python Exception with a regular Mage, except this time I was able to cast other spells.

E2: Is it normal for a Mobius Witch to spawn without any spell promotions? Even a L1 Adept gets one freebie, so it's kind of weird.
I just realized that I observed what I think is the same error earlier on an infernal mage: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/extramodmod-continued.646778/page-7#post-15827050
Is there any particular reason golems can't take items from other units? They still get the benefit of passive bonuses and can pick them up from the ground + non-golem units can take items from them, so as far as I can tell the only real effect this has is the fact you can't easily give a golem items outside friendly territory since dropping items is disabled, but if you want to pass Orthus' axe around while smacking an enemy stack with your own that still works as long as the previous holder dies, so there's no significant difference from other civs/units. In a pinch you can even disband the current holder since that circumvents the "has already cast this turn" / no-drop limitation.

Another quirk that has been around since at least Terkhen's EMM (it's been quite a while since I've played vanilla FfH2) is raging barbarians sometimes going absolutely bananas when spawning next to a barbarian civ, I just had my neighboring Calabim taken out 100-ish turns into the game, when I moved in to loot the spoils my two cities were assaulted by stacks of 2-3 barbs almost every single turn. 99%+ of the time sticking two warriors per city at the start basically makes it impervious to random barbs (directly anyway, protecting improvements / workers is an entirely different matter), this time I could barely hold the city itself with three.

I'm not sure but I've also noticed the AI seems to be overtly cautious with lairs now, it's certainly an improvement over the iteration where they basically treated dungeons as goody huts (and often promptly annihilated themselves, and/or me) but having ruins, barrows or goblin forts inside their borders, sometimes directly adjacent to a city, 200-300 turns into an epic game doesn't seem quite right either. Sometimes I even see graveyards and those have a very real chance of handing out free techs. In lairs' case there's at least a case to be made about slaves / exp, but that still doesn't explain the graveyards. I'm also fairly sure I haven't seen the AI touch uniques once in this version, although considering how even a regular high-level lair can spit out werewolves that's probably for the best.
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