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Fairy Tale

Patience, man. :p I released Patch 2a just two days ago. I need to have more before the next patch. Right now it's only the civilopedia texts for all the leaders, some units and some balancing I've done on the next patch.

There will be no Civilopedia. If you cut out one vanilla leader, you will have to cut out several of his diplomacy references as well. That would take me days, since it is a detail job that I don't feel up to. I am a patient man, but I am not a god who desires to work on small diplomatic references for half an eternity.

All lore info, leader info and probably unit info as well will be published in the html manual instead which is included with the download from Patch 2a. I don't give a damn about that Civilopedia crap anymore. It is just needlessly complicated and really badly done and freakin' ugly too by the way. I won't change my mind either, beacuse I'm really pissed at the Civilopedia right now!


Edit: Then it started CtD'ing too. I reverted back to version 2a and undid all my latest useless work with the bloody Civilipedia. Two days of useless workm therefore. I need a break from this now.

Edit 2: There. Three episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation calmed me down. I'm back in business. Me and my little lady are on Season 6 watching TNG.
You should try Sevopedia. Everyone else had problems with the idiotic original civilopedia, so most mods use that one.
Sevopedia? I've only heard it mentioned. Thank you ever so kindly for that tip. I WILL check that out!

Right now, I'm doing other stuff, but have been having my mind dwell upon the blasted Civilopedia. For, somehow, to me, a Civ mod indeed seems unfinished without it. I will check Sevopedia out!
Hey Le Sage I have been checking out your mod and it looks really nice; I especially love the musical tracks....a nice change of pace from the usual Civ4 stuff.

Anyway, I recently merged FT with the BUG (BtS Unaltered Gameplay) Mod Version 4.3 (which includes the Sevopedia) and it works quite well. The key to the merge is this: instead of using Python to limit the Techs that can be researched, you can do it through XML, namely the Civ4TechInfos.xml file. In each Tech listed there is a Boolean tag called <bDisable>0</bDisable> ; simply change the value of this tag to "1" for each tech you want to prevent it being researched in the game. This has the advantage of enabling you to fine tune what techs you want to prevent from being researched in the game.

Well, I hope this will prove useful; I have a modified FT Civ4TechInfos.xml file if you are interested.
Seems like you have done quite a job, actually. I would be very much interested in seeing what you have done, and then merging Fairy Tale with BUG. It would be an excellent update to the mod, methinks. You can write me directly at LeSage777@windowslive.com.
The Princess

Here is the new Princess. SaibotLieh has changed his Modern Great Spy to make her more Fairy Tale Princess like and here she is in all her glory, leading her guards into battle against Barbarian skeletons. In Fairy Tale, the Princess is not a weak little lady who sits around trapped in some castle and waits for some noble prince to come rescue her from th eevil dragon. In this mod she fights the dragons herself; she storms city walls and slaughters enemy soldiers. She is a powerful offensive unit, and SaibotLieh's work reflects that. She brandishes a sword when fighting, she looks cool and still she has all the princess details that are proper in a fairy tale world.

She will be in the mod from the next update, but I wanted to show her to the world with these screenshots first. Here's SaibotLieh's Female Great People thread. Keep checking that thread for the best female units for Civ ever! They are all very tasteful yet still all burning HOT!

Yep, SwordOfJustice! The next project is therefore actually to merge this Fairy Tale with BUG. I am currently investigating how to go about it. It doesn't seem too much of a trouble either. BUG will give Fairy Tale Sevopedia and a whole range of other interesting functions as well.
Beta Patch

This is a Beta Patch of my merge of Fairy Tale with BUG. I need some playtesters for it. If you're not prepared to get CtD's and error messages, then don't download this. Wait for stable Version 3 that will be along in a few days. However, if you want to help in the development of Fairy Tale and report bugs and problems, then try this one out.

Please report any problems here on the thread. I did try it out a bit half-heartedly and it did seem alright, but I thought I'd get playtesters to run it through as well. If this works and I get it running OK, I will need to update the mod to Version 3. The new SaibotLieh Princess is also in here, by the way.

Install You need version 2 of the Fairy Tale mod as well as the 2a Patch previously released. Install the Patch to your Fairy Tale folder in the usual manner, overwriting where asked. You also need to delete the CvGameUtils.py in the Python folder!

Download Patch 2b here.
My apologies for not responding sooner Le Sage but as A truck driver its hard to find reliable internet access on the road. I'll check ot the new patch with BUG and see what it has
Now that is something I can actually relate to! I come from a line of truck drivers. My father was a trucker before he was injured in the line of duty. I remember being along to Norway and Sweden when I was a young lad. He drove steel pipes and stuff like that to picturesque villages amongst the Norwegian mountains.

My brother took up that profession as well. He transports goods to and from the European Continent. He drives to places like Italy, France and Spain and sometimes when he calls me, he can be sitting around washing his feet in the historical Mediterranean or resting his eyes on the Austrian Alps. And sometimes I get jealous, since I get to sit here and freeze in the Finnish snow, just because my own chosen line of work is more of a not-so-exciting character.

Great stuff that you will check it out, since you have done this merge before me. My playtest last night showed nothing strange. I am going to add a couple of leaderheads tonight, and hopefully publish the update tomorrow online. I have also added diplomacy music for most nations now.
Now that is something I can actually relate to! I come from a line of truck drivers. My father was a trucker before he was injured in the line of duty. I remember being along to Norway and Sweden when I was a young lad. He drove steel pipes and stuff like that to picturesque villages amongst the Norwegian mountains.

My brother took up that profession as well. He transports goods to and from the European Continent. He drives to places like Italy, France and Spain and sometimes when he calls me, he can be sitting around washing his feet in the historical Mediterranean or resting his eyes on the Austrian Alps. And sometimes I get jealous, since I get to sit here and freeze in the Finnish snow, just because my own chosen line of work is more of a not-so-exciting character.

Great stuff that you will check it out, since you have done this merge before me. My playtest last night showed nothing strange. I am going to add a couple of leaderheads tonight, and hopefully publish the update tomorrow online. I have also added diplomacy music for most nations now.

Oh Nice....currently I do a dedicated run from Texas to Mississippi and back so I see mostly forests and wetlands plus the Mississippi River :D Anyway thx for the update on the Mod will check it out when released.....BTW where did you get your LH pics?
My leaderheads come from the games Oblivion and Morrowind. They are my two favourite RPG genre games. I can create whatever character I want and just "photograph" him/her and then move it into Civ.

When I started out on the mod, I was looking about online for fantasy portraits to use, but there just weren't any to my taste, so I resorted to this strategy instead. Haha! It supplies me with Fantasy leaders OK and to my surprise I haven't seen the same strategy implemented in any mod before.
My leaderheads come from the games Oblivion and Morrowind. They are my two favourite RPG genre games. I can create whatever character I want and just "photograph" him/her and then move it into Civ.

When I started out on the mod, I was looking about online for fantasy portraits to use, but there just weren't any to my taste, so I resorted to this strategy instead. Haha! It supplies me with Fantasy leaders OK and to my surprise I haven't seen the same strategy implemented in any mod before.
Yeah I am amazed that no one has ever thought of that...there's a modpack we need; the ability to create your own leaders....create them similar to any character creator like The Sims 2 or 3 or Oblivion or Morrowind, create their personality and pick traits... have pregenerated leaders of course but being able to create your own would be a BIG step.
Yeah. A Construction Set for Civ. We have Construction Sets in Morrowind and Oblivion, making modding much easier and much more fun too. I was hoping for something like that in Civ 5, but it doesn't seem to be one planned. That's sad. Because modding Civilization is really hard work and I can only guess that a lot of people get turned off already in the beginning stages. It's a needlessly irritating learning process.

Modding leader faces is one of the parts that are the hardest. Luckily today we have loads and loads of modded leader faces, but when Civ 5 comes out there will be nothing and therefore I'm a tad scared of the impressive and massive 3D leaderheads they are bragging about. To me they represent only impossible modding. Maybe I can use Oblivion in the fiver again though. :p

Version 3 of Fairy Tale coming up. If I can only get it over to ModDB!
Yeah. A Construction Set for Civ. We have Construction Sets in Morrowind and Oblivion, making modding much easier and much more fun too. I was hoping for something like that in Civ 5, but it doesn't seem to be one planned. That's sad. Because modding Civilization is really hard work and I can only guess that a lot of people get turned off already in the beginning stages. It's a needlessly irritating learning process.

Modding leader faces is one of the parts that are the hardest. Luckily today we have loads and loads of modded leader faces, but when Civ 5 comes out there will be nothing and therefore I'm a tad scared of the impressive and massive 3D leaderheads they are bragging about. To me they represent only impossible modding. Maybe I can use Oblivion in the fiver again though. :p
Version 3 of Fairy Tale coming up. If I can only get it over to ModDB!

IMHO I think the developers waste far too time on these needlessly elaborate LHs; they eat up computer resources and are not really integral to the gameplay. I would
prefer simpler LHs with the ability to create your own leaders.

Looking forward to FT3.
Version 3

Right-o.Version 3 of Fairy Tale is now ready for download. This is the full download.

For those with Fairy Tale version 2 combined with patch 2a, there is a patch that upgrades the game to version 3. You needn't download the entire 77MB again therefore. Download the patch here.

*SaibotLieh gave me a new Princess. This one is exactly like the previous one, but wields a sword and is more proper as a Fairy Tale Princess. Check her out. She's hot!
*Reset the Map Script Creation. I did some stupid editing on it before. It now works as intended.
*Wrote names for all the Great Engineers.
*Created all buttons for the Dark Elves.
*Heightened costs for Fairy Tale Age techs.
*Added Tech Advanced Sea Warfare.
*Added unit Battleship which is available from Advanced Sea Warfare.
*Added unit Paladin accessible with Cavalry Tactics tech.
*Added Diplomacy Music for all the nations except Elchers and Dal.
*Elchers Diplomusic was changed from the Marseillaise. It's still Vanilla, but the Marseillaise just didn't fit Fairy Tale.
*Added the World Wonder "Eriana's Shrine" (Designed by Hrochland) available from Cavalry Tactics.
*Added the National Wonder "Fire Order" (also designed by Hrochland).
*Gave the Denereans a good early ship, so they now have the option to explore the oceans early on as well, like the Vikings.
*Added two more leaders. One for The Principality and one for Namyr.
*Added the scenario "The Collective Rising".
*Merged Fairy Tale with BUG.
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