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Fall From Heaven Leader's Tale - Auric Ulvin


Fly Fly Away
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Apr 5, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Welcome to another Fall from Heaven Story Succession Game, only 8 years after the last!

This SG is going to tell the story of Auric Ulvin and the Illians and their struggles in the years immediately after the Age of Ice. In particular, it is the story of Ulric's gradual descent into madness and ascent into godhood!

Game: Fall from Heaven 2, patch o (More Naval AI mod)
Leader: Auric Ulvin
Opponents: Beeri Bawl, an Amurite for flavour and the rest random
Difficulty: Emporer
Map: Terra (30% water)?
Size: Large
Speed: Epic
Victory: All Enabled
Options: Aggressive AI, Compact Enforced, No Vassal States, All Unique Features

All turn reports are to be in the form of a story about the events that occurred in that set. Look to Valledia the Even SG, The Torment of Auric Ulvin, Imhotep’s DMI-VII and EverNoob’s Pax Elohim for examples of this. Obviously, gameplay and game decisions will need to be discussed between turns but the turn reports themselves should stick to just the story, the game itself and the tactics needed can be discussed in later posts. The form the story takes is purely up to the person whose turn it is. It may be in the form of a first person account of events that took place, perhaps in the form of a historical document, how about a poem, basically the limit is just our imagination. Sets may be just one turn if the story requires. As more time needs to be taken over the report, it may well be a slow game.

At this stage the roster is Imhotep and myself but happy to take on anyone else who is willing to get into the spirit of the game.

So thoughts on the map, difficulty and size??

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I think Emperor and large with a higher amount of water will be nice. Maybe we should set an event amount of evil and good civs, I always like the tension. Just go with what you think is fine, I trust your choices.
OK a starting position.


I think settling in place might be the way to go. Potentially going 1E gains us a wheat and gets rid of a mountain tile from our BFC but loses the extra production from settling on a plains hill and a silk as well.

I think we are going to be doing plenty of exploring so maybe Agriculture -> Animal Husbandry to get the convert animal skill for scouts to max their life while we hunt for Leptum.

Go warrior x 2 first builds.

What do you think??

I've attached the save so you can check if you can open. If not, I might have to strip the Naval AI mod (or you might have to get ;)).


Tried to open the game, using More Naval AI v2.6.3, but got a crash due to Bad Memory Allocation. The base FfH (patch "o") also CTD. Which version of MNAI did you use?
Yeah, back when I ran an FfH SG over at Realms Beyond, we had big problems with keeping our versions in sync - when one person joined halfway I had to zip my patched FfH folder and send it over to him.
Got a crash ("failed to decompress file") with More Naval AI v2.6.3 too...
You really have a hand for rolling atrocious starts. :/
Righto then, take 2. Check if this one works.

It opens using the bare FfH mod (Kael's path "o", where I have added the Pyre Zombie fix as well). Are you sure you want to use that version?

Anyway, looking at the start, we have brown sheep, brown silk, and brown mana. By tile-gazing, I think there is coast to the west and snow north of the scout. I'd recommend moving the warrior 1SW and the scout 1E, and then either SE or NE, depending on what is exposed.

Some game info:
  • Emperor difficulty
  • Tectonics
    • Large world size
    • Temperate cimate
    • Medium sea level
  • Ancient starting era
  • Epic speed
  • Game options
    • Aggressive AI
    • No technology brokering
    • All unique features
Anyway, looking at the start, we have brown sheep, brown silk, and brown mana. By tile-gazing, I think there is coast to the west and snow north of the scout. I'd recommend moving the warrior 1SW and the scout 1E, and then either SE or NE, depending on what is exposed

Ok good that it opens. Base mod path o is probably the easiest to go with.

Will make suggested moves and repost.
OK made moves. Nothing else really revealed. I'm not against settling in place as we have water, some food, plenty of chopping and production.


Immy, can you open the file? If you can I think we're ready to start getting the tale told!!


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