Fall From Heaven Leader's Tale - Valledia the Even

Are you still looking for a seventh?
Valley of Sucellus
To her royal godliness, Valledia the Even, from her most humble and sincere servant Asius the Exporer.

It was only recenttly I left the capital of Cevedes, where civilization and greatness reigns, when I discovered this amazing land. I travelled South, avoiding the lair of Esus's servant. I was immediatly confounded by herd of great bests. They were unlike any I had seen. They were huge, grey, and calm. They were peacful beasts, living in their secluded clearing in the valley.

Soon after myself and my companions were attacked by another strange beast. It stood on two legs like a man. But it was large and furry and black. It attacked us. My companions were knocked out and I only managed to survive.

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Farther south was a village of people. They were a kind people, but simple. However they had advanced their civilization in an amazing way. They had developed a system for young children to learn the ways of old, so knowledge was passed on effectivley. I am have sent a second letter containing details.

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Now to the east were even greater discoveries. The ancient lore spoke of a vine that grew and channeled arcane powers. We have found one of these, near to the Grey beasts. We named them regents. Though they have great power, we have competition. Only a little to the west dwellled a necromancer. He had found an ancient burial point and wass practicing his dark arts. We were attacked by his servants, but survived. He, however, controls the only entrance to the next valley.

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So we went south to find another valley, and now I have sent you this letter detailing the land of life, the Valley of Sucellus.

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On Cevedes and the Army
Most noble goddess of the Amurites, I, Dain the Caswallan, submit my report on the surrounding lands of Cevedes, and the army I have raised.

Agricultural farming has spread to almost every arable area of the valley, and the Mundane are working to finish the last areas.

I have collected 4 regiments, not including Asius and is men, to defend Cevedes. However, Cevedes is too crowded, so with your approval I will begin to bring together new Amurites, Mundane and Arcane alike, to start a new city.

Your servant,

Dain the Caswallan

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Our warrior has combat III and is healing
A settler is due in 15 turns
We have crafting
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Nice work!

We can probably start cottaging some tiles now we have Education.

Thoughts on settler location? The south is a no go until we have Sanitiation or Blaze, maybe get a warrior exploring west and east and see what the lay of the land is there?

Rex rgis of Ter
stuge - UP
Morganknight - On Deck
Immaculate - OOP until 19th April
I propose another stopping point once we finish researching Arcane Lore.
I assume we'll be going for mining next?
The graveyard had stood upon that forested hill since time immemorial. Nobody in Cevedes knew who had raised those tombstones, or why the people of the bygone ages had seen fit to bury their kinsmen on that particular hill. Some shuddered, when the looming hill was silhouetted by the setting sun, and everybody kept their distance from the cemetery. Even though parts of it had fallen to disrepair during the Winter, the dead had rested in peace through frost and snow.

But one night, the sun having gone behind the mountains long ago, dark shapes
milled between the gravestones. They might have been undead horrors, if it weren't for the shovels. Very few of those who have risen from their rest have sought to return there.

Creeping amidst the ancient graves were the men of one of the warrior regiments from Cevedes. The men had grown bored of their task to defend tthe city, since there had been nothing to defend it from. They had lounged in the barracks or trudged around the city, trying to pass the time. Stories of the warrior groups sent to explore south and east did nothing to ease their restlessness. Those men had aquired great wealth from the tribal villages they had discovered, and great fame from the battles they had fought.

And where ever lots of young, eager men are grouped together and getting bored, ideas will be born. They might not be very wise, but ideas nonetheless. The captain of the group had volunteered them for a patrol in the woodlands surrounding the city. Normally that would have earned him an express trip to some muddy ditch in the fields, but now the regiment started out without grumbling and trekked towards the hill of the dead.

During the march there had been much bashful talk about breaking open the graves and going back to the city with their backs bent under the weight of ancient treasures. The mumbled fairy tales of old fools weren't going to stop them...

Now, brandishing their tools and weapons, they tiptoed amongst the graves, wincing at the sound of their own footsteps. The air atop the hill was heavy with fear, and they could sense an ominous presence there. It was like they were being watched.

In the centre of the boneyard stood a weathered mausoleum, the resting place of some ancient lord. The captain of the troops ordered, with a shaking voice, his troops to break the doors open.

The seal was broken, the doors wrenched ajar, and the captain stepped into the doorway. He took a deep breath and raised his torch above his head to illuminate the burial chamber.

A chill wind blew forth from the tomb and put out the torch. A ghostly figure appeared in the darkness, glowing an unnatural, cold light. It screamed and charged at the captain.

The scream was rather pointless, as nothing could have screamed louder than the warriors gathered outside the doors. They dropped their clubs, the only thought in their heads being "aaAAAaaAAaAAH" or "ohcrapohcrapohcrap". They stampeded into the woods, tripping over the tombstones, tripping over each other. They crawled into any hole they could find, staring at nothing with wide open eyes.

The figure in the mausoleum watched the rush, watched the last man disappear under the trees. Then, as far as non-corporeal creatures can snigger, it sniggered and turned its eyes towards the little dots of light on the plains...
"Robbing a graveyard produces random results."

At least it produces storytelling. And a spectre, which luckily gave one of our warriors 8 exp at 50% odds.

Our explorers have had good luck in battles, decent luck with huts and no luck at all with city sites.

Mining finished, and we have copper, although in a horrible location.


I've marked a possible site for our next city. AH is selected as next tech. We'll want BW after that, what with the amount of forest on this map. I can't say I'm a fan of this map script.

I've built a couple of cottages around Cevedes and the worker should start on some mines next.


IIRC it's three, Rex, and they count to your total limit too. I think it's better to gamble on a tech.
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