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Fall From Heaven Leader's Tale - Valledia the Even

OK some quick notes,

I played the first turn. I had to check a couple of things happened in the save first IBT that I was counting on, they did, so I've left the game at the beginning of Year 1, units unmoved.

I must admit to this being the first turn of 0.31 I've played and settlers obviously now have 4 movement points, so I moved to the hill which would have brought dye in range but it would be better to capture all 3 dye in a city later (and we'd need sanitation) so I moved back to where we started.

Imhotep - UP
EverNoob - On Deck
Rex rgis of Ter
Immaculate (after 19th April)
Got it, will report on Saturday most probably.

Valledia stepped onto the terrace of her "palace". No more than a woodman's cot, Valledia thought, and she was once more reminded of the days of old. The days when Kylorin had come among them and became to them a teacher, a father, a lord of high prowess and great skill. The days of days when the Amurites grew from mere Adepts of the great Archmage to Lords themselves. Yet as she gazed on the rough cut steps in front of her gate the resolve hardened in her: Those days shall be restored ! In fact she would have given all the fair places with all the palaces of the world for the return, nay even for a single glance of Kylorin. The happening of this was unlikely however, if not impossible - only the Gods may know where Kylorin now is. So Valledia broke of her dreaming and came back to the living world, where she had to care with all that was left of the Amurites, and especially with the one thing that might bring back the glory of Kylorin: his strands of magic genius he had planted in every of his children.

In those days the Amurites had built their city upon the banks of the river, with rich fields that waited for new masters. There were tribes in the wilderness, wandering and gathering, living and dieing. When Valledia sent out scouts these tribes wre friendly, but not willing to join the Amurites: They have a life and a fate of their own, and none in Erebus might mingle with it. Yet they gave gifts as a token of friendship, and as they talked together they also told the Amurites some of their own world.

These tribes are were a remnant of the men of old which had wandered in the lands long time before. These men believed that they were set into the world by gods, or as they called them, "the Great". Through twisted tales and history preserved as those they Amurites gathered that there was a God for each province, which could be seen or felt only by the most learned and skilled in the lore of the divine. As Valledia was eager to follow every trace that would bring her people nearer to Kylorin again she accepted to send a child to those tribes so he should learn all that they could teach. And so the Amurites obtained from those steadfast men their first piece of knowledge in this new world...


One of the great strenghts Kylorin had taught the Amurites was organization. Now, as things were, these lessons were not wholly forgotten, yet there were too few of the Amurites to really divide work. So Valledia thought it would be best for the time being to concentrate all powers in one place...


As the swift years after the Age of Ice went by the Amurites prospered, yet strange news reached their ears from time to time. There was a first hint that the slumber of peace the Amurites had known now for long would not last forever. Tales of hordes of evil creatures were whispered, and even of fell beasts seeking for plunder and riches...


And just as the Amurites had brought knowledge about the nearer surroundings and get to know the ways of the wild a little they were caught at unawares by a terror they had not expected:


So the first blood was spilt, and the first mourning was heard at the gates of Valledia's Palace. Yet if they had learned one thing in the bitter years it was the following: That giving up is not an option.

Out of Character:

I stopped playing after 30 as Agricuilture came in. I've selected Crafting next, but no beakers invested yet. Our Scout served as appetizer for the Spider, and scouting showed that we're in a valley only open to the south. We got a nice lot of gold through huts.

Excellent Imhotep!!

Just a note on my experiences of the Creation mapstyle. The barbarians can be brutal so we will have to keep up the military. Popping Mysticism means we can slip in a Elder Council though!

EverNoob - UP
Rex rgis of Ter - On Deck
Immaculate (after 19th April)
In fact I put 4 turns into an Elder Council waiting for our Capital to grow to size 3, then switching to a worker. The Council is still queued up.
I'd avoid going for a religion now. If the barbs are really brutal, our early goals should be a strong military and decent infra to support expansion.
The other thing I want to introduce into this is non-roster participation in the story. I’d love to see people not on the roster throw out their own stories interspersed with Valledia’s tale.

I'll give this a try, though I may not be a regular contributor, being I have not played FfH II. (Though I want to, and bought BtS so I could. Unfortunately, I cannot successfully download the BtS 3.13 patch, let alone FfH.)

{Haiku found in an abandoned Amurite cabin in the years after Awakening. Author unknown.}

In the melting snow,
Fading, no more to be seen,
Kylorin's footprints.
Ozbenno, do you mind posting links to the chapters on the first page? You don't have to, but it would give newcomers more help in viewing it.

Was meaning to do this but haven't gotten around to it, will do today.

Unfortunately, I cannot successfully download the BtS 3.13 patch, let alone FfH.)

Why not? Have you tried a download manager?

{Haiku found in an abandoned Amurite cabin in the years after Awakening. Author unknown.}

In the melting snow,
Fading, no more to be seen,
Kylorin's footprints.


Hey, that's great. Can I steal this and put in the first post?
Kalen was unaccustomed to the heat, as was all the other workers toiling under the blazing sun. During the Age of Ice everyone feared the cold and dreamed of warmth. Now he almost missed the frigid temperatures. He frowned as he glanced over a group of warriors "standing watch" under the shade. It was at times like this that Kalen cursed his non-magical heritage.


In her quest to regain the lost glory of the Amurites, Valledia had decreed that anyone with magical abilities would concentrate on arcane studies. Which of course left the mundanes to do everything else. That was the reason Kalen was stuck tilling the soil under the searing sun. Valledia had assured them that it was only a temporary measure, necessary in these hard times. However Kalen wondered why there were no mundanes on the Elder Council, or any other leadership position for that matter.

Still, he figured being assigned to farming was better than having to explore the wilds. Apparently a party of warriors had recently been ambushed by a giant spider near the blue plants. Having lost so many scouts and warriors to giant spiders, the elders declared the area off limits until the spider infestation could be dealt with.


Things were not so bad for him after all, Kalen thought. But he did wish he had some magical ability, if only to do something about the cursed heat.


Why not? Have you tried a download manager?
The connection keeps getting interrupted.

By download manager, do you mean like the Gameflood assistant? It didn't work very well, although that might be the source file, because when the download completed it said the source file was corrupted (the vanilla version of FfH ). But if there's software that can let you pick up where the download was interrupted, that might solve the problem!

Hey, that's great. Can I steal this and put in the first post?
Why, thank you. Yes, you can.
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