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Fanatican Sunshine Law

Originally posted by tao
If it is elititist by your standard to look at and understand the save, I have no problem being elitist. ;)

(Sarcasm on)
Oh. My bad. I forgot. This is a demo-game. Demo like democracy. Thus many leaders have little or no clue what they are doing. And why they are doing it. Apart from "looking good" to the people. And people have no clue what is going on. And are not really interested. As long as they have the feeling somebody listens to them.

Thus we need more marketing and pr in the game. Each official should have a pr office and a pr advisor. We need graphics, charts, flash animations, videos! And lots of it. Nobody wants to dig to the core of the things. People want entertainment. Next DG we should play as Rome: panem et circenses. :goodjob:
(Sarcasm off)

[Sarcasm on]
Kind sir, would you care to enlighten this unworthy one on what is going on in your province. This most unworthy one has some 40ish hours worth of studies each week, and thus cannot give complete attention to everything that is happening everywhere in the game. Feel free to, say, update your governmental thread.

Paalikles, the clueless non-elitist
[sarcasm off]

On a more serious note:
I am pro this law in general. In fact, I d be happy to see so much as a general overview of a department's situation or how many men at arms there are in a province, etc. Why? Well - if I was to vote for an incompetent official, I could try to take actions to have him or her removed if I knew what they were doing. In regards to the level of detail I feel this proposal has in mind, I am not sure if that is really necessary, but some info is better than no, no?

PS: stating that one applies sarcasm can be a bit rebundant. At least where I come from.
Originally posted by Paalikles
[Sarcasm on]
Kind sir, would you care to enlighten this unworthy one on what is going on in your province. This most unworthy one has some 40ish hours worth of studies each week, and thus cannot give complete attention to everything that is happening everywhere in the game. Feel free to, say, update your governmental thread.
[sarcasm off]

On a more serious note:
I am pro this law in general. In fact, I d be happy to see so much as a general overview of a department's situation or how many men at arms there are in a province, etc. Why? Well - if I was to vote for an incompetent official, I could try to take actions to have him or her removed if I knew what they were doing. In regards to the level of detail I feel this proposal has in mind, I am not sure if that is really necessary, but some info is better than no, no?

PS: stating that one applies sarcasm can be a bit rebundant. At least where I come from.
I work 50ish hours to pay the taxes financing your studies (at least this is how it works in Germany). ;)

Seriously: IMHO you get much much better information by looking at the save file than by looking say at reports in 5 different province threads plus 5 minister threads, done by people with very widely differing competency levels. Don't you rather want to look at "the reality" than at a wide mix of interpretations, maybe tainted by reality distortion fields ;)? It is both faster and more informative.

One serious argument might be, that people want to participate who do not have access to the save/Civ III. I argue, that it would be proper to post polls, instruction threads, etc. at least 49 hours before the turnchats giving "everybody" a good chance to look at a game. And I would in addition prefer that people understand what they are talking about by first-hand experience. But I digress again. This is like in a democracy. :D

PS: As a non-native English speaker, I don't know "rebundant". And dict doesn't either. :(
Originally posted by tao

PS: As a non-native English speaker, I don't know "rebundant". And dict doesn't either. :(

This is a typo. redundant, in this case having the same information in multiple places
I agree with the sentiment behind this law but I do not think this is the answer to our problem. First of all we need LESS laws not MORE laws. I think that if passed this will either generate more CCs or keep good citizens from running for office.

I also think putting all this in one thread would be way too unwieldy - unless each leader was posting a SHORT summary highlighting important things that are going on.

Can't we just start such a thread and encourage leaders to post there? See what happens before carving it in stone?
Originally posted by donsig
I agree with the sentiment behind this law but I do not think this is the answer to our problem. First of all we need LESS laws not MORE laws. I think that if passed this will either generate more CCs or keep good citizens from running for office.

I also think putting all this in one thread would be way too unwieldy - unless each leader was posting a SHORT summary highlighting important things that are going on.

Can't we just start such a thread and encourage leaders to post there? See what happens before carving it in stone?


I agree with some of what you say, but I think a 2x4 is needed. We've got threads for leaders to post summaries right now - their office threads. For the most part, it's not happening. The MFA and MTT, among others, should be commended for their updates! We've got one leader that insists everyone must go through the entire save every time.

-- Ravensfire
Originally posted by ravensfire
In the US, many states have "Sunshine" laws that require most meetings of public officials to be available to the public. The workings of the Government should be available to the People, who elected people to the Government.

-- Ravensfire

Yep. I have to say it. The above quote is from a citizen who wants closed door turn sessions and closed door Judicial Meetings. Another flip on your stance ravensfire? I would think if you truly felt this "sunshine", you would apply it to the way you feel about the Judiciary too. ;)
It is a good idea, but quite simply it is time I and many others here simply do not have. I didnt run for Term 4 because I was lacking in time and that was evident in me giving not as thorough instructions as I did in Term 3. it is not that difficult for a player to figure outwhat was done, or just to figure out the state of Fanatica.

There is also another issue, putting up a summary that has adiversion from the TC instructions can get people CC'ed, something that dosent need to be made easy for "CC Hunters" by making this option.
This final proposal is being reviewed by the Term 5 Judiciary.

Talk about reviving a dead thread from last term...
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