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Ukrainian Conflict - New scenario project - Dev Thread

I was somewhat surprised by your extremely fast experience in mastering TOTPP and learning new game mechanics (initially, just a couple of weeks ago, you positioned yourself as an exclusively MGE user). Usually this takes a little longer. Which is extremely exciting, since you are clearly the new prolific TOTPP scenario designer.

Also, I highly appreciated your ability to separate casual players who, due to circumstances, cannot appreciate all the advantages of the platform. And advanced and high-quality players who will undoubtedly read the README, and will then be able to play at a truly advanced level. )
Well I'm a very logical person and was introduced to coding at a young age although I never developed that per se, so I do understand logic relationships between variables, conditions, pattern recognition. But thanks for the excitement!

About being prolific, we will see about that because I'm currently on sick leave so I have a lot of time in my hand but when this stops I might be able to post and work less on the project.

As for the casual players, I was thinking the game might be played on 2 different levels with the ToTPP flag for that (maybe allow warlord and deity only,as clear indications you either play it casual or hardcore), and it could define if advanced mechanics are disabled during the game (with maybe, at all time, an opportunity to turn them on or off if someone reads the readme.pdf I would prepare for it ?)
Requiring a city to have certain improvements in order to be allowed to build particular units is possible. The template even comes with a code generator for that kind of code (note that I changed the template file structure a bit since I made the linked video).
That's very interesting. In my case, I would really appreciate that just because tanks exist they can't be produced at the front in a FOB. Also, since you have to choose between 3 factories after the regular one, you would have to alays choose between Armor factory for tanks, missile factory for missile ammo, aircraft factory for planes heli or drones. You wouldn't be able to have it all in one city. Conscript units would always be available, Regular infantry when the first factory exists (Ammo factory), Advanced Infantry when the Manufacturing plant follows up (named Weapons Factory). Another idea is to reuse more city improvements, that are most probably useless in the last 3 governments. Courthouse is not really that useful except for a Democracy which is unlikely to hold, and would most likely only be needed for the west (I'd obviously like Russia to use Communism (or Martial Law or however I call fundamentalism which allows "fanatics" conscripts units and no discontent people). So Tribunal could be a west dedicated "NATO Headquarter" and when a city has both NATO headquarters (which still wuold act as a courthouse for the west entities) and an Armor Factory, it can produce the NATO delivered tanks (say, Leopard, Leclerc, M1 Abrahms) when the required tech is researched. There are a few city improvements that can both act as their original and be used for scripting for escalating the war and the use of diverse units. An Airport + Aircraft factory would allow planes, while without the airport you'd have only drones and helicopters. Maybe production of a forward hospital (I saw a Bus transformed into an improvised military hospital, I think it's a cool idea) could only be done after you built a Hospital which i consider the Temple with +1 happiness when "Red Cross help" is built as a wonder (available for both countries). Similarly, a Shipyard (Port Facility) would be required to build military boats. Sure they'd be veteran right away so I'd have to be careful of that, but that would avoid a FOB placed along the water to produce a gigantic battleship.

Just to make it clear, there would be

Ammo Factory > Weapons Factory
then the 3 options (replacing the 3 regular options to elevant to the third factory level)
Armored Factory
Missile Factory
Aircraft Factory
And behind is the Recycling center.

BTW: Recycling center could be available later (pollution would be an issue early on) and named "Advanced Factory" and conditional to produce futuristic units (say if the F35 went to be produced, the Su57, hypersonic missiles becoming a norm etc)

Military Shipyard
Military Airport

Barracks would be Military Academy

I am trying to keep the terms similar so not to loose the player. They would understand that Factories go together, and "Military" are unit oriented improvements. They would all conditions what you can build.

Regular imrpovements
Government Center
Granary could be Grain Silo but I have an Idea to name it UN Help something
Hospital > Football Stadium > Music Arena
School > University > HiTech Research Lab
Permit for Village > Permit for City (aqueduct/sewers)
Marketplace > Mall > Bank
Maritime Center (foir offshore)
Fishing port (for Harbor)
Tribunal (courthouse) TBD cause I have ideas about this one

Noteworthy wonders (note: eventually i'd like to rename them all in cyrillic so they give a cyrillic vibe to the cities. The improvements would stay in english for practical reasons. Some units would be named in russian and in ukrainian maybe as long as it's close enough for english speakres to understand.
Bolchoi (michaelangelo) replaces Music Arenas in all cities
Folding@Home replaces SETI (up for grabs)
"Electricy" doubles Football Stadium (maybe TV retransmission/sports)
Oblasts (Pyramid) in moscow so that russia has advantage on foot shortage thanks to its oblats and republics. Ukraine needs to build the Silos, renaming them UN help would simulate the fact there is more food help delivered from outside the country in ukraine, than in russia which does it by itself.
Red Cross would be neutral and double the ffect of "Hospital" and up for grabs
Hanging Gardens > Red Square, more happiness in russia than in ukraine at least to simulate the government seems in control while ukraine is in a state of warzone.
Magellan expedition > Chernomorskiy Flot in sevastopol
Isaac Newton's College > Kurchatov Institute in moscow
UN in nato/neutral of course
Shakespeare's Theatre > Free Pr0nHub as placeholder until I have a good idea of something that would make everyone unhappy happy :lol: during WWII hitler gave the first amphetamines to his population so they were "happy" but that's in the past, that's the closest thing I could think of that can make everyone unhappy "happy" unless going SciFi :blush:

I'm thinking of adding something to the recycling center. I don't think recycling is a current requirement along the front so sure it would act as a recycling center, but it could be renamed and allow for something else too.

Checking the wiki of the ukrainian factories, they are spread along the country. I know they are building some at the moment in the west obviously. And I wish we had more of this information on the russian side which must have very specific factories too (Its hard to find the same level of info for the russian side without speaking russian). Altternatively, their factories might not be all near the front either. For ex Kazan is where Tupolev builds its aircraft with the Kazan Aircraft Production Association KAPO factory/industry. The TU160 and the "new" Tupolev airlines come from there. Just an example (Kazan is off the chart although not too far east. It could be put on the border).
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Bolchoi (michaelangelo) replaces Music Arenas in all cities

Bolshoi Theater is spelled correctly.

Checking the wiki of the ukrainian factories, they are spread along the country. I know they are building some at the moment in the west obviously. And I wish we had more of this information on the russian side which must have very specific factories too (Its hard to find the same level of info for the russian side without speaking russian). Altternatively, their factories might not be all near the front either. For ex Kazan is where Tupolev builds its aircraft with the Kazan Aircraft Production Association KAPO factory/industry. The TU160 and the "new" Tupolev airlines come from there. Just an example (Kazan is off the chart although not too far east. It could be put on the border).

Use the Russian version of Wiki, it is more informative regarding articles about Russia. For example, for a general idea of the geographic location of defense production centers:

I think, using Google translator (for example in Chrome), you will not have problems with translation.
Hi Sedna,

I don't know if you've had the opportunity to download or review my Battle of Italy (BoI) scenario but some of the following have been implemented in it:

- support units which allows for replenishment of units within X tiles
The idea came from @JPetroski Hinge of Fate (HoF) scenario but it's also implemented in BoI where we have "Supply Trucks" that can replenish units that are damaged when located on the same tile. See the "SUPPLY TRUCK LAND FUNCTION" section in the consolidatedEvents.lua file.

- Bridge engineering truck. It would turn an ocean tile into a "bridge", and could destroy a bridge. That would make a "bridge" tile type useful in the map
I've implemented a similar kind of feature in BoI where engineer units can place pontoon bridges on impassable river tiles (see the "ENGINEER: BUILDING PONTOON BRIDGES ON RIVERBED TILES" section in the consolidatedEvents.lua file).

If the pontoon bridge is destroyed the tile is reconverted back to an impassable river tile (see the "IF AXIS DESTROY PONTOON BRIDGE REVERT TERRAIN TILE BACK TO RIVERBED" section in the onUnitKilled.lua file).

In your case, it should be easy to do the same using a domain 3 unit that can move onto an ocean tile.

- projectiles from howitzer, drone launchers, missiles. obsolescence with better projectiles and longer range missiles available. How about the AI then?
@Knighttime wrote the code for the aiRangedUnits.lua module for BoI that allows any selected static AI units, i.e. with 0 MP's, to fire munitions at any enemy units that come within a preset range. In my case, I'm using this for artillery and flak munitions.

You can also check out his Medieval Millennium mod that allows any preset AI unit to fire missiles, whether their static or not, at the beginning of their turn at enemy units within range.

- plane fighters have the same behaviour as bombers so that they can stay with a bomber and protect it+avoid using one Su34 and kill 10 units in one round.
It seems like this can be simply handled by giving your fighter units a range greater than 1. In the example below my fighter and bomber have a range of two, meaning they don't have to return to base at the end of their first turn:

P-51D Mustang,           nil, 1, 28.,2,  8a,5d,  2h,2f, 21,0,  3, Cmb, 0000000000010000 ;
B-24 Liberator,          nil, 1, 44.,2,  0a,4d,  2h,3f, 38,0,  0, Fli, 0000000000000000 ;

Also you can limit the number of attacks a unit can carry out in a single turn by using the ToTPP "AttacksPerTurn" limit feature. You can set the limit as low as 1 or give 2 ,3 ,4, 5, etc attacks per turn (it's partially based on the number of MP's a unit has, i.e. there's no point giving a unit with 1 MP 3 attacks per turn).

- fortification system: improved for entranchement: maybe all infantry units can build a fortress (is it possible without the other settler options?). Either way, maybe fortifying wouldn't give a 50% and fortress a 100% defense bonus, but each turn gives 10%? Is that even possible to give non 50 multiplier? The longer a unit has entranched, the stronger it is in defense?
It's not exactly the same, but in BoI, I'm giving extra defense factors to specific defensive/artillery units that are stacked in the same tile as bunker or kasematte units. As long as the bunker/kasematte units are present the defensive units receive the added bonus.

This is done through the setTraits.lua and registerCombatModifiers.lua files.
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I have a template module that can make land and air units "carry" other units more or less like sea transports do, so don't worry about that.
The land feature has been successfully implemented in both HoF and BoI using Sorfox's transport.lua module.

As the @Prof. Garfield says he's also created his own version within his template that also handles air transport (checkout the cargoSettings.lua file), though I haven't had the opportunity to test it out myself yet but I intend to do so.
Bolshoi Theater is spelled correctly.

Use the Russian version of Wiki, it is more informative regarding articles about Russia. For example, for a general idea of the geographic location of defense production centers:

I think, using Google translator (for example in Chrome), you will not have problems with translation.
Thank a lot. Dunno why I didn't think of that, of course the info would be different. That page is cool, it helps me simplify the info I read about which equipment is being used to the most important ones from the Russian side.

Are there a few "propaganda" heroes being shows on the russian side? Because I was thinking of adding a few hero ennemies maybe like the "Ghost of Kiev" which was of course revealed to be a propaganda morale booster thing. Would be nice to know if there are a few "heroes" on the russian side so I can have a few super units that the player would try to use and protect a bit.
The idea came from @JPetroski Hinge of Fate (HoF) scenario but it's also implemented in BoI where we have "Supply Trucks" that can replenish units that are damaged when located on the same tile. See the "SUPPLY TRUCK LAND FUNCTION" section in the consolidatedEvents.lua file.
I'd like to have a range around the unit rather than it replenishing HP by being close. The thing is Prof Garfield said it should be relatively simple to program in LUA a distance thing. But I'm considering a "rush" sacrifice function where you use the unit to replenish entirely a couple units when you feel you're breaching and you want to help the unit survive and continue the breach. The sacrifice would be that the logistics would disappear for the rest of the area until you bring more (unless you have 2 already). So there I could use those
I've implemented a similar kind of feature in BoI where engineer units can place pontoon bridges on impassable river tiles (see the "ENGINEER: BUILDING PONTOON BRIDGES ON RIVERBED TILES" section in the consolidatedEvents.lua file).
If the pontoon bridge is destroyed the tile is reconverted back to an impassable river tile (see the "IF AXIS DESTROY PONTOON BRIDGE REVERT TERRAIN TILE BACK TO RIVERBED" section in the onUnitKilled.lua file).
In your case, it should be easy to do the same using a domain 3 unit that can move onto an ocean tile.
Yeah domain 3 is an interesting option. If i accept that the AI will never do that, it can be used. Just scared the AI would spam randomly bridges. That's where the idea of prof garfield that if units are on both sides it would automatically build. The use of paratroop and transport > parachuting units would then be useful, unless there's a way to make a unit pass a 1 tile of water zone with code (it shouldnt be allowed to go further than the shore. It could be marines special forces: they are trained to go into water, but obviously not far. Not sure, just a few ideas here. Seems very easy to do, just different approaches.
@Knighttime wrote the code for the aiRangedUnits.lua module for BoI that allows any selected static AI units, i.e. with 0 MP's, to fire munitions at any enemy units that come within a preset range. In my case, I'm using this for artillery and flak munitions.
You can also check out his Medieval Millennium mod that allows any preset AI unit to fire missiles, whether their static or not, at the beginning of their turn at enemy units within range.
That's interesting. So there are ways to check if ANY unit is within a range. Then yes, poping a missile or projectile on the same tile will work. It might not be clever, but it will have the missiles and do what it wants with it.
It seems like this can be simply handled by giving your fighter units a range greater than 1. In the example below my fighter and bomber have a range of two, meaning they don't have to return to base at the end of their first turn:
Yes it's very simple. It's just to change the way fighters work. I think it's a fair change, I don't like say an advanced fighter, designed for air superiority, able to kill 10 units in a row if it's strong enough.
Also you can limit the number of attacks a unit can carry out in a single turn by using the ToTPP "AttacksPerTurn" limit feature. You can set the limit as low as 1 or give 2 ,3 ,4, 5, etc attacks per turn (it's partially based on the number of MP's a unit has, i.e. there's no point giving a unit with 1 MP 3 attacks per turn).
Yeah I saw that somewhere, I was thinking about it for giving some units 3 tiles of movement but 1 attack per turn, while others would have 2 or 3, which would make some difference too. Not for the AI, but for the player.
Are there a few "propaganda" heroes being shows on the russian side? Because I was thinking of adding a few hero ennemies maybe like the "Ghost of Kiev" which was of course revealed to be a propaganda morale booster thing. Would be nice to know if there are a few "heroes" on the russian side so I can have a few super units that the player would try to use and protect a bit.

Are you asking whether Russian propaganda uses images of obviously false “heroes” that never existed in reality to raise the morale of its troops? I have not heard of such images.

By adding any real names of commanders or political figures to your scenario (with the exception of heads of state, which is the default Civ2 gameplay), and, moreover, giving them any individual characteristics (attack, defense, hint points), you are deprived of political neutrality. In the scenario of the Napoleonic era, or the era of the Second World War, it would be appropriate to add real-life generals, since these events and characters are far in the past and have stood the test of time. At present, we cannot reliably say who actually commands the troops on both sides of the conflict, and also makes political decisions. You should stick to the most abstract unit names, similar to the original Civ2 gameplay, if you still plan to stay within the bounds of relative realism.

If your plans have changed, then no one can limit your imagination. On the Civ2 platform you can create any scenarios, including the SF/Fantasy genre. For example, in the Normandy landing scenario, obtain units of Superman and Captain America, which improve the morale of the troops. Or add units of Hercules and Achilles to the scenario of Alexander the Great’s campaigns. In the end, there is a wonderful scenario based on Jules Verne, where there are Nautilus units, the mines of King Solomon and tripods from Mars.

Oblasts (Pyramid) in moscow so that russia has advantage on foot shortage thanks to its oblats and republics.

In Russian, the plural of the word "Oblast" is used extremely rarely. In your context (the high role of the province in the country’s economy), in modern Russian it is customary to use the word “regions” (pronounced “regiony”, with a hard “g” sound, as in German). I’m not sure, but it seems that the situation is similar in the Ukrainian language. In any case, one of the largest political parties in Ukraine was called the "Party of Regions" (it seems that it is currently banned), with a similar meaning.
I was not intending to add many of such figures. It's just it would be a nice touch to add the "ghost of kiev" as an extra mig29 IF the opposite side had a similar figure, and leave space for possible future such names. That's all I wanted to add, I do not intend to add any specific general and hero unit beside this one because it did pop up in the beginning. If I added commanders, they would be similar or balanced (I'm considering if I integrate logistics adding a mobile command armor unit which could support units within 1 tile to replenish, if they are far from logistic centers, or to give them +1/+1 stats, not sure yet). I never claimed I would had "many hero units". I just asked if there was such a thing as the "ghost of kyiv" on the russian's side. I'd have considered making a couple on each side maybe, with maybe 1 extra points, or none, to their stats, if I have extra slots available (which is not impossible with 189+1). I do not want to create political units either, or commanders. The chain of command is like you say opaque and clearly top secret anyways. I'm most likely to only use mobile command armor units as support for units.
In Russian, the plural of the word "Oblast" is used extremely rarely. In your context (the high role of the province in the country’s economy), in modern Russian it is customary to use the word “regions” (pronounced “regiony”, with a hard “g” sound, as in German). I’m not sure, but it seems that the situation is similar in the Ukrainian language. In any case, one of the largest political parties in Ukraine was called the "Party of Regions" (it seems that it is currently banned), with a similar meaning.
Thanks so I will rename this "Regiony" :) But what about "respublika"? I want the wonder to reflect the resource power the country has from its different regions.
First throw at units.

I like the idea of letting barbarians exist. So I'm using all the slots barbarians could use, with upgrades, called "barbarian". I would use the different official trigger for the change of what pops, the specific research, as research that are upgrades for russian style units (ex: when modernized T90 are used, or in a future state the T15 is used, the barbarians get access to old T80s. Something like that). Their units would be repurposed infantry or tank that have lower stats. So these slots would not be available for non barbarians. These units + the rest of the units would be mercenary units that are used by mercenary "factions". Western one will have a tree tech similar to the ukrainian one (get higher in own tech + nato help), the eastern one will have a russian tree and will also have a few chinese and iranian etc units specific to them.

The original units will keep the more or less standard units anyone can produce. A few of them will be flagged, for ex some countries can produce T72 (czech republic, in fact the US own T72 through them) for instance. But overall, non specific units would be there.

Blue area is NATO units
Yellow Area is Ukraine specific units
Grey Area is Russian specific units

I'm trying to give a more or less NATO + Ukraine = Russian ratio of 1:1 units because eventually the idea is that ukraine receives or produces locally NATO equipment, so to balance that, russia would have its own units against the group. I'll try with a bit of time to match 1:1 the units to a counterpart, with a little bit of differrences when needed and a bit of assymetry still.
Thanks so I will rename this "Regiony" :) But what about "respublika"? I want the wonder to reflect the resource power the country has from its different regions.

In Russia, many names are used for the names of the subjects of the Federation (de jure, equal): Oblast, Kray, Republic, Autonomous Okrug. Resources are one way or another located in different subjects, with different formal names. It cannot be said that any name is predominant. Therefore, the general name “Regions” will be quite appropriate and sufficient.
In Russia, many names are used for the names of the subjects of the Federation (de jure, equal): Oblast, Kray, Republic, Autonomous Okrug. Resources are one way or another located in different subjects, with different formal names. It cannot be said that any name is predominant. Therefore, the general name “Regions” will be quite appropriate and sufficient.
What about naming the wonder VDNKh ? I've been to this parc, it gives hommage to all those regions and republics
Overview of the units
While = original roster of units with many of them for rebels (aka Barbarians) to be determined
Blue = NATO
Yellow = native ukrainian units
Grey = Russian units
units ukraine scenario.png
EDIt: already a few variations: Added Be50 awacs for the russians, defensive infantry (to be used to defend only) and a few details.
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Latest version for today.
Orange = "barbarian" units that evolve according to tech and won't be given to anyone else (to avoid bad behavior from Knight and Musketeer)
units ukraine scenario.png
What about naming the wonder VDNKh ? I've been to this parc, it gives hommage to all those regions and republics

Yes, this is a completely acceptable name that fits into the general surroundings of the scenario.

Some of the names of the pavilions bear the names of some republics, however, these are former republics of the Soviet Union, now independent states that are now part of the Eurasian Economic Community. List of pavilions:

Certain regions of Russia are not represented in it. The modern exhibition gives an idea of the most important sectors of the Russian economy. In the 90s, VDNH was virtually destroyed and turned into a spontaneous trading flea market. Recently, a major restoration has been carried out, and the original meaning of an exhibition and entertainment city park has been returned. This is truly one of the most interesting attractions in Moscow. Glad you were able to visit this park.
I was. I did ice skating around the center ring, visited the Space exhibition center, seen Bhuran, Checked some pavillions (although I didn't have the force to check all of them of course). It's big enough to take time just to walk around!
I was. I did ice skating around the center ring, visited the Space exhibition center, seen Bhuran, Checked some pavillions (although I didn't have the force to check all of them of course). It's big enough to take time just to walk around!

"Buran" (literal translation of "hurricane" or "storm") is spelled correctly.
This is a reusable spacecraft created in the USSR. In 1988 he made his only flight into space. Under the influence of the disasters of the American analogues Challenger in 1986 and Columbia in 2003 (as well as the catastrophic situation and economic collapse in Russia caused by democratic reforms), the Buran project was completely curtailed and was never resumed.

VDNKh Park is really huge. I have been there several times, dating back to Soviet times. Currently, it is most functional and convenient as a city center. The last time I visited him was around the same time as you. I needed to obtain documents to travel to a resort in the Mediterranean (the so-called “foreign passport”), because the previous passport has expired. I just Googled where the closest document processing point one on my current route is, it turned out to be VDNKh. I stopped by, submitted the documents, and a month later I picked up the documents (also just along the way). This was very convenient, since de jure I am a resident of a region quite remote from Moscow. I didn't have to travel to my home region. Minimum bureaucracy - maximum convenience.

Which country are you from?
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Latest version for today.
Orange = "barbarian" units that evolve according to tech and won't be given to anyone else (to avoid bad behavior from Knight and Musketeer)
View attachment 679178
Reflecting on your potential units: there are a lot of 'what-if' and vapour-ware vehicles that will probably never see the light of day in any numbers like the T-84 Oplot and T-14. This is very much of war between two combatants who are if anything regressing in their combat capabilities and equipment levels rather than developing and mass-producing new and improved kit. It would be interesting if you removed the capability of both sides to create much new equipment and made them reliant on bringing moth-balled reserve equipment into service (in the case of Russia like older T-72/T-62/T-55s) or 'researching' western equipment (in the case of Ukraine. Perhaps restrict city-built units to militia only with a handful of production centres and main military base cities capable of training regular infantry and the odd expensive refurbished T-64BM/BTR-3 (Ukraine) or T-72B3M/T-80BVM/BMP-3 (Russia). If anything new/refurbished armoured vehicle production should be restricted to the Kharkiv tank factory for Ukraine and Uralvagonzavod and St Petersburg for the Russians.

Air power should be severely restriced for both sides given they field the S-300 AA system. Drones of all types should be key units. Artillery and trench-warfare seem to be the order of the day rather than combined-arms mechanised warfare.

I wouldn't normally recommend wikipedia for research, but these links seem pretty comprehensive and give a decent idea of the numbers of each piece of equipment in use at the start of the war. I'd suggest its a good start point for establishing unit types and how many are/were fielded:

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