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favorite offensive unique?

What is your favorite offensive unique unit?

  • Chinese Rider - 4/3/3 - The raw speed just can't be beat.

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • Spanish Conquistador - 3/2/2 - All your workers are belong to us

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Persian Immortal - 4/2/1 - Persia declared war on us! Again!

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • Aztec Jaguar Warrior - 1/1/2 - Speedy little guys seriously sack capitals.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Iroquois Mounted Warrior - 3/1/2 - Iron shmiron.

    Votes: 4 5.0%
  • Viking Berserk - 6/2/1 - My love for you is ticking clock / Beserker

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • Ottoman Sipahi - 8/3/3 - "Two Pistols and One Horse." Coming soon from acclaimed director John Woo.

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • Hittite Three-Man Chariot - 2/2/2 - Does Ben Hur know about this?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mongolian Keshik - 4/2/2 - We don't need no stinking mountains.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Egyptian War Chariot - 2/1/2 - I'm sure Ceaser will be impressed with the horses, dear

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • German Panzer - 16/8/3 - Guten tag! We will be taking your entire civilization now. Danke!

    Votes: 7 8.8%
  • Celtic Gallic Swordsman - 3/2/2 - Bloody hell.

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • Inca Chasquis Scout - 1/1/2 - Goody goody, a goody hut!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arabic Ansar Warrior - 4/2/3 - Very fast, but at what price?

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Russian Cossack - 6/3/3 - In Soviet Russia, horse rides you

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Mayan Javelin Thrower - 2/2/1 - If you have any left by 1863, does Lincoln automatically declare war

    Votes: 6 7.5%

  • Total voters


space . . . madness
Feb 13, 2003
in ur base killing ur d00ds
another interesting poll would be "which unique would win in a fight with indiana jones" . . . both the panzer and the immortal would lose that one, because indy would just shoot the swordsman and beat up the tank commander.

but as to this poll, obviously the panzer is the best unique unit. and as it should be. bow before the might and cunning of the science of war and rejoice as your people are assimilated into the superior germanic culture. ;)

seriously though, in my massive 13-16 nation huge games, the 5 and 6 way wars get very sticky once replacable parts is learned. you pretty much need cavalry armies to take a town intact. but as the inevitable tech leader, as soon as i learn motorized transportation, the game is over for all of the unfriendly neighbors which made the mistake of declaring war on me 100 years ago to get my techs. 3 movement, 3 attacks, 16 offense, win twice for auto-promotion, 1 in 12 elite battles a great leader / army is spawned, and if you only put elites in the armies . . .
Gallic Swordsman and Immortals come very close, but with the cost reduction for the Gallic Swordsman, they win. The Celts now have one of the best trait combos and the best UU -- :love: the Celts.

The Sipahi and Berserker come close, but aren't quite in the same league.
I love the celts, gaelic swordsmen have won me many games.
Ottoman Sipahi[dance]
The only comment I have, beyond saying that I voted for Panzers, was how much I love the poll.. some of those comments actually made me laugh out loud a little.
I voted for the Berserker, pure offensive power. Great comments in the poll :D . BTW, did you think of including the Cossack in the poll? In conquests they had the blitz ability added which allows them to attack 3 times per turn, which I find a very useful trait.
glad you guys liked the comments, work was pretty slow today. :D

when i decided what units to put in the poll, i took a look at the stats on the main page, and each unit that had an increase in either attack or movement was considered an "offensive" unique so i added it to the poll. i didn't consider adding the javelin throwers or cossacks because they are +1 defense (in play the world anyway).

unfortunately i didn't realize that cossacks were improved in conquests, as russia hasn't been in any of the conquest games i've played to industrial times, and the change wasn't in the manual. the new cossack totally rules, and with the combination of expansionist and scientific along with multiple attack, i would totally consider russia as a HOF civ that would compliment my play style immensely.

maybe i can convince moonsinger to add the cossacks and javelin guys to the poll later today. ;)
Uh... one more UU poll. :)

It is more attached to the UU than it's pure unit values. Otherwise everyone should vote for the Sipahi. The Gallic Swordsman comes early and its ability to retreat when losing is a great thing.

The Conquistador is not shabby either, I just think it is roughly the same timeframe as the Sipahi and a golden age in the Middle Ages is a good time IMO.
Gallics are my fav too. For my fun games I play regent and go up the tech tree to philosophy asap while I try to trade for mysticism. I then choose polyteism as my free tech and settle in at 50-turn pace towards monarchy. By the time I get monarchy I have a nice amount of gold, lots of warriors ready for upgradeing and usually iron working traded for polyteism with iron hooked up...
Sipahi, Immortals, and Berserk are definetly my favorite. :D
Originally posted by nihil8r

unfortunately i didn't realize that cossacks were improved in conquests, as russia hasn't been in any of the conquest games i've played to industrial times, and the change wasn't in the manual. the new cossack totally rules, and with the combination of expansionist and scientific along with multiple attack, i would totally consider russia as a HOF civ that would compliment my play style immensely.

I agree that Cossack were pretty useless in PTW. I stumbled onto the fact of the added blitz when looking through the civilopedia. It sure wasn't advertised anywhere! Conquests has great new features and a few pleasant surprises! :D
Viking Beserker...available fairly early, best attack until Tanks arrive (except for Ottoman Sipahi, which is not neccesarily in the game being played), and can attack straight from ships (HUGE advantage). 'nuff said.
hmm ... mayans have gotten 4 votes since being added only about 12 hours ago. those guys are seriously popular!.

fools! in 3000 years i'll crush your outdated javelins with the steel treads of my war juggernauts!
I voted for the Panzer...
At the time, when it is available, my empire is huge enough to allow me for huge Panzer divisions, which break any resistance, while heading deep into enemy territory.
In closed formation my infantery is to follow, just to occupy and secure the former enemy cities.
Wow, Commander, sounds like a Blitzkrieg... :) reminds me of my old wargaming days...

I love the Javelin Enslavers! With early warfare and barbs, i could end up with enough free workers to build an empire!!! Mwahaha! Friends, Romans, enemies, lend me your people!

But anything with 3 MPs is seriously good. Who was it said to multiply strength by speed to get the true combat power? And those wild and crazy amphibious Berserkers are cool.
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