Female GP Names

Teresa Sanchez de Cepeda (aka Teresa of Avila) as Spanish great prophet (founder of the Order of the Carmelites)
Maria Montessori as Italian great scientist (formulated the Montessori method of education)
Chiara Offreduccio (aka Clare of Assisi) as Italian great prophet (founder of Order of the Poor Ladies)
Harriet Beecher Stowe as American great artist (author of Uncle Tom's Cabin)
Elizabeth Ann Seton as American great prophet (first American to be ever canonized by the Roman Catholic Church)
If you don't have any English great prophets, I'd suggest Margery Kempe or Julian of Norwich (two early medieval female visionaries and writers) or Margaret Clitherow (basically the same except more of a prophet in some eyes ).

As another side note, if you're still lacking any female Carthaginians... you could always stick Dido in as a stateswoman (even if it's akin to putting King Arthur in for England)
I apologise that these suggestions are somewhat biased towards Denmark.


Prophet: Malala Yousafsai (assuming that modern Pakistan indeed is represented by the Mughals in-game)

If we're including Malala Yousafzai as a Great Prophet,
which I don't dispute, it's only fair to include Nabila Rehman as well.
I think Malala Yousafsai would be best represented as a Great Stateswoman, not a Prophet (and yeah, for the Mughals). I think the same would apply for (if) Nabila Rehman.
I think Malala Yousafsai would be best represented as a Great Stateswoman, not a Prophet (and yeah, for the Mughals). I think the same would apply for (if) Nabila Rehman.

Did the criteria change?
Great Prophets always included humanitarians and rights movement figures.
They're now covered under Great Statesmen instead?
The solution is simply to put them in both categories, and the game will only make them appear in the first case where the name is in the right time period.
Did the criteria change?
Great Prophets always included humanitarians and rights movement figures.
They're now covered under Great Statesmen instead?

Don't know if it changed, I understood humanitarians and right movement figures to be (exclusively) listed as Great Statesmen. Perhaps previously it was different? I don't know what Leo's position was, nor I have a strong opinion on it. It's just that I understood prophets to cover religious and spiritual work, not social work.
Just a note; Hildegard von Bingen appears to be called "Hildegard von BingenF".
Theoretically is the keyword. It wasn't my unit but I noticed the "great person has been born in..." at the top, and it was Hildegard von BingenF
Ah that is the problem, will address this.

Did the criteria change?
Great Prophets always included humanitarians and rights movement figures.
They're now covered under Great Statesmen instead?
Yes, previously I did that either for lack of a better category or lack of prominent religious GP. I have already made some corrections in that regard, for instance Sojourner Truth is now a Stateswoman.
She is.
I ended up with Christine de Pizan as my second artist as France, I was pleasantly surprised :)
I think you can thank SaibotLieh for that :)
Okay, and actually, looking over the entire first page chart, I'm kind of shocked that we barely have anything for Rome.

Just to start one off with a few.
No shortage of politically involved Roman women here:

Great Statesmen
Julia Caesaris
Cornelia Africana
Livia Drusilla

Great General
Agrippina the Elder
Albia Dominica

Great Spy
Agrippina the Younger
Oh great, thanks, will include them soon.
I'm doubtful that the Great General category will be finished;
I found mostly women who simply accompanied their husbands on campaigns
or stories about female gladiators. Agrippina the Elder reportedly did sometimes
command the armies personally, thus why I included her.
Albia Dominica organized a defense of Constantinople against the Goths.
That's fine, for some civs it's simply impossible to fill every category. I'm rather impressed with what he have so far actually.
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