Scripted historical events in 1.17.0 (Unleashing the worst of the humanity thread)

I have noticed that you would wish things to be more scripted.
Your immediate response to my first post was an interpretation as if I'd wish to see all of DoC scripted with no deviations which is absolutely wrong and never I mentioned or even referenced this idea in my post. An expansion by one more conquest event and the other three points being the suggestions for the improvements of the already existing events are by far not coming out of a desire to see DoC scripted to the absurd levels.
I have no idea how much more clearly I should explain my stance to be heard and understood right away, I'm basically repeating myself at this point yet still no understanding of what I'm trying to say throughout the whole thread.
Oh don't worry, your stance has been heard and understood.
Less scripted events... and more dynamic religions.

I think you should demand a refund.

Oh wait nm

I think you should demand a refund.

Oh wait nm
You know, that's the very reason why I don't feel welcomed here, being talked down to as if I owe something to everyone on this forum including Leoreth even though I did NOTHING to deserve such manner of speech in the first place. I had my own concerns and my own worries about certain issues in the game with no intent to straight up demand anything in some snobbish way as if I'm some sort of a "nobleman" which I'm not, I'm just a usual player who plays and enjoys the game for many years by now and only wishes the best for it, period.

This would probably be the final time when I'll ever write anything on this forum, I'm done.
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You have been directing demands at me since the first time you showed your face here around the 1.17 release, submitting "I want it to be like this" posts as bug reports without even bothering to consider or ask if the current state might be intentional, or if what you are proposing is an improvement rather than the current state being a bug. You have also repeated these posts without adding anything of value, adding to the annoyance.

I am not demanding anything of you because you are not doing anything for me. You are the one who wants me to do things. Telling you plainly that I disagree with your goals is not a demand, nor me being rude. I do not owe you a debate on the things you want me to do and whether I should do them. It is in fact only courteous to tell you this outright and up front to save us both the wasted time.

The only thing I am asking is that you behave appropriately and reflect on how your behaviour is perceived, which this post shows you are currently not doing. So yes, while you are not doing that I am not going to be positively disposed towards what are you are saying.
You have been directing demands at me since the first time you showed your face here around the 1.17 release, submitting "I want it to be like this" posts as bug reports without even bothering to consider or ask if the current state might be intentional, or if what you are proposing is an improvement rather than the current state being a bug. You have also repeated these posts without adding anything of value, adding to the annoyance.

I am not demanding anything of you because you are not doing anything for me. You are the one who wants me to do things. Telling you plainly that I disagree with your goals is not a demand, nor me being rude. I do not owe you a debate on the things you want me to do and whether I should do them. It is in fact only courteous to tell you this outright and up front to save us both the wasted time.

The only thing I am asking is that you behave appropriately and reflect on how your behaviour is perceived, which this post shows you are currently not doing. So yes, while you are not doing that I am not going to be positively disposed towards what are you are saying.
I was NOT directing "demands" but mere SUGGESTIONS, ther's a plain difference between a "demand" and "suggestion" but you seem like wanting to twist it that way to keep your bias towards me for no reason. If you cannot take suggestions well as a creator then the problem is on YOUR side. Whenever a person creates something for being used by a wider audience it means that the creator must ALWAYS be prepared to face the constructive crticism, and my criticism had ALWAYS been a such. I'm nowhere near an expert in scripting and coding meaning I have NO IDEA what things would be tough to implement and what things would be an easy task to do, I was speaking from a player experience in regards of the game, and NEITHER creation is perfect. I see an issue, I want to talk about it, I write about it, and see whether it's taken into consideration or not NO MATTER if or when would that be fixed, in a week, in a month, in a year or in several years, just A THING TO NOTE nothing else. You can agree or disagree that's fine, I'm a NOBODY to demand anything from you whether it is an "immediate fix" which I never demanded or whether you should always agree or disagree with whatever I suggest, it DOESN'T MATTER. All I wanted is the simplest common sense from you and your fellow experts here when it comes to responding and being nice with response rather than spitting passive aggression towards the simple fans of your modification like me. I'm always being nice towards people by default unless I'm being talked down to first. Speaking on my behalf as once being a moderator in one of the communities and then being a creator myself, the staff and creators always must be nice and in touch with their fans, and if you cannot take even such things lightly then I'm deeply disappointed with you as a creator of such a wonderful modification for a game that I love.
If you'd rather not read the whole text again but pull the words out of the context just to put me in the bad light once more like how you kept doing it before then there's no longer a point for me continuing any talk here. Farewell, and good luck to you as a developer and to the DoC.
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I haven't read your tantrum. Please reflect on your attitude and behaviour.

I'm just a person and I don't owe you anything. Conferring the category of "creator" onto me does not change anything about that, it does not entitle you to be heard no matter the tone you choose, it does not require me to listen to you no matter how you act. Maybe you are used to dealing with professional developer teams who have dedicated PR people who coddle your rude and entitled attitude because they are financially compelled to do so, but that's not the case for me.

Would you approach someone you know with this kind of tone? Then I feel sorry for the people in your life. If not, ask yourself why you think this is okay to do with someone who creates a video game mod in their free time.
I haven't read your tantrum. Please reflect on your attitude and behaviour.

I'm just a person and I don't owe you anything. Conferring the category of "creator" onto me does not change anything about that, it does not entitle you to be heard no matter the tone you choose, it does not require me to listen to you no matter how you act. Maybe you are used to dealing with professional developer teams who have dedicated PR people who coddle your rude and entitled attitude because they are financially compelled to do so, but that's not the case for me.

Would you approach someone you know with this kind of tone? Then I feel sorry for the people in your life. If not, ask yourself why you think this is okay to do with someone who creates a video game mod in their free time.
I know what it means being a free-time creator but it mustn't be an excuse for talking down to people who are the fans of your creations. Since it's your decision to make stuff in free time, it's your responsibility as well, not of the fans. And if you find this "rude" then I feel bad for the other fans of your creation. And you talked down to me since the very first reply that I ever got here from you, instantly getting a passive aggressive response. I swallowed it, but no changes in regards of how you kept on responding to me took place even though I never been anywhere close to being rude towards you in the first place. In fact I had much higher opinions looking up to you, and now I see that I was wrong.
I am not trying to talk down to you but I also refuse to get down to your level. Sorry.
I am not trying to talk down to you but I also refuse to get down to your level. Sorry.
Imagine contradicting yourself in one and the same sentence by putting "I am not trying to talk down to you" and "refuse to get down to your level" together, outright dehumanizing and demonizing me out of nowhere. No, seriously, I'm done with this nonsense, and I wish the other people would start opening their eyes here at what kind of a personality you truly are.
I hope you learn to reflect on your attitude and behaviour some day.
Vulpeo, maybe you don't quite understand what the meaning of Leoreth design is.
The principle is that the course of history, and historical events in particular, will happen by themselves based on the location and time of the emergence of computer players, their AI settings from the official developers, and all game mechanics, which are sometimes refined to be more "realistic".
But there are extraordinary cases when this is not enough. For this, special maps of settlement, conquest, stability were created to push computer players to populate a certain territory and war for certain territories.
If that doesn't work, which is the most extreme cases, and it's mostly due to very fast conquests (Rome, Macedonia, Turkestan, Mongolia), and scripts are already being created to solve this problem.
I am sure that if Leoreth were not a free modder, but a game designer with complete freedom of creativity and with a large company of developers, then the number of scripts repeating historical events would be 0.
I hope you learn to reflect on your attitude and behaviour some day.
So "funny" to read this from a person who was the first to talk with passive aggression towards me when I just came to this forum back in January. You're the one who needs to change an attitude towards your fans. I made a mistake when I began posting stuff in the wrong threads that's on me, but instead of nicely telling me you decided to instantly begin talking to me with a definite passive aggression as if I committed a murder or somehow pissed you off solely with my emergence, putting me on high alert towards whatever you were going to say next. And then you just kept on intentionally exaggerating and pulling my words out of context no matter what message I was going to write afterwards, with the aim of fully twisting and distorting what I wanted to say. If you would've been nice in your speech since the very start there would've been no issues whatsoever, and this talk would've never happened too. But sure, I am the "villain". So full of yourself, even having the whole thread dedicated to people pleasing your ego. Sort yourself out.

Vulpeo, maybe you don't quite understand what the meaning of Leoreth design is.
The principle is that the course of history, and historical events in particular, will happen by themselves based on the location and time of the emergence of computer players, their AI settings from the official developers, and all game mechanics, which are sometimes refined to be more "realistic".
But there are extraordinary cases when this is not enough. For this, special maps of settlement, conquest, stability were created to push computer players to populate a certain territory and war for certain territories.
If that doesn't work, which is the most extreme cases, and it's mostly due to very fast conquests (Rome, Macedonia, Turkestan, Mongolia), and scripts are already being created to solve this problem.
I am sure that if Leoreth were not a free modder, but a game designer with complete freedom of creativity and with a large company of developers, then the number of scripts repeating historical events would be 0.
Nowhere I questioned the purpose of the historical events that was originally put in them by Leoreth. Neither I questioned anywhere what does it mean being a free developer. What I said is that being a free developer is not an excuse to brag about hardships, neither it is an excuse for a rude attitude towards the fans. The misunderstandings happen but Leoreth and his personal "yes men" fans keep on taking my words way out of proportion throughout almost all of the two months as I was here. Please, read the thread again to get a better understanding of my message, I didn't miss out anything.
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(I’m going to regret this but here goes): I’d just like to offer the data point for you to do with as you see fit. You’re one of few, if not the only, person to have ended up in a state of conflict with Leoreth in particular and forum users in general. We’ve enjoyed over a full decade (!omg I’m old) of sustained peace here as we help to build a better game. You might indeed be able to demonstrate that you’ve been victimized but so far the case isn’t looking good.

;TLDR Your situation is looking like a You problem.
(I’m going to regret this but here goes): I’d just like to offer the data point for you to do with as you see fit. You’re one of few, if not the only, person to have ended up in a state of conflict with Leoreth in particular and forum users in general. We’ve enjoyed over a full decade (!omg I’m old) of sustained peace here as we help to build a better game. You might indeed be able to demonstrate that you’ve been victimized but so far the case isn’t looking good.

;TLDR Your situation is looking like a You problem.
As well as neither I been in major conflicts in other places and communities, up until people start showing their true faces. I respected Leoreth as a sole developer for years, but he decided to disrespect me as a dedicated fan. This was coming, after practically two months of talking down to me since I first came here. I spend the majority of my time on discord, even thinking at some point to create a DoC discord server until I finally snapped. And on your side, instead of keeping things nice, you decided to demean me out of the blue, leading to this conflicted discussion. I don't usually stay for too long in the communities with the flourishing favoritism and sycophancy towards any staff members, insisting on the atmosphere of equality and no toxicity. And I handle toxicity of any sort very badly. So if you want to kick me out of this place for good then just keep on being toxic with every next speech towards me, I'll just leave myself after that. Not that I have much of anything to lose here either way.
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