FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder (NEW RELEASE For Vanilla, Warlords & BTS!!)


Nov 26, 2005
After nearly two years of absence from the Civilization IV MOD scene I have returned with a version of my FexFX Game Speed MOD newly revised and updated, providing new depth, greater challenges, and even more balanced play than ever before! Also, I have developed this MOD in parallels to produce not one but three versions simultaneously to ensure compatibility with Vanilla, Warlords, and Beyond the Sword!

Thus it is with great pleasure that I now present to you the fruits of my labor:

(Please be sure to download Parts I and II or you wont have the proper versions of the maps!)​

This mod is inteneded to change the feel of the game, but not add any new gameplay elements. It is an attempt to offer an experience closer in feel to Civ II and III for the general flow of gameplay. The rules, units and buildings are all Civ IV, but the flow of turns should feel like the nice long liesurely games we all used to love in Civ II/III.
For Vanilla Civilization Download the following two files​


  • FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder-v1740 - Part I.zip
    201.5 KB · Views: 440
  • FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder-v1740 - Part II.zip
    127.8 KB · Views: 381
For Warlords Download the following two files​


  • FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder-v2130 - Part I.zip
    204.9 KB · Views: 397
  • FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder-v2130 - Part II.zip
    127.9 KB · Views: 323
For Beyond The Sword Download the following two files​


  • FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder-v3020 - Part I.zip
    188.6 KB · Views: 1,039
  • FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder-v3020 - Part II.zip
    159 KB · Views: 985
For Vanilla, Warlords & Beyond the Sword
Adds the FX-Mammoth map size option. Replaces the original Game Speeds with rebalanced custom game speeds which are all longer than Epic. Adds turn number display For Vanilla and Warlords. Adds 20 new Unique names for each category of Great Person.

The FX-Mammoth map defaults to 40x25 Plots which is a grid of 160x100, or 16,000 map squares. The Great Plains, Highlands, Hub, Ice Age, Inland Sea, Lakes, Maze, Mirror, Oasis, Pangea, Ring, Team Battleground, Terra, Tilted Axis and Wheel maps each have their own grid sizes for FX_Mammoth.

The Four Available Gamespeeds in this MOD are:

Each of these four Game Speeds have been carefully tweaked to maximize addictiveness, and FexFX-Marathon(1200) bears little resemblance to the Marathon mode introduced in the 1.52 patch for Vanilla Civilization IV, and it bears even less resemblance to the Marathon Mode introduced in Beyond the Sword. For Beyond the Sword, Firaxis chose to extend the Marathon game out to 1500 turns from 1200 turns without changing any of the relevant formulas or goal numbers from the numbers they used for 1200. I have reduced this number back to 1200 and retrofitted my numbers to match their new date scheme.

The Main Interface screen For Vanilla and Warlords has been changed to display the turn constantly in this manner when the clock is on:
Turn 1 4000 BC 7:25 PM
And in this manner when the clock is off:
Turn 1 4000 BC
Current versions of Civilization IV's Python scripting for this section should avoid the lag in displaying this interface seen in prior versions.

The Main Interface screen for Beyond The Sword no longer needs to be adjusted to add a turn timer! Beyond The Sword has added the turn number as part of the standard display!

The reason that all of the original game speeds were removed was that there was no easy way to balance short games without throwing off the long games, and vice-versa. Further, if someone is choosing to run FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Harder-Deeper they are probably not going to be running one of the standard game speeds!

Extract the contents of both archives into the appropriate MOD folder, most likely located:
Program Files\Firaxis\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\MODS
Program Files\Firaxis\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\MODS
Program Files\Firaxis\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond The Sword\MODS

Launch Civilization 4, go to the Advanced Menu.
Select Load a MOD.
Choose “FexFX--Bigger-Longer-Deeper-Harder” from the listed MODs.
You will be notified that the game will restart to utilize the MOD.

COMPATABILITY: (is being tested)
This MOD was developed under:
Version 1.74 of Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Version 3.02 & 3.03 of Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword.
version 2.13 of Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords.

EXTREME DETAILS (For those who really want to know):
In all Four Game Speeds the math has been balanced in a much more detail oriented way. Culture, Training, Research and Contruction each use four separate numbers which are then used as the basis for all of the other speed options except for Barbarians, Hurry gains, Golden Ages and Inflation which use completely unique numbers.
Here is the rough Schema I used:
Flat% - This number represents the relationship between the Normal number of turns (460) and the number of turns in the selected speed and is calculated as (460/target speed)%. This is used for Culture or anything else which should closely match the overall length of the game.

Rsrch% - This number is used for research and is slightly different for each of the game speeds: FX-Marathon(1200) it's (Flat%+20%), for FX-Grand(1000) it's (Flat%+16%), for FX-Endurance(875) it's (Flat%+14%) and for FX-Extended(750) it's (Flat%+12%).

Train% - This number has two versions, for FX-Marathon(1200) and FX-Grand(1000) the number is (Flat%-20%), and for FX-Endurance(875) and FX-Extended(750) it is (Flat%-16%). This results in 1/5th and 1/6th faster unit production, respectively, relative to the timeline.

Build% - This number has two versions as well, for FX-Marathon(1200) and FX-Grand(1000) the number is (Flat%-10%), and for FX-Endurance(875) and FX-Extended(750) it is (Flat%-8%). This results in 1/10th and 1/12th faster building construction, respectively, relative to the timeline.

Barb% - The formula I used for this was ((50%*(turns/660))+100%). This results in a gradual increase in Barbarian production and agression with a direct relation to the 150% figure used on the original Epic mode. The result is also a lot less harh than the straight multiplication of 150% which resulted in the original Marathon mode having barbarians set to 300%.

Golden% - Used to calculate the Golden Age duration, this number is reached by (Flat%/1.2).

Hurry% - Based on the numbers in the default gamespeeds this number is reached by (100/Flat%).

Inflate% - Based on the numbers in the default gamespeeds this number is reached by (30/Flat%).

OffSet% - Representing the number of turns before Inflation Kicks in, this number is now based on -(120*Flat%).

These number resulted in these percentages for each gamespeed by number of turns:

Turns  Flat%  Rsrch%  Train%  Build%  Barb%  Golden%  Hurry%  Inflate%  OffSet%
1200   260%   313%    208%    234%    190%   216%     38%     12%       312%        
1000   217%   252%    173%    195%    175%   180%     46%     14%       260%
875    190%   216%    158%    174%    166%   158%     52%     16%       228%
750    163%   182%    135%    149%    156%   135%     61%     18%       196%

And these numbers are then applied like this:

<iGrowthPercent> Flat%
<iTrainPercent> Train%
<iConstructPercent> Build%
<iCreatePercent> Build%
<iResearchPercent> Rsrch%
<iBuildPercent> Build%
<iImprovementPercent> Flat%
<iGreatPeoplePercent> Build%
<iCulturePercent> Flat%
<iAnarchyPercent> Build%
<iBarbPercent> Barb%
<iFeatureProductionPercent> Build%
<iUnitDiscoverPercent> Rsrch%
<iUnitHurryPercent> Build%
<iUnitTradePercent> Flat%
<iUnitGreatWorkPercent> Flat%
<iGoldenAgePercent> Golden%
<iHurryPercent> Hurry%
<iHurryConscriptAngerPercent> Build%
<iInflationPercent> Inflate%
<iInflationOffset> -(OffSet%)
<iVictoryDelayPercent> Flat%

You may notice that I have changed the iBuildPercent from Train% to Build% which is a change from previous incarnations of this MOD. This is to slow things down a little bit in the early game so that players will have something to do if they dont want to jump into a war just yet.

For the purpose of Cultural Expansion, I took the base numbers from the Vanilla game at Normal speed(0, 0, 10, 100, 500, 5000, 50000) and multiplied thenm by Flat%. For Warlords I adjusted them to account for the additional Culture production possible thanks to additions made in Warlords(0, 0, 10, 102, 512, 5120, 51200). For Beyond the Sword, I adjusted them to account for the additional Culture production possible thanks to additions made in Beyond The Sword(0, 0, 11, 109, 545, 5450, 54500) and then multiplied them by the Flat%. This should provide a seamless progression from the old game speeds to the new game speeds, and unlike the default Marathon speed in Beyond the Sword, you are no longer asked to produce only 3x the culture in 3.26x the turns while being given extra culture producing buildings and assets to do so.
The research advantages previously available in lower difficulty levels has been reduced to improve the gameflow.

Anarchy duration has been bumped up in all eras other than future, in which is was actually reduced. The increases are more severe in the early eras because changes came much more slowly and with much more tumult in early civilizations. This is also done in compensation for the extended game lengths.

Further changes were made to the ResearchPercent modifiers for each difficulty level found in CIV4HandicapInfo.xml, and for each map size as found in CIV4WorldInfo.xml.

Minor changes were made to the ResearchPercent modifiers for the eras as found in CIV4EraInfos.xml to make the Ancient, Modern and Future era researches take just a hair longer. In the case of Ancient, this is because ancient was the era most stretched in its average length, and for Modern and Future it was to slow down the end-game.

The number of iFreeUnits has been increased by 18% which is the median between the 20% and 16% used for the various game speeds in increasing the Train rates. This should make large armies a tiny bit more affordable. At Chieftan this gives you 4 more units without an upkeep, and at Imortal it gives you 1.

You will see that in FX-Marathon(1200) mode, Research and training both have been slowed down a bit form the default version of Marathon, while Building has been sped up. This should prevent games from ending in 1400AD by winning the Space Race!

The reasearch percentages for all maps has been altered to a non-linear progression based on the relative map sizes rather than an arbitrary progression as previosuly offered. This results in an increase in research times across the board, but should result in a more even match between the various map sizes with Smaller maps no longer progressing at a completely different rate from larger maps.

All of the numbers for the FX-Mammoth map size have been fabricated using the same sort of relational non-linear numbers with deferenece to the linear progressions found in the smaller maps. Some of the numbers were left the same as the Huge map type just because the larger numbers seems somewhat ridiculous and would have hampered fun.

Attempting to use the FX-Mammoth map size with the Great Plains, Highlands, Hub, Ice Age, Inland Sea, Lakes, Maze, Mirror, Oasis, Pangea, Ring, Team_Battleground, Terra, Tilted Axis and Wheel map types will result in an unusual map type. You will get a 40x25 Plots map with no oceans or lakes. The terrain will gradiate from Tundra at the edges to junlge at the Equator smoothly passing through each terrain type along the way. While this map type may be an accident, some may find it interesting to play. Because of this I have provided modified versions of these maps as part of this package All of these begin with FX and should be easy to identify.
Let me know how everything works out, very little playtesting was done. This would be considered somewhat of a "beta" if it were not for the fact that I know the numbers worked out so well last time!
I believe the minor tweaking I've done this time around should solve those last nagging little gripes I'd had about the endgame balance, and pacing.
Here's to hoping this MOD will once again alter the way 2,000 plus people play the game!
So, I am currently testing out a Warlord, FX-Mammoth, FX-Marathon game in BTS, and things are going quite well for me. I chose Hemispheres with 6 continents and 13 players. Call me Washington.

I got extremely lucky in my starting position! I was fairly close to Alexander, and he was the only other leader on my continent so with a couple of warriors I produced, a couple of warriors found in huts, and the warrior I began with I obliterated the Greeks before they had a chance to menace me! Now I am spreading myself across this wide open continent!

My position could not have been much more fortunate! And with the Great Wall, the hords of barbarians merely give me somethign to hone my troops' skills on!

Currently it is 815 AD, I am 463 turns into the game, and I am a mere 8 turns away from divine right. I have a score of 548, and Joao II, the only other leader to have made contact has a pathetic 325. He hates me but the moment I can cross oceans I plan to destroy him!

My 8 cities are opulent and stretch from coast to coast, producing much wine, incense, corn, wheat, pork and iron. In the surrounding lands my scouts have found many other bounties I cannot wait to claim for America and the Jewish empire.

Soon I will bring Judaism to the world and subjugate them to my will using the Apostolic Palace. In the year 200 I discoverd Christianity, but I believe it to be a passing fad among my people(Proving that the numbers in this mod are still golden even in BTS).

History will remember me!
(at least for another 737 turns!)
Well, since this talks more about the turn speed and the features and mapscript, but what else in there? any ethic artworks, the last time I've played there is any... no extra units? no ranged bomberment? I like to see more stuff to be a modpack, right now it's just a mod filled with mapscripts and changed features then adding any good things.

I think this thread need to be moved to the mapscripts section unless he add in some new units and so forth.
Since when does a MOD require new units to be a MOD? That's news to me! And I've modified the results of the majority of the formulas that determine growth rate, game speed, production...you name it. I have also fixed a large number of messy mistakes made by Firaxis, such as using a 300% multiplier for all fomulas within their marathon speed (just plain wrong) and them failing to account for the increase in possible cultural growth in the Cultural Victory Conditions.

Trust me, there is a lost more to this MOD than just map scripts...In fact there are no NEW map scripts in this MOD, I have only tweaked the existing Map scripts to allow for a larger map size...which in honesty is the least part of this MOD.

The altered gamespeeds and rebalanced gameplay are really what this mod is about.
This works with BTS as a normal MOD.
Just unzip into the Beyond The Sword MOD folder and then load the mod from within the game.
thanks, got it to work the way i wanted

i'm combining some mods, for my own use right now

so far i am using this one, with the civ customizer. have also added a couple of civs.

if i ever want to publish that, do you care if i leave this mod in?
As long as you give me credit for my work, I dont mind at all.
Let me know how the new speeds work out for you
Excellent mod! I am loving it - the continent I wound up on is choc full of civs, though when I got the order to create 14 swordsman units I decided to pare 'em down some. Khmer swordsmen with Drill 1, yar! Just finished researching aesthetics last night... then loaded the the patch this morning and got ""The save file you have selected is protected to ensure that the assets in your mod folder have not been changed." So that game is shot until I can figure out a fix for it, but I'm willing to give it a go again.

Love long speeds & massive planets - thanks!
Hi There everyone! If you notice any incompatabilities with this MOD and 3.03 please let me know as soon as possible and I will update the MOD.

I am not at home at the moment So I have no way to compare the files.

Can anyone run a file compare and let me know if any XML files were changed by this patch?

I see that Earthwulf has discovered above that going from 3.02 to 3.03 will break your savegame...But he doesnt say if he was able to start a new game successfully using my MOD...
Just tried 30 se4conds ago and it worked - Fxterra, marathon custom game. I are komputar illluterate, so I dunno how to do a file compare, other than by opening the files manually & looking at them, or I'd do it for you.
Well that's VERY encouraging!
A file compare can be done using a number of different programs which will actually compare the original files to the new ones, and identify whether there are any differences. In this case I only need to compare the 7-8 files in use and see if those have changed.

I get the feeling they have not.

Likely 303 and 302 are almost identical for gameplay purposes, unfortunately they appear to have locked down save games for some reason.

I wish there were better notes available for this patch and the last one!
i've had no problems with 3.03, or with my combination of this mod with the others. so far, so good

playing the biggest map, the longest time, 5 civs on 6 continents
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