Final Fixes

The Flame8

Dec 17, 2009
United States
0.3 is now available! It contains all changes from 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 so just unzip the file and replace the old ones with the new ones! I NOW HAVE A DOWNLOAD PAGE ON THE FORUM HERE SO NO MORE ATTACHMENT AT BOTTOM OF POST

This mod is by far the best ever. It goes far beyond what anyone thought CIV could be. Far too ambitious goals killed it and a few fixes are needed to fix the balance of the game and save it from oblivion.

I am a newbie modder with little experience with XML and almost no experience with Python, but the game is so close that I feel a few fixes will change it. Attached is what I've accomplished so far. If you want to help or you feel some changes are required that you feel are reasonable please post. Don't let the game end where it is now!


Spoiler :
AI aggressiveness improved yet again a little more specifically, still not perfect but far better than before.
Acheron held issue fixed
First barbarian decreasings. Just made it less likely for their imrpovements to spawn which then decreases amount of barbarians.

Fixes AiWeights in Buildinginfos, techinfos, and unit infos XML files to encourage building buildings and units and actually researching techs.
Fixes problem of AI only using God King. They will now do things like city state which allows them to put more money towards research indirectly.
Makes AI more competitive in religions, techs, and war.
Makes Illians and others more likely to build projects.

Edited AiWeight in Buildinginfos and techinfos XML files to encourage buildings and researching religious techs
Made AI more aggressive under Ai Variables XML file to preven them from turtling and producing nothing but units
And small python file change that should allow you to take over Infernal or Mercurians when spawned.


Future Goals
Spoiler :
Future Goals: 0.3-1.0
Fixing "defender" trait to gain homeland promotion (Horatius done)
Fixing "spiritual" trait to not allow anarchy. (Horatius done)
Make AI more aggressive, worked a little in 0.1-0.3 but needs to be expanded on.
Fill in civopedia for missing lore. Make up creative stuff if you want. Just post it here and I'll check it and add it to the changelog. (DarkShadows helping)
Fix magic problems with master promotion (pigeon holed in committee)
Decrease aggressiveness and overabundance of barbarians (expanding still)
Make Scions and D'Tesh playable by AI (removed Mekara, too complicated and extemely buggy) (Will be hard, no idea how to do this)(?)
Make AI have set relations for things like Amurites vs Illians (Thank you Horatius)
Religion tweaks
Willing to expand if more ideas!

0.3 Fixes a lot of balance issues far beyond 0.2. Download it HERE and try it out for yourself!

.zip file now in better format so you can just unzip into Rise from Erebus folder, sorry I didn't do that before!
Is it possible to change the AI to understand how to play Scions & D'tesh?

Currently the AI derps around with them and that is kind of sad since The Scions would make a very difficult opponent if the AI knew how to play them :(
nice to see this

My next game (or the one after that) ought to be a renewal RifE :D
Is it possible to change the AI to understand how to play Scions & D'tesh?

Currently the AI derps around with them and that is kind of sad since The Scions would make a very difficult opponent if the AI knew how to play them :(

That is one of the things on my to do list. I'm not very experienced, so any help would be awesome!
Changes to the AI are best done in the dll (you must edit the source code and then compile it into the dll). Technically they can be done in the python but I've been told that doing so makes the game alot slower.
I made my changes under the XML files. All you have to do is replace old files with these (only like 3) and make sure you have snarko's patch first. Most of the fixes I'm making are small and won't be needed in the dll. I've been using it so far and it has worked to my expectations and I'm now taking people's requests to fix. If you know anything about python, the source code, and dll feel free to help because I'm focusing on XML.
Would you be interested in an addon aswell?

Since the Frozen were removed, I changed the Illians so that through extra rituals they get access to wide array of ice themed units (they sort of half-merge with the frozen).

It's still got a few issues with the rituals and buildings but I can fix those.

Though you probably don't want more balance issues to deal with :dunno:
Darkshadows: If you can do that I will post it separately and comment that it doesn't do well with balance. If you do that I'll see what I can do to fix it but no promises.

Bill: What?
It is under Assets/Python
It is a file not within any specifics. Just replace it there.

Once it get it tell me how it works. It's improved the game alot for me (with the xml changes) and I hope it works.
I will post it when it's fixed then.

I'm not much help with coding though, most I know is how to copy-paste buildings and units :P

But I think I can help with the missing pedia stuff.
Thanks! I've been testing my changes so far. I still need to put AI weights on buildings and technologies more to prevent AI from researching little to nothing. Sheiam and Bannor always seem to struggle score wise so I'll look into that. Pleaseeeeee test what I have so far to recommend new stuff. I don't have enough time to try everything, but things are close gameplay wise. Civopedia and a few civs need a little to be fixed.
New TechInfos.xml is now under testing. Goal is to encourage civs that don't seem to want to research much. Will be uploaded when I feel it's complete as most of 0.2. Changes were to AIWeight to emphasize certain techs and added a few flavours to some techs. Post here if you want the untested file to try out.

EDIT: UnitInfos.xml also initial testing underway to prevent excessive building of units.
Hi, I just sign-up so I can direct you to an annoying error/bug. I'm playing as D'tesh, and when I try to conquer/capture an enemy city, the game CTD. Seeing how I only play with conquest victory on, this makes the D'tesh unplayable for me :(. The city also has settlers and workers and maybe some other non-combat units that are possibly causing the problem, IDK, but I would be uber thankful if you or somebody could find a fix for this. Thx in advance.
Hi, I just sign-up so I can direct you to an annoying error/bug. I'm playing as D'tesh, and when I try to conquer/capture an enemy city, the game CTD. Seeing how I only play with conquest victory on, this makes the D'tesh unplayable for me :(. The city also has settlers and workers and maybe some other non-combat units that are possibly causing the problem, IDK, but I would be uber thankful if you or somebody could find a fix for this. Thx in advance.

Interesting... my main focus is to finish touch ups on balance and civopedia. As I didn't help actually program the game I don't know what to tell you. I will look for something, but right now I would avoid using the D'tesh because of errors like this. I'll try to improve it but no promises.
0.2 will be released by Saturday or Sunday with fixes on research, unit and building construction, and overall AI competitiveness.

200th Post!
0.2 is now available under first post.
Changelog is also in first post and most balance issues are worked out.
Scions and D'Tesh still need to be fixed, and I'll most likely need help with this.
Glad to see the greatest of all mod projects isn't entirely forgotten. RIFE, FFH, and all the mod mods for this wonderful fantasy world for civ 4 truly set the standard for civ strategy games. Firaxis should take some notes...especially after the dumb down feel of civ 5. I still have yet to see a decent mod for that game to make it even a shadow of civ 4 or the mods people have made for it. Thanks to the creators and carriers on. :)

Trying my first Rife game in awhile since the mod was left semi-broken with 1.4. So far I'm glad to see the snarko patch fixed subdue animal. I noticed they no longer acquire hidden nationality after capture though? Working as intended?
I have only made my own changes. If you have any problems with what Snarko changed I can change those with the next update. Try out my updates and see what you think.

Yeah, Civ 5 is a real dissapointment, and that's why I came back to Civ 4! The modability of it is amazing and RIFE is a beauty I'm just trying to fix up so it isn't remembered badly.
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