• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Fitted Irrigation

Pounder, I'd like to ask you for permission to use your irrigation for my future terrain pack update. I have altered the colors a bit to make them more fitting, and I'd love to use it. :)
Hi Pounder, thanks for your great work.
I've seen that your creations are very beautiful and I would like to suggest you something.

Mines makes production, in our days production is factories but not only them, there is a city around the factory. I think that mines should be a continuation of the city, it would create a metropolitan region on the city, being able to connect two cities with mines (smallest cities with factories). Like happens with Boston and Washington ( Bos-Wash) or Essen and Dortmund, for example, the Bos-Wash axis is connected by smallest cities. I'm not a creator, so I don't know if my idea is really possible, but I think it is.
Thanks, by the way.
@jony malcatra

The mines are on the terrain buildings file and the problem is there is only one tile for the mines, even though it is one of the most dominating features in the game.

It is a pity that there is no allowance for different era's either.

So whatever is done with the mine gets monotonous.

A factory or a small town could be made on the mine tile, but it would be placed countless times.

If you have a request, maybe you should make one on the main C&C forum.
Been adding a bit recently to my irrigation files, just trying to make changes to coastal land tiles.

1) adding some raised land that shows up as islands if they border water and just mod the terrain where they don't border water

2) added a few posts that can appear it the water or on land

3) other changes to the edges of the irrigation

Might still make a couple more changes if I get any ideas, thought I would ask you guys for comments/ideas.

Looking forward to getting the update when you're done. This is looking very good.
Looks very good!:goodjob: I still use the Firaxis irrigation graphics, since others I have tried makes it difficult (at least for me) to distinguish which tiles are irrigated and not. I usually plays with the grid activated, so is there any chance of a screenshot with gridlines switched on? Is it possible to determine if the underlaying terrain is grasslands or hills with this set (I have enabled irrigation in hills)? Maybe it's impossible without too large transparent areas - I just wondered. I think your irrigation graphics is the best candidate yet to replace Firaxis dull irrigation-files.
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