Forum Game: Night of the Werewolf Game Thread

[tab]Five is a majority in the shrinking village and Stablemaster Unser is greeted at his door by a mass of villagers ready for another lynching. He checks the horses in his care, and makes sure they have enough food to last the next few days. Then he removes his coat, folds it and leaves it on the tackle box and walks out to the square.

[tab]The gallows have turned dark from dried blood and has a stench so foul everyone covers their mouth and nose when they approch it. Still the afternoons grim business must be done and the Stablemaster is moved into position. Acolyte Loki blesses him and Stablemaster Unser mutters something about "that damn missing stableboy" before the lever is pulled and he does the deadmans dance.

[tab]No transformation follows. Still you cut his corpse down and check it for any signs he wasnt human. None are found. Stablemaster Unser was human.

[tab]Tonight the werewolves will strike again. By morning there will be only 7 left, 5 humans and 2 werewolves. There are only a few chances left to save Foxford.
uh oh I came to late to even be votin'

Well, at least I don't have to have a bad conscience now...

good night!
[tab]No one sleeps at night in Foxford. Instead every door is barred, and every innocent villager hides in the shadows of their homes. For those that survive, the nights are full of imagined sounds and distant animals noises that sound more ominious since the werewolves arrived.

[tab]But not tonight. There is a crash so loud that everyone thinks the werewolves are coming through their own door. But the houses aren't touched. Instead you hear a low growl and a drunken challenge.

[tab]"What are .. come on! Killed my Sonne, the only nice one!"

[tab]You peek out of your houses and see Village Idiot Corlindale running through the village with a gleaming sword in his hand. Spirits stretch from the sword, the souls of those killed by it, and the reach for and surface the sword comes near. Gripping walls, a rain barrel, a tree only to be pulled back when Corlindale whips the sword the other way.

[tab]Two werewolves stalk the drunk, growling and leading him back into the village square, where they will have more room to maneuver. You briefly consider rushing out to help, but the werewolves glance at those peeking from your windows, and you are unable to overcome your fear.

[tab]Maybe if the Hunter was still alive, he could do something. Maybe with that sword Corlindale will be able to fight them off. Maybe...

[tab]When the werewolves get him into the village square they circle him. Corlindale is blubbering about the butterflies and Sonne when they leap. The sword moves on its own, as if to counter the attack, but Corlindales leg gives out and he tumbles backwards into the mud. One of the werewolves easily bats the sword aside, and the other sinks his teeth into Corlindales throat. The two feast, tearing him apart as you watch from your windows. He never stood a chance and you are suddenly happy, and very guilty, that you did nothing but watch.

[tab]After they have fed one of the werewolves picks up the discarded sword. Then, with a howl they both dissapear with it into the night.

[tab]Safe for a few hours you allow yourself to sleep and your dreams are full of dark shapes that hunt you and blue butterflies.

[tab]In the morning you hope that 2 villagers will be missing, that the werewovles would have left town now that they have the sword. But of the group only Corlindale is gone, the hunt continues. But it is day now, and you are the hunters and they are the prey.

[tab]You have 2 chances left, today and tomorrow. If you fail to get a werewolf in either day Foxford is done.
My vote would be on one of the quiet ones. Staying silent and not participating much, letting us others pick fights among ourselves and then eliminating the ones who don't get into the public eye. Only I'm not sure which one. Civkid1991, maybe? And he travels a lot, he may have been the one to bring the lycanthrope curse to us in the first place. You know they say it was the Baron, but that might've just been a coincidence...
If we can assume that these half-wolf brute (and I really hope we can - else we're all doomed) are not so clever as to vote for one of them for lynching, only the tanner, the farmhand and the merchant are left as prime suspects...
pah! I'm no wolven. Tell me who is, I'm gonna lynch him with ma bare hands!

But we don't know! All I can do is trust in the line of mayors. Tell me, mayor, whom to vote for, I'll do it. Maybe that proves that I'm no wolven.
I agree that the merchant seems suspicious.
the way i see it the werewolves are keeping quiet and picking us of, while deathling drew our wrath.
So - the probability that you aren't the prophet is higher than that you are: So we have good chances when we just lynch you and xuenay...
So - remembering the guidiance this false acolyte gave us during the last few days (heck - the trouble even started just after he arrived in these parts) I came to the conclusion that our helpless town-idiot must have been the prophet and loki should be done with quickly! And tomorrow we get the cursed tanner and then we at last can sleep save again...
hu? I don't get it...

why loki now? You said

If we can assume that these half-wolf brute (and I really hope we can - else we're all doomed) are not so clever as to vote for one of them for lynching,..

and loki *did* vote for the wolven deathling. Also, the wolven voted once for loki...

so did you...

Tis' suspicious, really is...
Ahh, I take back my final judgement for now (missed that deathling voted for loki...)

But I still find lokis last words suspicios.
well, least he was right about Deathling, and he said the word came from this... prophet..

course, he could be bluffin'...

so could be you...
uh, are you saying you're the prophet? Then ya surely wouldn't survive the next night by now...

anyway, I've been lookin' through all the votes, and it seems to me, out of the possible werewolvens, at least one must have bluffed by votin' for a mate...

xuenay didn't vote for deathling, but if he's a wolven, then Loki is bluffin' and probably a wolven, too...

by the way, the only one who hasn't voted for the wolven and isn't involved in so complicated bluffin' schemes is the merchant...

apart from myself, that is...:blush:
Bad Player said:

That was also my reaction (who are you anyway - some sort of gosth?...)

my fear is that there will be no tomorrow...

I'll let every citizen have his say before I finally dicide who I will vote for, but as it is now loki is my prime suspect.
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