Fun Game. 1/4/2013


Crazy Horse
Mar 20, 2009
the 1800s
Fun game today.

As you can see by the graphs, the Lanun had gained a rediculous lead ... yet somehow my military was still about the same size (and possibly a bit bigger .. depends on how much fire-bows count towards power vs Stygian Guards. If Tholal buffed their rating amount, then its quite possible that I had less Firebows than I had Stygian Guards)

But actually, come to think of it, I can just check for myself (I can give you, probably, a full military roster)

The turn I attacked was probably one of the most opportune moments of doing so.

1) Just a handful of turns ago, the Ljosalphar had declared war on the Lanun. At first we thought perhaps they had just gone mad, and Gekko thought I had bribed them ... but starting to think it was due to his insane Power to GNP ratio. (Something that exists in almost every Lanun game btw ;) )

2) Gekko had left very light garrisons in his southern cities, bringing almost everything to the north and east (while I am to his west). Made fireballs a bit more effective in the early years of the war. Also, I think his capital had maybe 5 units or so in it at the time that I captured and razed it. More than once had I razed a city with a reinforcing army not but 2 tiles away (so close, yet so far away). Sometimes though, I had enough movement to kill the army after taking the city ... but ofc I would have suffered more losses had they been able to take advantage of the city defenses (not to mention potential fortification values)

3) I used Arcane Lacuna a turn before the war (or maybe same turn). This disabled his tsunamis, meaning I didn't have to circumvent the Oceans. Also meant any other casters I didn't know about had become completely useless. Yet I think that priests of overlords were his only casters because at some point before the war I saw that he hadn't even researched Knowledge of the Ether yet. :king:

4) Nox Noctis ... was his. Or was it? He built the Mercurian Gate in the same city as Nox Noctis ... effectively ridding himself of the protective mechanic. This allowed me to kill massive armies in the field (and heroes too iirc, although only the Baron was a true victim of his thinking he still had nox protection) that I otherwise would have to have fought in the trenches (city squares). Honestly, I think its awesome that not the whole freakin team gets the benefits of Nox Noctis, and it makes sense from a coding perspective ... but still. I could see how that was a bit of a trap :sad: Perhaps there should be a better Civilopedia strategy section on the Nox Noctis for this sort of thing? Honestly, I thought he knew that he lost the Noctis protection, so I didn't think of saying anything, but had I known that he didn't know (before the war), I would have probably told him. Truth be told, I didn't realize it until just now. It explains why he left Baron by himself ... although tbh he didn't have much of an army left by that point anyways, so that's why I didn't realize it even during the war. I guess I figured he would have noticed while I was killing his units on the field, but I think that he may well have thought he was still getting protection so long as the Mercurian Capital lay untouched. I mean Hell, I thought he had protection too until my pre-war scouting revealed that I could see units in his territory. (whereas earlier I could not). This clued me in before the invasion even began that it was lost ... but I just assumed that he knew as well. Its one of those things that would be easily detectable in a PBEM, but in simul sometimes those things can slip for a whole game.

5) His Army. His main offensive stack was as far away from my border as it was ever going to be. Just turns earlier, it was near Bolans along the border ... but then it went off to fight the elves. Sure it was just in Bruti (the local elven border city), but since the rest of the Ljosalphar cities were so empty, I figured that he would have just sent a much smaller force next time, after healing. He already brought his Shadows back to the front, (or they were headed in that direction at least- to me), so I felt safe to assume that he too could tell that the war was already 'over'. After the game, it seemed safe to assume that the only real threat he felt (from the elves) was from the treants of the world spell.

6) My Army. It was not the perfect army, but it was good enough to get the job done, and that's what matters. It wasn't much fancy either ... the first RoK hero, a bunch of firebows, and 2 adepts. One adept for hasting and another for eyeballs. These were the only 2 adepts I had built in the entire game, and this wasn't long after I had built my final one (maybe 10 turns later). I didn't waste time building extra adepts to construct any nodes ... my strategy needed no nodes. First I made sure that I had my body1 adept for hasting, as I figured that would be most important in the early stages of the war. (ie, before at least one city got razed). After that, I did some eyeball scouting with my 2nd adept ... including noticing the light garrison in the capital city (1 warrior at the time), and the remaining forces of the elves (basically nothing).


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The game started out with 3 players, with Ryan playing the Malakim ... but Ryan's a bit rusty, and the (ljos) AI a bit lucky ... so he eventually found himself overwhelmed by the Ljosalphar armies (and retired to an AI). The Malakim, as an AI, lasted a while after Ryan left, but eventually their death-quote showed up on the screen.

All of this happened right on the northern Lanun border, so that is how the Ashen Veil holy city came to become a Ljosalphar city right on the border with the Lanun.

At the time of the war, the Lanun army was just returning from a successful campaign against the Doviello, managing to Vassalize them after reducing them to one city (at least ... not actually sure if the Dovis ever had more than one city tbh, they didn't play very well this game. Went to Philo before Mining apparently).

So the Ljos declare war (rather unexpectedly), and the Lanun army returns to Bolans, and quickly redirects to Bruti. My workers were already in lanun lands building up plenty of roads for my raider troops (I was Decius of the Amurites, he was Rhoanna of the Lanun).

So needless to say, I made war plans immediately. I would have probably declared once my workers were finished with the road network anyways, but certainly not a guarantee. Either way, once the Ljos declared (the last real threat to Lanun/Amurite domination) I knew that it was now or never. Cause after that war, never again would I have a chance to snipe a few cities before is army returned. I mean sure, I might still have the chance to wage a successful war, but odds of winning would go down to 50% at best (imho).

Therefore, I knew that I had to ready myself immediately, regardless of my plans (although they were pretty set towards war anyways, my 2 adepts were already set up, and I did one turn of eyeball scouting already).
At the turn of the war, I was making 92 gold per turn at 0% science (or rather, at 100% gold).

I was running Aristocracy, Consumption, Apprenticeship, and Conquest.

Gekko was running Theocracy, Pacifism, Caste System, Foreign Trade, and Undercouncil.


earlier, I was running Aristo, Nationhood, Arete, and Agrarianism. And in the early game I went Godking, Nationhood, Apprenticeship, Agrarianism. (it was pretty rough ... for some reason Barbarians started with Axemen rather than warriors). The whole game was quite slow going. I think the turn of the war was about turn 193 ... when normally (without the barb axemen at turn 30, for instance) we'd probably be in this position somewhere around turn 140-170. (on quick). I think the barbs (and my bad start) had to delay the game by at least 20 turns, if not 50 turns. Luckily for me, however, my second city was decent with a farmable resource (rice), and the Remnants of Patria. Due to patria I went education before mining or exploration, for the extra +2 hammers. The barbs were that bad. Also, my 2nd city (patrian city) Udenerat gained up to 8 population or so while my Capital was still at size 3. My capital never got past size 8 while Udenerat got to 11 or so iirc (and much faster too).

As for Gekko, he switched early to Godking as well. Like me, his expansion was halted, or at least severely delayed, by a swarm of barbarians. He was, of course, eventually able to get his economy up and running ... and since it was a lanun economy, it was of course leaps and bounds beyond my own. In the mid game I think I had 5 cities (going on 6) while he had 8 cities. Not sure his final pre-war city count though.

After a long run in Godking, he eventually switched to Aristocracy. Incidentally, this was only ONE TURN before I switched to Aristocracy :lol:

Looking back on it, I should have switched sooner (at least 10 turns? don't remember how long it was available for) but ... I wanted to get the Great Library :D

Gekko eventually took Form of Titan and Bone Palace, shortly after this. So not sure if my GL play was necessary or just a waste of time. It certainly helped me out in the end though ... because about 15 turns before the war a second great sage was born in Cevedes, giving me 8 turns of golden age. It was during this time that I switched out of the awful Godking+Nationhood+Apprenticeship+Conquest into the much more useful Aristocracy+Consumption+Apprenticeship+Conquest. Yes ... I know ... I freakin SWITCHED OUT from Aristo into Godking when I went for Conquest the first time, in the desperate search for more food hammers. Had I stayed in Aristo, who knows ... maybe I would have had Fuedalism/Royal Guards by the time of the war. Doubtful, but still. During my 2nd Godking days (between 2 rounds of Aristo) I built Archery Range and Command Post in Cevedes, and managed to 1-turn a few archers before starting the Golden Age (and switching back into Aristo). The switch occured during the 2nd turn of the golden age btw. Gekko had just recently summoned the Mercurians for Iron, so I sold them one of my 3 irons (RoK Wonder) for 167 gold, 9 gold per turn, and a few other things I don't remember. I think by this time we had re-opened our borders. I canceled them a while back to prevent his Nightwatch from Esus-ing *all* my cities, just in case he was going to switch into the State Religion for city visibility. I was giving him a second iron so that both he and his vassal could have Iron ... but seriously I think we ended up doing that deal just for the hell of it. I mean, he was being nice, and I desperately needed any money I could get my hands on. (I was 100%-ing to currency, with only 2 turns left if I had the available cash). So, from his generosity, I was able to switch into Consumption on something like turn 175-180? Without his charity, it would have put the civics swap a few turns back, and I may have had a few less Firebows to field. Perhaps not a huge difference, but certainly worth noting. In any case, I was absolutely ecstatic with the successful trade. I felt like I had made money from nothing (well, from Gekko's generosity), and so I was able to switch to Consumption immediately (in 2 turns). The original plan was for me to trade him something for Currency, (a tech I think?) but then I realized I was 2 turns away from it so I just traded iron for the money. Originally, some 10-15 turns back, before he got Mercurians, I offered to give him access to Iron for 2000 gold pieces. I expected him to counter offer, and eventually give him the Iron for around 1000 gold or so (perhaps a bit less, but I doubt I would have personally gone below 1000, especially since I didn't know he was working on the gate). After the game, he told me that he eventually rushed the gate for about 700 gold, after it was about half way completed.

Looking back at things, I should have made the Golden Age start the same turn of the switch, but I was too ecstatic + its a fast timer game (well, Medium turn timer iirc), so once I got the G-Sage I was too happy to start my Golden Age. I was also desperate for cash, as in psychologically desparate ... and wasn't thinking too straight about how to maximize the GA, I was just all too happy to get it :D

Actually, I half way thought of settling the sage on my Academie'd Capital, but knew it wouldn't give me gold, and gold was all I needed at the time, so I was all too happy to click the GA button. Unfortunately I clicked it as soon as the decision was made, without any regards to timing or efficiency. Still, it wouldn't have made a lot of difference (maybe one firebow?). I think the single mistake that hurt my play the most was when I switched from Aristo + Agrarianism to Godking + Conquest. I didn't even have Command posts up yet, so all I was doing was getting 4 exp on my firebows. I guess I Thought I was Charismatic or something. So not only was switching to Conquest a waste (at least until Command posts), but switching out of Aristo severely hurt my pre-war gold supply. Ultimately though ... I don't know what the full effects of the switch were. I mean, I *did* have more hammers in my capital, so I was able to set up firebow infrastructure a lot faster there than normally. It was one of the first cities to get a Command Post up too, possibly because of this.
Alright, so I went ahead and logged in on turn 192/193 (I saved the turn I invaded)

It looks as if I actually had quite a bit more Firebows than he did Stygian Guards. It also looks as if his Stygian guards were all 1-movers. :eek:

Still, its not as large a disadvantage as you might think. For he had Engineering. So while his units moved 3 tiles per turn, mine moved 4 tiles per turn (or 6 with haste). However I must have had a slow mover in my army, because it seemed that even with haste I was only able to move 4-5 tiles during the first turn of the war. (perhaps one of the 60 firebows had started in the nearby city on that turn).

So here are the stats.

My invading stack: exactly 60 firebows, 2 adepts, and Bambur.

later I would reinforce with small stacks of mobile firebows. Most of which would die :lol:

My total Army:

66 firebows
2 adepts
17 archers
15 warriors
1 Nightwatch

My GNP = 142

His total Army:

42 Stygian Guards
16 cultists
4 shadows
7 warriors
3 drowns
1 zealot

His GNP = 949

Spoiler :

Mercurians: bunch of angels, some Angels of Death too I think (well, at least after the war was over I saw some). I might edit this in later, just didn't think it was important while I was logged in. Ultimately the Angels ended up killing some of my workers, and capturing a border city. A city that they refused to give back, even after becoming co-vassals after the war. At no point, even before the war, would Basium speak with me diplomatically. Except after vassalization. Then I guess he had to, but he still didn't have much to say. At the end of the war, well, after the war really, I helped them get rid of the elves (it was part of the reason they offered vassalization I guess, didn't want the indignity of being finished off by the AI). They didn't capitulate mind you ... all I asked for peace was Engineering (after I razed his capital city and started running home before he razed all my cities ... but his invading army gave up the chance to raze one of my border cities, perhaps in a desperate attempt to protect Bolans. I ended up keeping Bolans for after-war spoils, and liberated it back to the lanun (bringing them from 2 cities to 3 cities) a few turns after they vassalized.

So anyways, after the war, while I was helping to get rid of the elves, I offered Ryan's former cities to Gekko as a sort of 'Vassalization present.' I like rewarding my vassals, after all. He didn't quite accept the offer, however, so instead the Mercurians took them. So now, at victory screen, the Mercurians have 3 northern cities on the other side of the Lanun territories. INCLUDING the Ashen Veil holy city :D

Didn't think of this at the time, but in hindsight, I am surprised the Mercurians didn't auto-raze the holy city. I mean, I know that mercurian culture cancels out the Ashen Veil religion, but still ... the effects are only temporary. Its still the Veil holy city :p


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Over the course of the war 3 horsemen were born and died.

Mercurians killed Yersina the turn the war ended, and thus kept the Athame (but didn't pick it up, sadly).

Someone (either me or Mercurians) ended up killing Buboes. And Bambur managed to pick up the War blade. Really uncertain how he died btw ... I think one of my firebows may have killed him on defense, but its really hard to tell. He kind of died in 1 turn, and barbs and mercurians moved the same turn I think, and I'm pretty sure some angels at least suicided on the horseman.

So after picking up War, Bambur was pretty much unstoppable ... I think. But maybe Stygians are immune to the strength added by war. Either way, he didn't get to do any more fighting than he had earlier (maybe 1 or 2 fights per city), but I think his Heroic Defense 2 may have helped us some ... or hell, at least it would have in a much closer fight (if the Ljos had not Interfered), but as it is, at least on the defense, it seems like the Firebows gave their lives first. And not that I cared really, I had plenty in my stack ... but it was still sad to see soldiers die.

Spoiler :

As it was, I was just killing Demons and crazed cultists XD ... and ... I suppose millions of innocent Lanun citizens ... but maybe they just re-settled the countryside ;)

and anyways, they were :cough: clearly demon worshippers :cough:, Im sure Kilmorph would approve :rolleyes:

And I have no idea what happened to the first Horseman. Maybe the Mercs killed HIM too?

By the way, Gekko had the Guild of the Nine ... but I'm not sure that I ended up fighting any mercenaries ... Did I really raze it during first turn of the war? Thought it was in the capital ...
During the war, Soooo many wonders got destroyed. And so many cities too. Its kind of sad that after the war is over, and I win the game, only one ... ONE!!! of my cities makes it to the top 5 list ;)


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nice analysys, I'll just correct a couple wrong assumptions you've made. let's see:

1) yes, denying myself of Nox Noctis via mercurian summoning was a bad idea :D I did realize I had lost the invisibility though. I just didn't care because really, I lost the game when I decided to invade the Ljos. I was kinda seeing red at their out of the blue DoW since their power rating was way lower than mine :D

2) I never touched the Doviello, they offered vassalization on their own and I accepted, inheriting their war with the Elohim. all I did was quickly raze the nearest Elohim city to teach them who's boss :D

3) I didn't have any issue with barbs, I think I killed a grand total of 1 barb axemen in the whole game. got lucky there, my slow initial expansion was due to me focusing on getting the oceanic city of doom rolling asap via heron throne + tower of complacency :D

4) I've just realized I had forgot about mercenaries. had I set my gold slider to 100% and abused them... :D

5) yes, not giving my massed stygs mobility was also a big mistake on my part.
After peace with Lanun (for their gifting me Engineering), they offered vassalization after the Ljosalphar took one of their cities.

Soon after this, they ended up gifting me a *lot* of techs.

I ended up switching back into Arete from Apprenticeship, and switching back to Agrarianism from Conquest.

After all this, a funny thing started happening :p

Some Lanun shadows started killing my workers and domestic firebows ;)

Still, with Gekko vassalized, all that was left was to capture/destroy the 2 Elohim cities and I'd have the game won. (Basium, as team-mate, was a begrudged co-vassal, while the 1-city Doviello immediately offered their Vassalization after Gekko did).
Ah, Good Morning Gekko.

1) ah, I see. Yes, I think I've done that sort of thing before :) During the Treant summons, I think I would have mobilized my forces towards the border ... but then retreated once the Treants went away. I'd probably keep my Shadows in ljos territory just tearing up, while otherwise just defending the border. Maybe I'd attack with a small, mobile army if I saw an opening.

1A) Did it tell you how long Arcane Lacuna would last?

2) I suppose Charadon was just auto-vassaling by that point then. 1 city filled with 10-15 beastman will do that to a person I suppose.

For the turn he was no longer a vassal (ie, once you were) he immediately offered it to me.

3) Interesting ...

4) yea, Guild of Nine can be awesome

5) yes ;)
Here are the GNP/Power etc ratings for after the war. (shows the dramatic drop during war-time)


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Of interest to note, is that at the turn of my victory the Lanun still had a higher GNP than me XD

The Mercurians gained a higher GNP after I let them have Ryan's cities. And after they didn't give back my Nimaril ... :p

Here is a close up (50 turns) of the GNP shenannigans.


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yup, arcane lacuna has a red display like stasis, iirc on quick it's 12-15 turns. disabled both tsunamis and raging seas :D
almost forgot: were you fighting barb axemen early on consistently? if so that could be a bug, it would mean they showed up before anyone got BW.
This was a fun read, you should do more of these threads.
PM me or Tasunke and we can arrange something :)

edit: just noticed the first screen of the OP, check out all the wonders in Innsmouth... ahah :D
Looks like a good game. Seems like someone need to bring down Tasunkes winning streak.
Bring it! :D
[to_xp]Gekko;12123896 said:
almost forgot: were you fighting barb axemen early on consistently? if so that could be a bug, it would mean they showed up before anyone got BW.

Yep. Axes n lizards. +1 gargoyle

I think the axes may have been a bug
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