Futuristic Mod With Mythological, Feudal Japanese Undertones


Feb 9, 2002
Don't ever think mobboss is cool.

Really, he isn't. Autistic spaz on an ice rink is more like it.
the credits will have a small gif of art in game, followed by the name of the creator, and then below the group, links to where the art can be downloaded.


  • preview.gif
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once, there was a troll named mobboss.

HE thought he was slick, but actually he was just a beeatch.

The end.


  • sniperrun_sw.gif
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I love the sniper and the cities! Beautiful! However the Sniper seems a bit dark. Anyway, I will be willing to help out. Where should I start?:confused:
Well for the guns you may want a metal of some kind like alluminium or something. The laser and pulse rifle use energy. Don't know how you're going to get that into a resource. As you said a rail gun uses Uranium. Plasma gun uses plasma.

I don't think I can do space sounds. I shall try my best but....
unit 65% complete for mod


  • rgattack_sw.gif
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about your culture groups, I have some suggestions, based on idealogies:

there was a nuclear war between two poltical powers - these two powers became the Genetics and Cybernetics, who remain at war. The landscape should reflect a nuclear winter.

Genetics - believe in human supremacy, and try to create perfect humans for this goal. They should have high war-weariness, owing to an intolerance for loss of humans.

Cybernetics - humans who put their faith in machines. Low war-weariness since all their combat units are artificial, so no loss of life.

Mutants - survivors of nuclear war. PTW will allow ruined cities, which should feature in theri landscapes. N.B. Not all of their units need be humanoid. They blame all other factions for their suffering - the genetics & cybernetics for starting it, the ecologists for running away and doing nothing to prevent the war, the Freedom Republic for raiding the mutants for food.

Freedom Republic - rebels against the stale, cold societies of genetics and cybernetics. Believers in personal freedom & the ideals of the pre-war age. Low tech base, but plenty of stealth units.

Ecologists - after the nuclear war, these people retired from interaction with other factions and became isolationists. Now they have re-emerged to reclaim and heal the scarred ecology.
Just a suggestion for resources. In the original civ3 resources file there are many unused resource pictures that you can use. For example, there are a number of metal types and you could cut and paste the pictures into the file being used by the program and add new types of metals to the game depending on what those cyborg units are made out of. Titanium and admantium are 2 examples or just call it steel alloys. I added steel alloys to my mod as a resource for building modern tanks and gunships.

Also there is a chemical icon which could be used as a resource for a specific chemical or just chemicals in general. Plasma is a type of energy which I don't know anything about. If you want to have it as a resource there is also a green energy ball icon in the resource file you can use for plasma (I believe it is provided as an alternative uranium icon).
Plasma Infantry
60% complete for mod
SE view, firing power charged round. (Attack A).


  • piattack1_se.gif
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Originally posted by Neomega
21st to 26th century history download link located above picture of five metropoli.

I takt it that means you're not open to suggestions, then ;)
I need the scenario to be less conflict objective....... I am hoping to keep the feel of an empire building type game with war as one of the events that can occur, but not the prime event. I am only working on the units so hardily right now, because they and leader heads take the most work, plus units are the easiest creation, I mean dreaming up weapons for the future is alot easier than city improvements for the future. I would like to stray from making any one race "evil" or "good", as I'd like to leave that up to the leader... the player.

But I am taking suggestions for resources, technologies, governments, city improvements, world wonders, and units.
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