I should have my t250 numbers in the next couple days. I'd like to post them, but I'm concerned about the reaction....like last time.
Don't worry, knowing how far one is behind is better than nothing. Don't hesitate to post a few screens

Funny game I just played that I wanted to share.
WastinTime getting 18 cities 'til T150 made me try a game with IMP opponents to see if they're really settling more cities:
Got this funny start, double Silver. I like start near the Tundra area because then there's a lot of land with Trees one can expand to, also Silver is rare and hard to get so starting with has its charme. Start also has Marble, an Oasis and wet Corn and as you see:
i got 2 random events, Truffels and Waters of Life

Researched Mining, then researched Masonry -> TW -> Pottery. The detour to Masonry was because I like Marble with Checker-rushes. With the city being size 4 it had 11

, unfortunately the difference between Silver and Gold is really noticeable:
Churned out Checkers and rolled over Roosevelt. The cities unfortunately have basically no

potential in the 9-tiles-square. I think even with the Road and the one Cottage they cannot sustain themselves, the capital is nice though, the 2nd city more meh:
I then took the promoted troops from the war against Roosevelt (had luck in the fights) towards the neighbour Suleiman. He only had 3 cities and they look somehow the same with no real potential for

in the 9-tiles-square, they were very badly defended though (only 1 and 2 Archers and one didn't even have fortify) so again luck / only 1 loss:
Losses + Kills after 5 cities:
1 loss / conquered city is ok, right? ^^
Then came Sulei's capital. It was on a Hill and was defended by 3 Archers. I lured one out and the highly promoted Checkers conquered it again with only a few losses...
City at least has a little potential for

These are the losses with having 7 cities (I also conquered Darius capital, has Crabs + another Silver, with such a hammer-strong-start conquering a lot is definitely possible
9 losses for 7 cities

Now if you'd think that this game would be amazing, not 100% sure as some cities are really nice and conquesting that much is great too but I'm basically broke and can only reach Writing because I built Stonehenge and the GW for Failgold

. There's a lot of Gold on the map aswell but many Plains and the map is lacking real food.
Still 7 cities 'til T100 and a very high promoted army of Checkers is something. The map:
Probably not worth continuing like every single game in which I get Truffels or the +2

Quest. I maybe could reach Currency but I just don't like the city-locationis and getting the

for Maths is probably almost impossible. Silver just isn't a very strong

resource, 3 Silvers are like 2 Golds and those of you who tried know that one does't get very far with 2 Gold when conquesting over such huge distances and also gets so many cities and if those cities don't at least have a few cottageable tiles, preferably they should be pre-cottaged by the AI. I think I did steal quite some Workers though.
My personal thought would have been to simply Oracle CoL as it's probably the most I can get with such weak

and without having conquered a Shrine getting a holy city ofc. is nice but then the game would even less be worth to be continued. However, still a long way until 18 cities and hard to top this result imo. as 9 losses for 6 cities is hard to beat. I could have had 7 more Checkers if I wouldn't have built Stonehenge and the GW for Failgold but then I wouldn't be able to reach Writing.
I more and more get the feeling that really very many things need to fall into place. If 17/18 cities are not on Hills that's imo. already a 1% chance but I also played a few other games for testing and finding an AI that expands to 7 cities is seldom even with IMP. One or two of 18 AIs do that by chance but it's not even necessarily IMP-related. The most important thing is probably to conquer

strong cities so cities with Ivory, Cows etc.