G-Minor 2


Small but hardy
Retired Moderator
Mar 26, 2003
Woking, UK
Welcome to the second Minor Gauntlet of the Permanent Hall of Fame!

Be advised that HOF Rules do apply, in addition to these settings.
  • Difficulty: Chieftain
  • Mapsize: Tiny
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Speed: Quick
  • Submitted on or before: June 9th.
  • Victory Condition: Time (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Map Type: Pangaea
  • Opponents: Germany, France, America, England
  • Version: HOF Mod 1.61.003

The highest score wins.
Methos said:
Just clarifying, but I can play an American leader so long as the AI American leader isn't the same as mine, correct?
Absolutely right!
godotnut said:
Quick speed? Chieftain difficulty? 2050/highest score victory requirement? The math on every victory I've ever considered in Civ4 goes totally out the window.

Sounds like fun.
I'll probably use Shadowsong's guide:D . Shadowsong' Huge Time is also good example. :goodjob:
Sounds like "get to the domination limit as soon as possible, boost pop sky-high and wait for time to run out" ... I don't mean to say that this is boring, but quite different from the usual games.
2019AD Domination thanks to Frederick:mad: .
America declared on Louis and took Lyons so I took all his cities and left him with Lyons which was under my culture attack & later switched destorying Americans;) . Vicky was playing OCC and I had just given Lyons back to Louis to stop Dom. A few turns later Freddy attacked and took Lyons, just forgot about it. 31 turns to go:cry:
What an excellent idea for a gauntlet. I hope to learn something about score (because I know very little on that.) Hopefully it won't be just one strategy (like 100 future tech) that wins. Time to check the CvGameCoreDLL for the score formula. :mischief:
Well, even if Future techs turn out to be important to everyone's game, I doubt it will be the ONLY factor determining the win, so I'm guessing there will be variety no matter what. A score victory condition--because of the different criteria that factor in (pop, tech, land, wonders)--would seem to make it inevitable...

Since this game is so odd to many of us, I'm guessing that it will be a truly excellent opportunity for people at all experience levels. I hope any new people reading this will join us!
godotnut said:
The math on every victory I've ever considered in Civ4 goes totally out the window.

Sounds like fun.
Thrar said:
I don't mean to say that this is boring, but quite different from the usual games.
WastinTime said:
What an excellent idea for a gauntlet. I hope to learn something about score (because I know very little on that.)
godotnut said:
Since this game is so odd to many of us, I'm guessing that it will be a truly excellent opportunity for people at all experience levels. I
hope any new people reading this will join us!
You guys are starting to make me feel like I actually know what I'm doing. :mischief:
J_RocKeT76 said:
2019AD Domination thanks to Frederick:mad: .
America declared on Louis and took Lyons so I took all his cities and left him with Lyons which was under my culture attack & later switched destorying Americans;) . Vicky was playing OCC and I had just given Lyons back to Louis to stop Dom. A few turns later Freddy attacked and took Lyons, just forgot about it. 31 turns to go:cry:
You know that there are Domination limit alerts in the HOF Mod, don't you? It is an add-on we did to the Civ4lerts mod. It is on the HOF1 Option tab, right side, towards the bottom.
A quick glance at the formula... I think roughly these are equivalent:
3 population = 7 land tiles = 2 future tech = 3 wonders.

This seems to be how it's weighted, so Future tech seems important. Wonders not so much. Land is limited to the Domination limit so it's not really something you can maximize. Population however...
Hi All,

Just finished my first run and did fairly well I think.

Final Score 7837:

2046 from tech (308/301)
Tech score slows considerably once you hit future tech and have all other techs, so I switched to culture and happiness to make my citites grow.

782 from Wonders: (180 of 230)
Missed a couple of Wonders:
Hagia Sophia
Chichen Itza
Notre Dame

Should have finished 2 more spacheship pieces, but got the big ones:
1 Casing
1 Thruster

Finished Manhattan Project on turn before completion, so I couldn't build SDI in Time. Next time I'll do it sooner so as to build SDI.

All national wonders except Forbidden Palace (not enough space for 8 cities)

3736 from Population: 136/182
Cities could have grown more, but I ended up with the following:
Beijing: 33
Sanghai: 24
Guangzhou: 17
London: 27
Berlin: 26
Orleans: 9 (flipped with 10 turns left and just about pushed me over the dom limit)

1273 from Land: 128/201 (67.66%, one square away from Domination..) That culture flip almost got me.

I think the winner will end up over 10,000.
WastinTime said:
So there's not even a score bonus for Raging Barbs, etc?
We kept the Firaxis scoring system intact as-is in the HOF mod. Since most everything HOF related is sorted by finish date, there didn't seem any reason to tweak it. I will say however that when the Quattromaster's Challenge is unveiled, there will be some sort of bonus for barbarians. I can't elaborate on that much at this time though.
I'm enjoying my game immensely. I'm taking forever to make decisions though cus this is a whole new style. Not sure why I'm overthinking my first game.

I was planning on 20 or more cities, but I see you (hamfist) only had 6. Did you play on the right map size? Did I? 6 cities would only be like 10% of the land I think.
WastinTime said:
I'm enjoying my game immensely. I'm taking forever to make decisions though cus this is a whole new style. Not sure why I'm overthinking my first game.

I was planning on 20 or more cities, but I see you (hamfist) only had 6. Did you play on the right map size? Did I? 6 cities would only be like 10% of the land I think.

The mapsize is tiny. So tiny that I never built a courthouse until 1945.
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