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G-Minor 27


HoF Quattromaster
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Jan 1, 2005
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.

[size=+1](*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Victory Condition: Space Race (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Monarch
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Ice Age
  • Speed: Normal
  • Civ: Any
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: 1.74.001 or 2.13.001
  • Date: 10th to 24th September 2007
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.

See G-Minor 27 for details.
You forgot to say Capac must be one of the opponents.
I'll be too busy to try this one. Have fun!
@Wastintime: I'm new to HOF so I have to ask: why does Capac have to be in the game? The HOF site says nothing about it.

Onto the game itself. Unfortunately, I'm currently a vanilla-only player. The russian UB in Warlords could help a lot here. Nevertheless, I'll jump into it, Monarch level and space race makes a perfect setup for me.

Now for some HOF-newbie "advice". :) I don't recall ever playing Ice Age map, but Qin & Liz's traits seem good for space race. Insert some good tech traders and we can get some help along the way. Also, wide continents option seem to be best choice for me.
I guess Capac was just a joke, both for his UU and for his Warlords traits.

I think i like this one, if i have to play Vanilla no doubts: Lizzy.
But i think i'll try Warlords, Peter or Fred would be the best, mainly for their UB.

The only problem is that i played at warlord level or lower in the last 3 months (well, took some 1st place in the HoF), but this can be an opportunity to retake my usual level.
Random thoughts...

I haven't played an Ice Age map before. I was wondering if (a) the whole map would be icy and resource-poor, or (b) you'd have large polar regions, but the middle of the map would be relatively normal. I generated one test map, and it looks like (b) is the case.

Thinking of playing as Huayna and taking out a couple of capitals early with a Quechua rush.

Wondering whether to go with the maximum number of civs (for more trading partners) or the minimum number of civs (more space to settle). I guess if I'm going with a Quechua rush, then I'll create the space I need...

I wonder if it will be feasible to do a Quechua rush and also a Civil Service slingshot.
I won't be attempting this as I will be away from my PC for the next four weeks.

Good lord man, I hope you going to be sedated.:crazyeye:

Plenty of possible strategies for this one...I wonder how a Peter Research Institute beeline plays out on Monarch level.
@Wastintime: I'm new to HOF so I have to ask: why does Capac have to be in the game? The HOF site says nothing about it.

Yes it is a joke. The last major and minor gauntlet both required Capac to be an opponent and normally you forgot to choose that and started to play and sometimes you noticed that you missed this requirement.
@Wastintime: I'm new to HOF so I have to ask: why does Capac have to be in the game? The HOF site says nothing about it.

Well, I think he is serious.

IMHO he means that Inca UU is so good that nothing can compete with it, be it UB, civics, whatever. So he is suggesting that the human player won't be allowed to choose to be Inca.
Right now our gauntlet scorer doesn't have the ability to check for don't play as someone, so we started making Inca a required opponent which we can check. (They are so overpowered that you had to play them to put up the best score. )

We can add the Inca as a requirement, if you guys think it would be better to continue with that limit.
I have no reason to disagree with the experts' opinion, therefore I agree on the no-Inca rule as it has been done in latest games.
I don't think the goalposts should be moved after the gauntlet opens except perhaps to allow extra games (e.g. when the culture minor last month added warlords as well as vanilla).

It is monarch after all which is harder than any minor I have seen so far.
Right now our gauntlet scorer doesn't have the ability to check for don't play as someone, so we started making Inca a required opponent which we can check. (They are so overpowered that you had to play them to put up the best score. )

We can add the Inca as a requirement, if you guys think it would be better to continue with that limit.

After creating several maps for this gauntlet I am not sure if the Incas are better than Liz. Phil + Fin seems to be powerful here.
From my experience on Ice Age maps, capital cities are by far the most powerful sites on the map, simply because they have more food. The rest of the map has almost no food.
Inca discrimination is not good idea, imho.

Agreed. I propose either a fixed civ to play and/or a fixed list of opponents. Or "Any" everywhere. I don't see the big advantage of the Incas on lower levels. I think its better to let the AI develop and take the cities with maceman than taking only 1 city with Incas.
Prince and lower the Quecha has no real advantage, but Monarch up they can take cities so much easier than warriors its not fair because the AI start with archers.
Well, I think he is serious.

IMHO he means that Inca UU is so good that nothing can compete with it, be it UB, civics, whatever. So he is suggesting that the human player won't be allowed to choose to be Inca.

No he means that he doesnt have warlords. Vanilla inca is inferior to warlords inca. Which leads to substantial advantage over wastin time if you play warlords :)

Bah, bloody Indians beat me to Space by 2 turns. Stupid Egyptians wouldn't build our last spaceship part as soon as possible so I ended up having to do it, but started 4 turns later than I would have. :mad:
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