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G-Minor I

I saved the Oracle for Physics. I went through the last four techs in 10 turns, with Oracle/Liberalism and 2 GPs.

It's hard to produce universities without universal suffrage and towns. I only built 1 university and 0 observatories.
DaveMcW said:
I saved Oracle for Physics. My map wasn't spectacular, I only built 1 university and 0 observatories.

Yea, when I realized that Oxford and most Universities are a waste, I moved my expectations to 190 BC. I think one Observatory in the Capitol would pay off though.
I think I'm done. I did get a 370 BC win. I built the UN on a voting year (lucky), so that means I'd have to shave off 4 full turns to get 430 BC.

2 settlers from huts.
Was able to get my sub 1000 AD win on OCC at 950 AD. I am happy with that, I can't seem to master OCC games all that well. Going to give my first real multi-city game a go in a bit. I think if I can get something in the BC's I can still finish in the top 5. Doubt I can pull off a win though.

Any of you guys want to post up a log for your pre-300BC games? Would love to get a look at your tech paths and strats.
My 110AD finish(es) have been with 2 GR Engineers. Looks like I have to figure out how to finish the UN with 1 GE and build the academy.

Oh, and any start without at least two settler pops looks like a no-go as well.
HighDesert said:
My 110AD finish(es) have been with 2 GR Engineers. Looks like I have to figure out how to finish the UN with 1 GE and build the academy.

Oh, and any start without at least two settler pops looks like a no-go as well.

I had the worst luck with popping settlers yesterday. In over a hundred regenerations and a half dozen full length games, I didn't pop a single settler. I was getting so annoyed that I just played out great starts (anything with two +3 foods and a river).

Best effort was a game full of mistakes oddly enough.
2050BC Scientist
745BC Engineer
140AD UN Started
230AD UN Finished
350AD Victory

I popped 1 worker, 1 tech, and some gold in that game, but had a fabulous starting position. Fish, Corn, Copper, Horses, Grassland Gems on a river, and several resources just outside of the fat cross for happiness/health.

My mistakes were:
- Poor management of forests with inadvertant chops from the end of turn enter key spam (not once, but at least twice :mad: )

- Idiotic decision to build the Colossus (I think I fell asleep or something)

- HORRIBLE luck on religion spread. I had Conf/Hind in my capital and was sitting pretty with Monty after giving him Conf with the free missionary. I converted to Conf and then went centuries before religion spread to my 2nd and 3rd city... and it was Hinduism which spread... to BOTH. So sure enough Monty founds Judaism and converts leaving me with the diplomatic penalty.

- Resources outside of my fat crosses weren't connecting in a timely manner and it cost me. I was always a few turns short on getting them done. Think the Epic speed was throwing me off... I usually play normal or marathon.

-Lack of rivers.. my capital had the only super choice river territory. There were good sites elsewhere, but they lacked the rivers which make Financial zoom

Then there were the turns that I lost to being timid.

As I mentioned, my second and third cities were without religion for a very long time. When Monty founded and converted to Judaism, I had to send a worker on a road building excursion to hook him up to my trade network and hope that I got lucky. I got hooked up with Monty and Hinduism promptly popped up in the two cities. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

4 turns left on Mass Media and Monty cancels Open Borders. He is Annoyed with me because of close borders (I'm squeezing a city he plopped down right on my capital's border) and my faith.

I was dangerously close to needing his votes for the election/resolution, and I had practically no military. My two chariots (poor planning) and one warrior weren't going to stop anything if he invaded. So I had convert to no state religion.

Turned out that I had 2 more votes than I needed to win, and Monty was in second place. :lol: Ah well.

Long story short, I probably lost 10-15 game turns thru poor and/or timid play. That is with no settler huts. So I could see the awesome BC finishes possibly happening with an incredibly great start location, strong play, resource and river rich island, and goody huts yielding workers, lots of gold, or expensive techs.
How do you guys get your GS that early? I go straight for writing and chop a library but I am not getting my GS until around 1700 BC. Anything I am missing?
Big_Ben said:
How do you guys get your GS that early? I go straight for writing and chop a library but I am not getting my GS until around 1700 BC. Anything I am missing?

Looking at Sumorex's game, I see...
  • Free worker
  • Fish, Corn, Copper, Horses, Grassland Gems
You can always pop rush too.
Big_Ben said:
How do you guys get your GS that early? I go straight for writing and chop a library but I am not getting my GS until around 1700 BC. Anything I am missing?

Heavy food resources + library (or caste system)

Opps misread your question actually.

That game I had 2 workers (1 built, 1 popped) so I double chopped my library (probably a poor choice in hindsight).

Usually my GS pops at around the same time as yours. 1800-1600bc.

I'm throwing away any game that doesn't start with 2 huge food resources now and the average pop time is getting earlier and earlier.
DaveMcW said:
Looking at Sumorex's game, I see...
  • Free worker
  • Fish, Corn, Copper, Horses, Grassland Gems
You can always pop rush too.

Yeah i had a phenomenal starting area. Wish I'd had settlers popped from huts in that game. The worker was nice, but doesn't compare to an extra city. Grassland Gems on a River! That was a awesome square. Cha-ching. 2food 1production 7commerce.

I was using slavery in earlier games, but I've shyed away from it. You lose 1 turn early (and every turn is important in this considering 350BC is the mark), and usually a whip will mean taking someone off a cottage or out of the GP pool. I just felt like I wasn't seeing big enough gains whipping away population.
Maybe I'm just imagining this, but I'm new enough to the game that this might have been brought up before??

It seems that I can dictate who starts on my island.

While entering the start information. I was always putting Huayna in slot 2, and Monty in slot 3. In every single game I played Monty was the island with me. This was perhaps 25-30 games. I'd often quit a game 10-15 turns in if I didn't get a settler.

So I started putting Monty in slot 2 and Huayna in slot 3 to see if this would change. The dozen or so games I started like this, I always shared the island with Huayna.

There was no variation. Not a single instance of it.

So, now I always put Monty in 2, Huayna in 3 because:
- Monty has mental issues (GREAT job on the AI)
- Monty starts the game with scouts (horrible for goody hut competition)

Is this a feature for continent games... the seeming ablity to force my neighbor?
Sumorex said:
Is this a feature for continent games... the seeming ablity to force my neighbor?

Yea, several maps have this feature. Oasis alternates top and bottom, for example. You always start in the south unless you change your position to 2, 4, 6, etc.
Big_Ben said:
How do you guys get your GS that early? I go straight for writing and chop a library but I am not getting my GS until around 1700 BC. Anything I am missing?

I don't get mine any earlier than you, 1690. DaveMcW's fast finish also was 1510 BC for the GS.
Big_Ben said:
Any of you guys want to post up a log for your pre-300BC games? Would love to get a look at your tech paths and strats.

At the start of the game, go to the Tech screen. Hold Shift and click Civil Service, Mass Media. There's your path.

It's not quite that simple, but close. Obviously you go Liberalism as a substitute for Radio or physics. Use the Oracle for Radio or Physics. You can also do the Music thing, but that might save 1 turn if your lucky. I've always done it because it can't hurt you. I grab Alphabet early to get a few free techs.
770 AD with OCC. Went straight for code of laws while growing instead of chopping a library and making 2 scientists. Was able to make 4 scientist with caste system. Need to play a non-OCC game soon if I want to place in the top 5 though.
First try, 290AD, quite quick (8 hours) and funny.
In short: capital in floodplains, with corn and gold; mined gold used asap; popped 1 settler and settled on coast+lake for more beakers; beeline to Maths; wipe Incans out of my continent (as copper and horses where long to connect, and I didn’t know what iron was yet, I researched Construction and used Cats); some whipping; Oracle to CS, bureaucracy; 2 scientists in library till GP scientist makes Academy; cottage spamming begins in 1000BC; forest city builds forge, Pyramids and Hanging Gardens and works towards a GP engineer;beeline to Astronomy; researched Medi+Philo+Educ+Liber instead of radio; used 6 forest and 1 GP engineer to build UN; won.

Interesting facts:
- Never researched Alphabet (what would a settler-AI teach me?)
- The Great Engineer would have given 990 hammers in other city (with 0 hammers), but gave more in the capital (with 400 hammers already worked), both cities had forges.

- Tried to steal a worker, settler-AI won’t produce one for ages!
- Built 1 barracks, then only produced 1 unit in that city
- Researched Polyteism instead of Meditation, needed for Philosophy.
- Didn’t research Monoteism, so didn’t use Organized Religion
- Had to wait for Oracle to be finished, could have gotten CS by teching it myself: Oracle should have been used for Education at least.
- Cottage spamming should have begun earlier.
- 5 cities built, only to get resources for the capital to grow. Less would have been quicker.

Demoralizing facts:
- I discover now that others have already won in the BC.
- I played under 1.61.001, not 003, my submission will be rejected :-(
Nice work Jesussin, I'm assuming you had stone? If I play again, I'd like to play one with stone.

Alphabet lets you do Music for the Artist for Mass Media.
It also gives me lots of tech. I usually get Bronze, Sailing, Mysticism, Monotheism, Hunting, Archery, Meditation, sometimes ironworking, currency (very late), or animal husbandry free.

Did you build 5 cities and conquer 1 ? or have 5 total? or something else?
Hi WastinTime:

I built 2 settlers and popped 1. With the initial settler and the Incan capital, it adds up to 5 cities in all. One of the cities was useless, it was necessary just to connect the stone. No marble, though.

You mean that Alpha+Drama+Music is cheaper than the number of beakers the Great Artist would give me towards MassMedia? I have to try that.
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