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Gaddafi is history! Tripoli is free!

X-Post, who want's to bet that Gaddafi is on that plane, wanting to surrender to Italy?
Weird how they're just working themselves up the rank... like Ghaddafi-Prime will be the final boss.. UM Saif is... was! hugely influential and was pretty much the most seen face behind his fathers when this whole thing kicked off. So this is still pretty great news.
NATO troops... where?

In Libya, whatever.

Well, if we put boots on the ground for "peacekeeping".
I doubt there's gonna be any kind of peaceful transition, so I'm calling "civil war" on this one.
Sky News commentators are saying Italy is an unlikely destination because of the country's signing up to the ICC.
BBC reporting Gadaffi has been captured. Good news if that is the case.
In Libya, whatever.

Well, if we put boots on the ground for "peacekeeping".
I doubt there's gonna be any kind of peaceful transition, so I'm calling "civil war" on this one.

It's already a civil war?
BBC reporting Gadaffi has been captured. Good news if that is the case.
Gaddafi junior, yes. ;)

Edit: Or maybe you were referring to the #CNN rumors? :blush:


The Air Libya plane has now landed in Rome.

My guess is that it contains some members of Gaddafi's inner circle, who jumped ship at the very last moment.


In Tripoli, only Bab Al-Azizyah, Gaddafi's presidential palace, is still resisting the rebels. The Colonel's last stand?
If Gadaffi chose to stay at Tripoli instead of jumping in that plane it would be a somewhat (final) brave gesture from him.
So not brave gesture then. :(
Now, imagine Gaddafi had nukes. There's no telling what he would do - which is why you can't allow crazy dictators to acquire WMDs...
Unconfirmed is still unconfirmed. Before you know it, it's yet another of the Colonel's spawn. ;)

Edit: That was actually a reply to Thorgalaeg, but when noncon mention it, wasn't one of Gaddafi's kids a somewhat okay football player? I'm sure Chelsea could use him. :p
Unconfirmed reports say Gaddafi is currently knocking on my back door? :confused:
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