Game Names and What They Really Mean...

Jun 19, 2012
You know that place by the other place...
So, I thought I would do some translating for people who are new to MP.

  1. Only Experienced Players, Pros, etc.... this means that the host only really wants other warmongers to fight against, other "experience" doesn't really matter to them
  2. Chill/Relaxed Game... this means this host is slow AF and doesn't want other players complaining about it. Usually involves people who partake of the herb as well.
  3. NQ, No Leavers, No Quitters, etc... this means the host just wants to attack you but doesn't want you to whine about it and leave
  4. No OP Civs... the host will usually choose Rome in this instance and doesn't want any civs that are better warmongers than his so that he can run amok with little interference
  5. I Have A Quitters List... the host is an ass and wants an excuse to kick people that he doesn't like, which means most people, think of the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld
  6. [Insert noob's screen name]'s Game... 90% of the time, this is some noob who wants to play with his friends but doesn't realize there is a Private Game setting in the setup, or has forgotten to select it. The other 10% of the time, it is some noob trying out his first MP game. Any way you look at it, it's a noob's game.
I will add more later... feel free to add your own.
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lol....well I can say I don't miss pub games what so ever....I much prefer the "invisible" private league games :-/ Which really means no quitters, at least above average to very good players, and we vote on OP and weak civs to leave out so the game is as fair as the RNG allows...

Cheers CS
7. FFA fast fast: turn timer of 90s or below...i've seen 60s at some occasion...i don't see how you can play that fast with units all around after a while.

8. FFA EXPERTS ONLY 1000 hours+ : YourCiGod is hosting atm.
7. FFA fast fast: turn timer of 90s or below...i've seen 60s at some occasion...i don't see how you can play that fast with units all around after a while.

8. FFA EXPERTS ONLY 1000 hours+ : YourCiGod is hosting atm.

I actually played one last year where the host had it set to 45 seconds, it was hilarious. The really funny thing though was that the host attacked me and then rage quit because he couldn't keep up with the timer he had set...

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