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General A New Dawn discussion

Any way to get the AI defend cities properly? I just conquered the city Chaco Canyon easily since the AI used several longbowman defenders to suicide my stack.
Also in the cities Poverty Point and Mesa Verde he has 1 unit in each of them. I checked where all hes units are and 40+ longbowmen are fortified far away from the action, it's just not exciting playing like this.

I feel the AI tactics are good up until the medieval age then they seem to fall apart in every way.
Well, you could remove UNITAI_ATTACK from longbowmen or lower the turtling value in BBAI_AI_Variables_GlobalDefines.xml
AI is terrible here, I don't think even fixing a single issue in DLL would change much.
In Vanilla AI wasn't so bad. At least he knew how to create one stack of doom and push it towards you cities, leaving 3-4 units in each of his cities for a defense. With huge production bonuses it was enough to create a challenge for a non-experienced player.

That's why I have a humble hope that this is just a bug or several bugs in AND that messed with his circuits. Probably comparing the code for moving units and setting strategy for them in BTS and AND will help with understanding what went wrong.
Not sure when, but may be in several weeks I'll find a time and try to analyze this in the same way what I've did for barbarians spawning. The problem is that this part is even more complicated)
In Vanilla AI wasn't so bad. At least he knew how to create one stack of doom and push it towards you cities, leaving 3-4 units in each of his cities for a defense.

would be a massive improvement in this mod if AI can prioritize defending cities and at least do some fortified units and pillaging
I was told by other modders (ones that can write code) that the AI in AND2 isn't aware of a large part of it's army.
CoM uses a different version dll now where this issue was solved.
I was told by other modders (ones that can write code) that the AI in AND2 isn't aware of a large part of it's army.
CoM uses a different version dll now where this issue was solved.

Oh! That is interesting.
Can I get this .dll somewhere?
Yes, but
1) It's not compatible with AND2 anymore.
2) I'm away from home and don't think I can find and share the link before Monday.

1) No problem if we have the code. I can try to merge codefix with AND2.
2) No hurry at all, this game exists for more than 15 years, and this mod exists for more than 10 years)
What the parameter is responsible for

in the file CIV4WorldInfo.xml
the ADAPT_SCALE_CITY_LIMITS if that stacks on top of world multipliers for things like research speed and culture gain rate for leaders(that is what I am primarily interested in)?
Not sure when, but may be in several weeks I'll find a time and try to analyze this in the same way what I've did for barbarians spawning. The problem is that this part is even more complicated)
Any progress on that brother? I miss playing this mod but don't want to play with the AI as it is now. Other mods don't quite scratch the itch the way this one does for me.
What does it make so good to you?

Civics and tech tree I think stand out the most.

There is a lot of depth to switching and combining civics properly due to negative civic effects, revolutions and leader traits, it's way more punishing in this mod not playing around your civics correctly. And for the tech tree there's more strategy and I go for different tech paths every game. In other mods the civics and techs are all much simpler and linear.
Do you play with limited unit numbers on a field?
Unfortunately I never got into this mod. Didnt know where to settle my cities cause of the lack of Ressources.
Not sure if I am posting in the right space. If I am not can someone direct me where.
Just a general discussion point . Regarding xUPT. I chose 15 as what seemed like an interesting number. What is the consensus among the masses?
Explain why you chose your value (s) Thanks , just curoius
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I have removed technology self-distribution and technology sharing. How do I remove/replace the gift in the form of technology points after the capture of the city?
C,mon. No one has any thoughts or opinions ? Everyone uses either unlimited or one ?
Single UPT is the reason Civ 5 and 6 are horrible.
Afaik most players play without any limit. This was kind of an "experimental" feature but the AI is not trained for it and can even cause issues.
I have removed technology self-distribution and technology sharing. How do I remove/replace the gift in the form of technology points after the capture of the city?
IIRC that's in one of the global defines xml. Have you checked those?
IIRC that's in one of the global defines xml. Have you checked those?
It was not found in the settings when creating the script. It was not found in the settings in the game. How to replace the reward that is given for capturing a city with gold instead of technology. The fact is that I turned off technology trading, turned off technology self-distribution, but I just started fighting more and got an incredible advantage again. I want it to be more complicated, I want it without light technologies. This is better than increasing the difficulty by turning a computer opponent into a cheater.
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