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General A New Dawn discussion

The variables for Conscription do not scale with era. There is one Global Defines for the anger generated by conscripting a unit. I'm trying to read the DLL level code and as far as I can tell it might scale by gamespeed but it does not scale by era.

Part of the reason for having conscription be available so early is to make up for losing the ability to whip. No civic in AND has the whip ability. We found the AI was crippling itself too much using it so we removed it.

I think reducing the unhappiness to 2 is safe.
How about a python workaround? I mean you helped me out with a python code in past: Training a specific unit causes temporary anger in the city.
So how about setting draft unhappiness to 1 and in later eras a python code adds extra unhappiness to it. Could that work?
A question I never took attention of:
How does Alphabet (or is it Writing?) tech work? When is diplomacy possible between two civs? When either civ has the tech or only if both? I think it's the second but want to make sure.
When you have writing you can offer to declare peace if the other civ also has writing. (If playing with "Start as minor civs" setting)
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A question I never took attention of:
How does Alphabet (or is it Writing?) tech work? When is diplomacy possible between two civs? When either civ has the tech or only if both? I think it's the second but want to make sure.

Writing lets you trade embassies and open borders and right of passage. Alphabet lets you trade techs. And yes, both civs need the technology.
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My problem with Rom and is the beginning.
In the paper it Seems that this mod has all i ever wanted in a Civ game: more diplo, ranged combat, Limits units per tile, Revolution that van Split my empire or the empire of my enemy, Things like storms that change the map or hurt enemies. Wonderful!

But when i start the game the maps looks so, so.. Empty.
There are so less resources i just dont know where to put my Next City to.
And then i just cant do what i do normaly because... because i dont know why.. Even dont under stand the mechanic behind the revolutions.
At the end i quit the game and Start playing base mod again.
It's a pitty cause i guess there will be anywhere so much fun in playing this mod. But I cant find it.
But when i start the game the maps looks so, so.. Empty.
There are so less resources i just dont know where to put my Next City to.
Try SmartMap, afaik it comes with the mod. You can pick % of different categories or make a custom option in notepad. Another option is replacing boni tech requirement with NONE in BonusInfos.
Even dont under stand the mechanic behind the revolutions.
What exactly? You can see the list of positive and negative factors in city's discontent tooltip, civics are quite transparent about their impact too.

What the parameter is responsible for
Cities graphics, likely.
My problem with Rom and is the beginning.
In the paper it Seems that this mod has all i ever wanted in a Civ game: more diplo, ranged combat, Limits units per tile, Revolution that van Split my empire or the empire of my enemy, Things like storms that change the map or hurt enemies. Wonderful!

But when i start the game the maps looks so, so.. Empty.
There are so less resources i just dont know where to put my Next City to.
And then i just cant do what i do normaly because... because i dont know why.. Even dont under stand the mechanic behind the revolutions.
At the end i quit the game and Start playing base mod again.
It's a pitty cause i guess there will be anywhere so much fun in playing this mod. But I cant find it.
This problem, except multiplied in two more ways.

One, the map script sometimes doesnt even put any resources anywhere nearby at all. I used RoM perfect world, perfect world 2, and perfect mongoose. All barren 90% of the time.

Two, if it does, you have to guess your early tech right and if you do, you have huge bonus yields from improvements, and if you don't, you can be commerce-less for dozens of turns. In fact, I tried playing RoM on Marathon pace and imo it's basically unplayable because of the roulette of getting your resource reveal tech right.

if you ever decide to continue this project how difficult would it be to get the AI do more pillaging and espionage? after the medieval age the game gets pretty easy even on Deity difficulty but if the AI pillaged and used spies I think it would make the games harder and more exciting.
Hey I guess in a game I played a few years ago it Was possibly to transformiert subdued animals in a Ressource. So I could settle down wild pigs in pigs. Is it still possibly or is my memory wrong and it was another map?
Hey I guess in a game I played a few years ago it Was possibly to transformiert subdued animals in a Ressource. So I could settle down wild pigs in pigs. Is it still possibly or is my memory wrong and it was another map?
It likely was either Caveman2Cosmos or Chronicles of Mankind.
Ok thank you very much. Then I just need the right tech.

Is there actually somewhere a thread who the first steps are explained for people who have completely no idea how to start best.

There is something about ROM. There it was about the stability of the second city.

Can this also be transferred to ROMAND?
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Hey I guess in a game I played a few years ago it Was possibly to transformiert subdued animals in a Ressource. So I could settle down wild pigs in pigs. Is it still possibly or is my memory wrong and it was another map?

It is a bit complex. You need Animal Husbandry tech and you need to have the subdued animal on a tile that is legal for the animal resource to spawn on already. There also can't be an undiscovered resource on the tile. If you really know the resource conditions, you can sort of use a subdued animal as a "minesweeper" to check for resources. If the "plant resource" button doesn't appear, then the tile has an unknown resource.
Ahh ok great. Thank you very much.
I discovered that the maps in ROMAN often has only few Ressources. Maybe this could ne a Gold Balance for the few Ressources.
Any way to get the AI defend cities properly? I just conquered the city Chaco Canyon easily since the AI used several longbowman defenders to suicide my stack.
Also in the cities Poverty Point and Mesa Verde he has 1 unit in each of them. I checked where all hes units are and 40+ longbowmen are fortified far away from the action, it's just not exciting playing like this.

I feel the AI tactics are good up until the medieval age then they seem to fall apart in every way.


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