I dont know if this belongs here or in the bug report forum, but here goes:
Since C3C I have played 5 games (Regent to Monarch, Portugal or Maya, continents), and I have noticed that in the games in which I have been able to build the GL (2 games), the AI seems to dramatically slow down in research to the point where I get a ridiculous lead in tech that lasts throughout the game. I have been able to get THROUGH the industrial age while the AI civs are still in the MA (one of these games was on Monarch and my tech lead, although still broken, was not quite so impressive). In the games where I do not get the GL, the AI seems to pace me fairly well. I also pop fewer techs (1-2) from the GL (naturally, as the AI has slowed). In PTW this didnt happen. Has anyone else noticed this?
Since C3C I have played 5 games (Regent to Monarch, Portugal or Maya, continents), and I have noticed that in the games in which I have been able to build the GL (2 games), the AI seems to dramatically slow down in research to the point where I get a ridiculous lead in tech that lasts throughout the game. I have been able to get THROUGH the industrial age while the AI civs are still in the MA (one of these games was on Monarch and my tech lead, although still broken, was not quite so impressive). In the games where I do not get the GL, the AI seems to pace me fairly well. I also pop fewer techs (1-2) from the GL (naturally, as the AI has slowed). In PTW this didnt happen. Has anyone else noticed this?