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Global Rankings


Oct 5, 2001
EDIT: I take great pleasure in announcing this:
Global Rankings are now available, up-to-date to GOTM 28! :D

You can find them linked on the GOTM homepage, or direct from the link above. From this page, you can find global rankings up to and including any game you want, search for individual players' scores, and compare these with the rest.

Note that QSC scores are currently NOT included. However, on this point I would like to announce that the staff will continue to support the QSC into the future. You may have noticed that results etc are starting to flow a bit more readily out of the staff forum, and the QSC is the main outstanding issue. We are working on getting these up-to-date ASAP. :)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff members for their contributions in starting to get us back-on-track; in checking and validating peoples' submissions, to compiling results, to testing the automated systems that are being set-up. Great job people. :thumbsup:

For the Global Rankings in particular, the thanks must go to Aeson & AlanH in particular for sorting out the php and database-side of things. They have worked together to set up a system to automate the results, and to completely remove the manual updates required under the 'old' system. The end result is that the Global Ranking will be up-to-date as soon as the results are published for a given month. :D


EDIT: Added by Aeson

For those wondering about how the Global Rankings are determined, check out this thread:New Global Ranking System for 2003. The 6789 method there is being used. A page will soon be linked from the Global Rankings itself, explaining the system as seen here.

Further EDIT: Added by ainwood
The GOTMN global rankings are now up-to-date to GOTM 28. In future, you can expect that the global rankings will be up-to-date as soon as the new results for the month are released. :)
You can play GOTM 27, or any other GOTM, for your own amusement by going to http://gotm.civfanatics.net/ and following the links to GOTM 27. Follow the instructions to set your game up and download the start file and play.

You can only add scores to the Global Rankings by playing and submitting games before the deadlines. In the case of GOTM 27 the deadline was January 31. The next game you can play to qualify for inclusion in the Global Rankings is the current GOTM 29, closing date March 31.
Thank you guys. For those of us that aren't top players and even submitted losing games it was a form recognition. It's great to see that the results will be up to date. I will have to start playing GOTM again.
Good news ... but as my avatar says I sadly have to resign from this great community - too much pressure :sad: from home / work. I will try to pop an eye from time to time ...
Have some fun :D
Ainwood :thumbsup: for updating the global listings

:( I got lazy and didn't submit a QSC (did it, just forgot to submit) for GOTM 29

Anything special planned for GOTM XXX ?

Very surprised to find myself in the top 50. I'm there more for quantity (submitted most of the games) than quality (no top twenty finishes.

Once again :goodjob: for the effort to all GOTM staff
:goodjob: Kudos to the staff!! This has been a long time coming, but you've really done a great job! I like the way you can select past games and see how the standings change over time.

Also, glad to see that I've 'officially' broken into the top Ten! Not bad for someone who's never received any individual award (persistance pays off :) )
Congratulation to the GOTM staff who made all this great job!
It's great to see the Ranking evolution with all the detailled data
Great to see that the Globals have been updated! I have taken about a three month hiatus from Civ. I havn't even visited this site for over a month. I may have to join back in for a game or two.

Thanks for the hard work staff!

I'm among those that have stopped playing civ for awhile ..and occasionally pop on this site to see what is going on...but I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see that the global rankings were updated..and even more surprised I was still in the top 50 despite not having played the last 4 or 5 gotms (lost track).

In echoing other posts - thanks to the staff for the work. It is much appreciated...even from us 'retired' players. :)
There's also a space to enter a player's name (your's, or anybody else's.) Hit the Show Global Rankings button, and that person's entry is displayed, too, without having to search for it.

This is a really outstanding database, and includes ALL results back to Gotm1!!
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