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GMR Exterminate - New Conquest Nuclear game.


Duke Vector fon Pixel
Apr 3, 2005
Missed MP with Nukes ? Here we go.
The plot is based on idea of change in solar system (some sattelites of Saturnus that changed its orbit, and somehow became warm, habitable planet) and humanity sends exploration shuttle with people that wont be able to return, just to explore and settle new planet.

GMR game
Plot going in Infomation Era (start), Standard RANDOM map, Quick Speed, 8 players, NO CS. Diplomacy Allowed, Diplomatic and Conquest or Time (200 turns) Victories. Nukes allowed, Pacts allowed.
This game is about production, money and massive modern era fights.
Civs - All random.
GnK, All DLC

Anti Nuke Pact.
#1.There is option for peaceful, or just civs that dislike Nukes, to form Anti Nuke Pact (signed here in the thread). Once signed, All pact members (could be all game players) must not use Nuke. (they could build it, but #3 could occur then), and declare War and form coalition alliance against other players who deny to join the pact. Anti-Nuke Pact cant use nukes :D.

#2.If someone uses Nuke post-Nuke pact all Nuke pact Civs sign peace and alliance, and DoW and attack immidiately the civ which used the Nuke, Every wars then Ceased, till Nuke user is eliminated or he wins :D

#3.Nuke-warning - espionage and recon operations allowed to check rival Nuke building. If he member of Nuke Pact but builds Nukes, after Congress (done here in the thread) Pact could force Nuke builder to demolish his nukes, or DoW the pact, then same sequence as #2 occurs.
How long takes a game like this? Eight players, quick..
I haven't any experience with such longterm challenges and have concerns about starting as many games. But those various ideas sounds so cool that it's hard for me not to join all of them. ;)
Well, this game turn takes approx 1-2 days to roll, means it will roll till someone wins. (I doubt we will play till Time Victory), I suppose this game will long for 3-4 months......
I have currently 5 games on GMR with 1 day turn timer, i think this will be my max :D
Currently i would like to play 10 games at once. But i don't want to find me in a situation where 10 running games bother me, some months later.
I join this one, but them it's enough... really :mischief:
Currently i would like to play 10 games at once. But i don't want to find me in a situation where 10 running games bother me, some months later.
I join this one, but them it's enough... really :mischief:

Hehe, wellcome :)
10 is not an issue. Easy to control. I am currently playing 25 games and now its getting hard to keep up.
Because of that I dont think I'll join this one (just to keep on topic).
I like how GMR MP community growing... :)
I cant keep up with more than 5 tho, also i prefer games with different rules and stories, so here we go, something Nuclear and Fresh :D
I love your ideas, but I too play a lot of games, so I am debating getting into this type of game yet or not, being an MP noob. You foul tempter! I might have to do it.
I love your ideas, but I too play a lot of games, so I am debating getting into this type of game yet or not, being an MP noob. You foul tempter! I might have to do it.

hehe , here, at darkside, we have nice nuclear cookies
There's something I don't understand in the rules.

¿The anti-nuke pact signing civs must declare war to non-signing civs just after signing the pact, or only if a non-signing civ use a nuke against a signing civ?
Anti nuke pact does sign temporary Cease Fire between members and pact DoW all non signing (ones said NO for Pact) civs after round of voting done (it will be certain turn). Non signing civs could sign pacts between them but thats their buinsess. Any kinds of pacts are allowed in this game ) , including temporary collaborations, secret alliances etc. Play out ur diplomacy :) and have fun and immersion of nuclear diplomacy, cold or hot nuclear war and intrigue )))
We are 6/8 now, more 2 to launch ! :D
Want to try small map 6 players in? :O cant wait to start this one hehe
we are 6/8, anyone wants to hop into the nuclear bus before it departs? :)
This game have NO CS (its stated in Rules ) :)
No CS. Diplo Win = Being Selected by other players :D
Actually, 90% chance this game will end by conquest domination and promise to be total Meltdown.
Still need 2 players more
I'll join in. Main point of interest for me is being able to start in a late era.

I just remembered that the game announces when somebody has built the manhattan project; that will diminish the intrigue a little.
good, 7/8 , More one to join and we launch
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