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Got some fun unintended strategies?

I accidentally won a diplomatic victory as the Maya because I was so swimming in gold I had nothing better to do with it than throw it into emergencies.

Maya with a gold strategy is very interesting, I think they are the only civ who can gain not a small amount of gold without many trade routes.
Maya with a gold strategy is very interesting, I think they are the only civ who can gain not a small amount of gold without many trade routes.
Indeed. In my experience the Maya are a much more reliable gold civ; the science is just a nice side bonus.
Indeed. In my experience the Maya are a much more reliable gold civ; the science is just a nice side bonus.

Gold generation is an unexpected bonus people who haven't tried playing the Maya overlook. I think they are one of the civs you have to play a few times to get a feel for how the bonuses mesh together. Overall, well-designed in my book.
I've never seen any unit fail to take a depleted city. Even if the scout had 2 HP, maybe even 1, I'm sure it would be able to. Let alone at full health.
You sure about that? I've had many a warrior at low health fail to take a city that was nearly depleted and die (although I can't confirm that the city's health was at zero). I had no idea... well, you learn something new everyday!
Sorry, I should of been more clear, by scout only I meant recon unit only. You’ll need to upgrade the units to have any chance.

I can also confirm that I’ve had units die trying to take over a city with zero health. It looks like the city actually gains 1 health when this happens. Check this video at the 37:56 mark.

Spoiler Video :
As the title reads, I'm curious to hear some wacky unintended strategies for Civ 6. When I say unintended, I mean things that are otherwise unorthodox, contradict the developer's intentions, or go against the conventional playstyle of a civ. Some examples would probably be- going for Domination victory as Brazil (extra Great Generals :mischief:), Religious victory as Gran Colombia (sped), or somehow managing a Science victory as Macedon (Basilikoi Paides spamming units, conquering developed Civs for plenty of Eurekas, and lots of Commercial Hubs and Harbors for Free Inquiry).

So, have you ever done anything of the sort? I'd love to hear what kind of bonkers and "just stupid enough to work" unorthodox game plans you can come up with.
I've done a couple no theater district cultural wins. Basically sprint to flight and then spam Rapa Nui and/or Colossal Heads. With the city-state picker, this is much easier. Just pick a civ that can get to flight quickly, either by straight science (Korea), indirect science from massive faith output and Voidsingers (Peter) or carefully skipping through eurekas (Babylon).

The Inca can work mountains, which always have 4 appeal. This works great for both cultural and religious victories via HUGE faith generation if you can get Earth Goddess, and then later buy lots of naturalists.
Ooh, that one is new to me. I normally only pick earth goddess as Bull Moose Teddy due to the synergy with the science and culture bonuses, but Inca make a whole lot of sense for a rapid expansion plan.

Edit to add as it's not worthy of a new post, but Inca as the right map is a pretty great culturally. Push food and faith to generate culture and eventually tourism. There is a lot of food and hammers early in the the right start. Builder first with Inca makes more sense than most civs.
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It's a random opportunity rather than a strategy .But aggressive AI leaders like Genghis Khan are sometimes great helpers in the early conquest of the city-states. It once happened to me that I was about to do a rush against a city-state. But Genghis Khan attacked them a few turns before I wanted to declare war.
So I let him weaken their army, and I easily conquered the city-state. A moment later, he attacked another city-state, which I also wanted to conquer. I used the same strategy and easily conquered the second city-state.
And then I conquered Genghis Khan, when he was engaged in war with a third city-state that had a good defensive position, a fairly strong army, and caused Genghis Khan heavy casualties. In the meantime, I conquered Montezuma, who attacked me. He had problems with the barbarians, and they limited his territory to one city. The barbarians supplied me with two settlers whom they had previously captured from Montezuma. I captured the third settler directly from the Montezums, just before I conquered his only city.
It was my best start and a very easy game.
Probably the most unintended strategy is Mali for domestic trade only, while Mali has uniques into international trade.

Believe me it really works, and IMO definitely better than using international trade.

First of all - Mali lacks hammers - domestic trade routes fill it.
Secondly - the real moneymaker for Mali are mines - bonus food from domestic routes let you work those mines. And each mine is 4 gold. You will end up collecting more gold from domestic routes by working additional mines / specialists than you would get from external trade

International routes work for Mali only in ancient / maybe classical era. Later only domestic
Speaking of Mali, they're way better at SV than anyone would think. Rather than dumping hammers into the space missions you build the Royal Society (I believe that's what its called) in your government district. That allows you to gold buy workers and dump their charges into projects.
You chop missions anyway, but Malinese double monumantality (gold+faith) really rocks
Score victory on settler level, archipelago map. Build 1 worker and farm some tiles. Then shift+enter until the end of the game.
You'd have to put a turn limit at 5 turns for this to remain fun. :D :lol:

I also had a cultural victory while going for domination - as I did not only go for the capitals but the whole civs, at some point I was tooooo big for the other ones with which I was still at peace.
You'd have to put a turn limit at 5 turns for this to remain fun. :D :lol:

I also had a cultural victory while going for domination - as I did not only go for the capitals but the whole civs, at some point I was tooooo big for the other ones with which I was still at peace.
I keep wanting to win a completely peaceful domination through court of love with Eleanor. The trick is to not build up tourism in any way (except for the needed great works), have at least 1 other reasonable culture civ in the game and target them last. I came close in my first attempt, but didn't found a religion and that gets to be problematic because when you get down to 1 or 2 AI opponents left, they will win a religious victory against you, so you need apostles to fight a defensive religious war.

I don't want to have to turn off cultural victories to pull it off, but I might have to.
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I play on a standard-size map, so there were seven other Civs. There was this Aid Emergency, the target was a Civ that most of the others hated. So only three of us participated. Before it ended, both of the others were at war with the target. I won it by giving 1 gold to the target.
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