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GOTM 05 First Spoiler

edit: oops, didn't mean to break the rule about discussing post ad 500. Does it violate the rule to merely state my win condition and year (if it happened post ad500)?
I got a free settler in 3640. I sent out Axemen instead of Horse Archers in all directions. This got me a 300 BC win. The axmen had the city attack promotion which was nice.

I don't usually play for fast wins so it was good experience for me. I think the two biggest things I could have done for a faster win would have been using horse archers instead of Axemen and sending out scouts early.

Only GOTM I have played in one sitting.
jesusin, contender, goal early conquest.
Conquest victory, 340BC, 60000 points.

First moves: Scout NE sees cows, so Settler forgets about the hill and settles 2NE.
Produce Worker first. First tech is AH, build second city by the horses between Russia and USA. Next settler found a third city to chop by the western mountains.

Exploration: Found few huts, all of them were maps. I thought it was intentional, I felt disappointed when I read other’s spoilers. 1 out of 2 Scouts was eaten by animals.

Production: Wor-Sco-Set-Wor-Wor-Lib
Techs: AH-Wri-Myst-Medi-Priest-CoL-CSslingshot-Alph.

Execution order: USA(chariots), England(chariots), China(chariots), Aztecs(chariots that went through France with OB), France(Axes+chariots), Arabs(upgraded HA). Swords and Cats never made it to the battlefield.

Stupid things I did:
1.- Early library used to put 2 scientific specialists in order to get a GP, which created an Academy. Good idea in other difficulty levels and other maps. Science was useless in this game.
2.- CS slingshot. Bureaucracy was quasi-useless in this game.
3.- I picked a friend (why on Earth did I think I needed a friend?). My friend turned out to be the only civ that had copper in their borders, Napoleon. When I had wiped out USA, England and China, I had only Chariots and I found out that Napo had Spears. Had I attacked France first, I would have rolled over all of them in no time, using nothing but chariots.
4.- I didn´t shut down science.

What do I think of this game settings? Variety is good, and it was a confidence-increasing game (I suppose everyone of us thought he had had a magnificent game). I would have preferred Quick speed for this particular game. I would also have prefered to lose a Deity game than to win this Warlord game. Anyway, it’s impossible to make everybody happy.

Pox, your game was great. I wonder if you could have had an earlier win if you had used Chariots instead of HA. Chariots are weaker, true, but they are much more cheaper to build so you can suffer some casualties without regret. Maybe I am misinterpreting your game and you really produced Chariots and immediately upgraded them?
this was my first gotm (a nice easy one to start with).

i started off by building a scout, to try and take advantage of the goody huts. i 'only' popped 1 settler, but i got a couple of techs which helped me get horse archers on line asap.

as it was a great plains map i decided wiping everyone out would be the quickest route to victory. so the only buildings i built were barracks and i only built 3 settlers. the americans were the first to fall and the hordes of russian horse archers worked their way across the continent. the aztecs put up the best fight but i think this was only because i got to them last.

the conquered workers from the varioius civs were set to building roads across the map to speed up the destrcution. when enough military units had been built to conquer the world i started on wonders, but only managed to build the oracle, in london. this gave me civil service and macemen, but by this point there was no time to get any built.

the ai was a lot weaker than i thought it would be on warlord, and from memory, only the french had even got copper by the time i reached them, so it was mostly a massacre of warriors and archers.

by 200bc the russians were the only civ left standing. with better organisation i think i could have finished a bit earlier but this was the first game i've ever won in bc, so i'm not complaining.
this was also my first gotm and i think its gr8. I started off by building my first city and started searchin around and out pops a couple of huts. Those huts were gr8 i got a worker, settler and masonry :). As i went on i noticed mao built a city a right next to my third city and i had a plan. I lead my self to music and got my gr8 artist and no prizes for what i did next. Yes i put the artist in my first city which reduced mao's city do a size of just 1 plot and after a couple his city was mine :).:D :D :D :D :D
Hi, I’ve been lurking for awhile, so this is my 1st official GOTM, having finished GOTM01 with a time victory recently, but long after submissions closed. Oh well, here goes…

Having done a few trial runs on normal speed (Catherine, Great Plains, Warlord) with a domination victory in 1944AD, replayed to conquest, I decided to go for a military strategy in this game too. I normally play on noble and have more wins than losses, so this should be a breeze – let’s see!

Game goal: Early domination

Contender class

Internal affairs:
Founded on the spot. Used my scout to check area around capitol for resouces and 2nd city spot. Bit surprised too see no resources immediately – however the numerous cows were quickly revealed by the scout. Very few grassland forests however meant my chopping mania of late would have wait for another game… In the trial game I started off in the Eastern portion with plenty of forests to chop out workers, settler, buildings and wonders.

moscow 380ad.JPG

Moscow build order:
Warrior-Worker-Scout-Warrior-Settler-Scout-Worker-Warrior-Settler-Scout-Worker- Warrior-Settler-Granary-Warrior-Settler-Scout-Spear-Settler-Worker-Barracks-Scout-Sword*-Library-Courthouse-Catapult*

*auto production, multiple units

My initial strategy was to expand as quickly as possible to 4-5 cities, then rush my nearest neighbour with whatever units I could get my hands on – hopefully swords and axes.

I decided to settle with 2nd settler next to the horses due E of Moscow, between the two southgoing rivers. This mainly out of fear for not having iron or copper. Thus, St. Petersburg was founded in 1900BC 2W of the horses. Luckily, this is where the iron turned up later.

Novgorod was founded in 1325BC NE of the capitol – the idea was the access to 2 cows as well as lots of hills would turn this one into a production powerhouse. Conveniently it was already connected to Moscow by the river. What a spot! River, 2 cows, 6 hills, fur for $$$, and 1 plains forest to be lumbermilled later on.

novgorod - powerhouse location 380AD.JPG

Rostov (900BC) ended up next to the hills by the other southgoing river east of St. Petersburg, close to Roosevelt. Then Yaroslavl’ (860BC) SW of Moscow to include 3 gold and 1 sheep in the “fat cross”, and finally Yekaterinburg (500BC) SE of Moscow by the river, flood plains, cow and iron.

main cities 550AD.JPG
Main cities 550AD


Ok, so this was a bit of a tough decision: To go for BW early even though there were no grassland forests nearby (I like to leave the plains forrest for lumbermills) OR go for the worker techs like AH and agri. Religion was not an option, I felt, without Mysticism, and having a warmongerer strategy. I could pick up one from the AIs later on when I needed the extra happiness and Theocracy. I ended up going for a few worker techs, then BW-IW to reveal copper and iron.

After that, I figured I go for Alphabet to trade for the remaining techs, then CoL for courthouses for reduced maintenance. Again uncertain where to go, I opted to aim for Construction (for catapults and the civ-specific collpseum bonus), then Currency to get the economy back on track.

Specific order:
AH-Fishing (hut)-Pottery-Agri-Writing (open borders to explore)-BW-IW-Alphabet (tech trade to catch up)-Mysticism (Mao)-Archery (Mao)-Masonry (Roosevelt)-Meditation (Monte)-Sailing (Roos)-Priesthood-CoL-Polytheism (Saladin)-Monotheism (Saladin)-Math-Construction

Religious affairs

As mentioned, I chose not to beeline for a religion, but rather pick one up as it spilled into my lands from my neighbours – both Hinduism and Judaism were present at the end of this spoiler. I picked Judaism and had Rostov build a monastery to crank out Missionaries for my main cities; I converted in 480AD with a clear plan to go for theocracy at a later stage. Incidentally, I had forgotten that religion helps with happiness issues too, and my largest cities had long been on growth halt to avoid going into riot (I had 2 luxuries only – fur and gold, and no happiness buildings).

Foreign affairs

I met the other civs early – first one was Saladin in 2640BC, then the others followed quickly. By 2320BC I had met all AIs. I had explored the whole map (give or take a few squares) in 220AD (using a total of 4 scouts).

Early on I had my eye on Roosevelt as my 1st target. Both because of the proximity but also because he had been developing fairly slowly, seemingly preoccupied with some marble-related wonder (he didn’t complete any).

After having founded my 6 cities and being happy with my expansion, I built granaries and barracks in my 3 main cities, then started cranking out axes and swords. The plan was to use squads of around 6 swords to rush over smaller cities, then attacking capitols and larger cities with 10-12 swords. Swords all got city raider promotions. Axes were on standby, for any return attack or threat, and for garrison in new cities so that the swords could move on. They got the more generic combat 1 promotion, and a couple later on picked up medic 1 to join the largest stack of swords.

War wih America (140 - 300AD)

I declared on Roosevelt in 140AD. At that time he had 5 cities. My military at the time were (including city garrisons): 15 swords, 10 axes, 6 spearmen, 5 warriors and 3 archers. I quickly swept over his little empire, only letting my swords rest 1-2 turns to heal. I ended up keeping the 3 largest cities, razing the rest. After finishing him off, I rushed in the axes as city defence, then quickly regrouped to attack Viccie…

War wih England (380 - 550AD)

Being closest to my forces, just south of America, Victoria was the inevitable next target. 10 swords marched towards London, whilst 2 other squads went for her secondary cities. 24 swords and 16 axes in total brutally swept over her empire – a total of 7 cities, only 3 of which I kept. Perhaps with an idea of going for a conquest victory – I had my trial game messed up as I came too close to the domination limit, and accidentally triggered it. Also, I just cannot take poor city placements… Thirdly, I only had St. Petersburg churning out axes, so I didn’t really have enough units for city garrison. As a fourth reason, I guess my empire would be more managable financially without too quick a conquest, as I had to keep up in tech for my military not to grow too obsolete.

Status 550AD

Cities: 12 (largest was Moscow and Novgorod with 8)
Population: 58
Science: 30%
Finance: 739 treasury at -12gpt
Religion: Judaism
Civics: beginning ones

Swords 16
Axes 14
Spears 6
Warrior 5
Scout 2
Archer 1
Worker 13

Cow 13 (!)
Horses 6
Iron 4
Gold 4
Copper 2
Fur 1
Gems 1
Sheep 1

Foreign relations and score:

Catherine 997 ;)

Monte 524, cautious
Open borders
-4 religion modifier (he founded buddhism)

Napoleon 516, cautious
Open borders
Pigs for horse
-1 religion modifier

Mao 456, cautious
Open borders
-2 religion modifier

Saladin 418, annoyed
Open borders
Wheat for cow
-4 religion modifier
-1 declared war on his friend…
-1 refused to help him (war against Monte)
-1 refused to accept his religion
-1 refused to stop trading with Monte

status 550AD.JPG
Contender class

My first inclination was to go for a fast domination (warrior or axe rush), but I really enjoy playing as Russia (love the Cossacks!), so I decided to play for domination, but use Cossacks to complete this. So, this meant doing the more traditional research route (Oracle slingshot to Civil Service), shoot for Liberalism, then go to Military Tradition.

Given the type of map (almost all land mass) and the level being played, I decided to build a 2nd scout first to survey the surroundings. Then worker, warrior x 2, settler, worker. By this time I had Writing, so libs started going up.

I didn't have the fortune of popping any settlers or workers from huts... for the most part it was cash, maps and experience; just one tech (Mysticism) gained via this route. Experienced scouts are great in the forested mountains, and the cash is great to maintain 100% research even when multiple early cities are started. Maps for the most part I don't find that useful.

After getting 3 cities up, I decided to get some axemen and chariots/horse archers built. The 'Mericans were pretty close to where the horses to the E were, so they were the first target. Went after the Americans once I had a stack of 6 Axes, 3 chariots, and a couple of spearman. I didn't bother with swords at all since I was moving towards Machinery, and would have Macemen soon. America had a few archers and the occasional spear and axe, but they went down pretty quickly.

While at war, I discovered a couple of barb cities in the SW corner. I took a few of my new units to take these cities out and add them to my collection.

After finishing off the US, I started to retool for Victoria; mostly maceman and Knights were just coming on line. This was pretty straightforward as well since they had mostly archers and Axes defending. After finishing Victoria, I found I had twice the score of the next Civ (France).

Now I'm breaking to build up a few more cities, and then retool for China to the north (Cossacks are a ways away at 500AD, but they will be the bread and butter for the final push).

That's it for 500AD. I have completed the game now, but the rest in the next spoiler.
Challenger class, goal-- fast conquest

Conquest 410 AD score 99703

built 3 scouts with the hope of getting a settler or worker from a hut but was not to be--got lot of huts but nothing great

founded on the plains hill and built 3 more cities one by the cows and then the gold and sw silver. Americans had the horses pretty quick

IW then CS slingshot and then macemen.
Conquest: Mao, Wash, Sal, Nap, Vic, Monte

1. I had never played this level and overestimated the AI. Should have researched AH earlier and gotten quick to the horses and gone to horse archers instead of the axe, sword route. nobody had hooked up copper until about 1 AD

2. should have attacked Wash first with goal of getting army across the map ASAP instead of Mao and wheeling around with two armies. As Mao was so close I could have finished him off with troops built much later.

Overall I did enjoy the romp but I don't think I will learn as much from this one
as the others. Hope we can get a higher level next month--emperor at least.
ungy said:
Hope we can get a higher level next month--emperor at least.

I would be very suprised if it is going to be emperor next month. The difficulty level is normally more or less a saw-blade graphic: from easy step by step to difficult and then straight back to easy.
But then again Ainwood might be provoked to proof me wrong :rolleyes:
this is too easy. i popped a settler really early on and got animal husbandry the next. got horses and when i got horseback riding i built loads of horse archers. the game is now in the bag. :goodjob:
Being the tech rush/micromanage type, I never played an early conquest game before, but after seeing people finish all the civs off by 1000-500 bc in this GOTM, I decided to give it try too. Built the scout and managed to pop a settler by the horses, and a worker, but no techs this time. Founded 5 cities total with barracks as the only building. Researched HR and IW (to work two iron mines), then shut down research and streamlined HA production in all cities. Only captured Washington to serve as a troops transfer central, and Mecca for cultural reasons (buddhism), but eventually lost it to barbs (lots of them, mostly axes). Still had to struggle up to around 200 AD, but again, this was the first time I played this type of a game. I made the biggest mistake of letting Napo live for too long that allowed him to work his copper mine, build a city on a hil and erect city walls in Paris. Then I failed to weigh the odds when attacking him, resulting in a total loss of about 15 HAs to his axes and spears, so had to concentrate a whole lot more troops again and ramble through the forests to take out his copper (which he wisely protected with a spear), otherwise could have finished much earlier. The French are the only real challenge, so should have been executed right after the Americans, who are the obvious initial target. Others were not a threat at all, the only complaint is they didn't have much money to be ripped off before seeing their doom. Speaking of money, by end of game I had so much HAs my economy could barely sustain, I even had to disband some severly wounded units.

Despite finishing with only a modest score, this was a nice experience!
Well, this one was a turn up and NO mistake. FIrst up I should really check the settings in future, as I had NO idea this was a Highlands Map.
Anyway, not to worry. Moved my settler 1 place north, then settled right on the river-near the cows. Nearby villagers kindly offered to help me build up my infant nation by providing raw labour! I focused heavily on a few key techs aimed at making my new workforce more useful, before trying to unveil the mysteries of Life. Unfortunately, another nation uncovered the truth of the 'Noble Eightfold Path' (Bhuddism) and then, almost as I was about to finish a great text on the nature of our many Gods, someone else came along and trumped me by producing the Vedas (Hinduism). Nevertheless, I pushed on regardless with Monuments to our Gods-and it was clear that they were stronger than these foreign Demons-for we finished our Great Temple complex to Athena (Parthenon), an amazing Stone-crafted tool for observing the Heavens (StoneHenge) and a Temple to our Great Seer (Oracle)-who thanked us by telling us how we could work the wonderous element of Iron!
However, soon the Russian people grew tired of many Gods, and craved a single God and a single set of Laws. Again, though, someone was first with The Word (Monotheism)-the same people who wrote the Vedas. In the end, though, our people triumphed, as a Great Prophet named Moses rose up in the city of Saint Petersberg, and told us of a loving and kind God with only two Commandments (Theology). This new faith of Christianity spread like wildfire within the Empire, and soon Catherine honoured the birthplace of the faith by building a Great Shrine in Moses' honour.
Back in the Secular world, our nation was building apace. After gaining free labour, our scouts found a village willing to offer tribute, and another one desperate to join our nation. Meanwhile, I learned that the dastardly Americans had moved Westward to steal my horses (and cattle). I considered waging war against him, but found I had no need, as the people of New York clearly came to recognise their cultural superiors.
Meanwhile, evil heathen tribes-all of whom offered alleigance to no nation-began to beset my people. Clearly our Lord was testing our resolve, but we triumphed, even finding the source of these scourges, and bringing them both under Russian control.
In the meantime, groups of families tired of overcrowding in the Capital, moved Westwards to found the city of Rostov-where there had been earlier reports of Gold seams and wild ungulates ready to be tamed.
So in the Year of our Lord, AD500, the mighty empire of Russia stretches from the Western mountains to the very door of Washington City, and from the Forests of the North to the Mountains of the South. We have befriended the peoples of Arabia, England and America-but cast a cautious eye towards the French, Chinese and Aztecs (especially the Aztecs!!!).
To celebrate our Greatness, Catherine has commissioned all friendly nations to donate their greatest works of literature, philosophy and science-so that they can be housed in a building of fitting splendour-to be built in the city of New York. Only time will tell if this great work will be completed on schedule.


p.s. A picture will be forthcoming.
contender class

saw the start, moved the settler around and settled on second turn next to 3cows.

built a worker and my scouts popped one settler, a worker, some experience and gold

second settler was founded quite a ways away next to horses.

built a barracks in all cities, as well as a settler in my capital that connected the cultural borders of my two cities. these threee cities built horse archers galore once i researched horseback riding and archery.

gained a conquest win in 520BC

@guy who got 1025BC win
i am impressed, because at 1025 i think my wars barely begun. i had maybe 2-3 horse archers.... and i went exactly from AH to HR to Arch.
makes ya wonder... but nevertheless, good work
Game: C-IV GOTM 05
Date submitted: 2006-04-14
Reference number: 10310
Your name: Yurian
Entry class: Contender
Game status: Conquest Victory for Russia
Game date: 1900 BC
Base score: 451
Final score: 71220
Time spent: 1h 23m
2 sessions.
Yurian said:
Game: C-IV GOTM 05
Date submitted: 2006-04-14
Reference number: 10310
Your name: Yurian
Entry class: Contender
Game status: Conquest Victory for Russia
Game date: 1900 BC
Base score: 451
Final score: 71220
Time spent: 1h 23m
2 sessions.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

1900 BC?? Could we get a few more details? Did you conquer with chariots?

Nice game.
Chariots might actually be even better then HAs because they are so cheap, in any case they are not much worth:

Chariot have attack=4 and cost 25 shields.
HA have attack=6, are immune to first strikes and cost 50 shields.

On such a map (and all great plains maps look alike) and such a low difficulty the best way was propably to send stacks of chariots ASAP to attack the furthest enemies and only then attack the closest ones with chariots or horse archers.

When i popped my second settler i though "Wow! with such luck i could win by conquest before 1000BC", so i wasn't very surprised when i saw that somebone reported a 1000BC win. But i didn't think that 1900BC was possible. I wonder how many free settlers did Yurian get.
i have submitted my save, and i am gonna try this chariot conquest win... i will get back to you all
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