Gotm 99


Civ2 GOTM Staff
Retired Moderator
Apr 6, 2006
Amersfoort (Netherlands)
first of time for a new Game Of The Month. Only one more and we reaching GOTM 100....

But first this one.

Game of the Month #99 (Jun. 2009)

With GOTM 95 the earth was changed...lot's of dessert and jungle. But what happened just before that period....
In this GOTM you might find out......

Somewhere in the west part of the world the earth became very polluted.... This game will start at that moment. So be prepared for some terrain changing during you're game.....

The game settings
Civilization: Sioux
Map: Special (large) map (100x100); 5 civs, flat
Difficulty: Deity
Barbarians: Villages only
Restarts: On
Victory by conquest or spaceship are both allowed

Starting Techs:
~ Alphabet
~ Bronze Working
~ Ceremonial Burial
~ Horseback Riding
~ The Wheel

Games will be due on Jul. 12th, 2009.

Before starting you're game you can look at the map with the mapeditor of civII.. I like to play the game also but I know a bit how the map looks like....this way everybody knows the same at the start.

Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach hem directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file).

Please sent the savegames only to me because the change that the original mailadress still works is doubtfull. We are trying to change this for the future but are still working on it. First sent me a pm that you want to submit then I'll give you my personal email where you can sent the files to.

Have fun.


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I hope to have more time soon, and to play in Game 100, at least. I'll try to play 99 too, as a warm-up, since I haven't played much Civ2 in almost a year.

Hats off to Magic and all the active players for keeping this going! :goodjob:
Magic, what's it going to take for you to post the results? Is it true that they haven't been posted for almost a year?
The last results are IIRC from GOTM 94. (Just look at the thread of gotm 94 (last post)). We are now developing new webpages on this forum where the new results will be on. I hope we can finish and show the new pages this month or next month on this site. I will then post all results on it. Otherwise I have to do things twice and I don't want that to do cause RL time for this forum and playing civ is not that much. So if you are a little patient I will post the latest results 1 month after the deadlines of the GOTM's.
I hope to have more time soon, and to play in Game 100, at least. I'll try to play 99 too, as a warm-up, since I haven't played much Civ2 in almost a year.

Hats off to Magic and all the active players for keeping this going! :goodjob:

Great to see you back Peaster. Really missed you.....Just give it a shot....perhaps trying some old gotm's (#93 was my first to see how you like that one). It's different then the most and is a conquest which you like most...
Several excellent results this time! But maybe Mercurios should get the Blue ?
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