Moo, baby. Moo.
CFC Graphics Modpack Library
Section II: Terrain and Resources
Note: This thread is intended only for the library itself. Please do not post comments or other replies here. Instead, you should send such things to the original C&C thread. By restricting the posting to this thread it will hopefully make browsing the library and finding what you need much easier. Thank you.
Preface: Given the positive feedback on section 3 and its resultant stickiness, I suppose it's time I started the next section of the library. Please post any comments, suggestions, etc in the original C&C thread. Particularly of interest is any advice on how to organize the resource packs since there is so much overlap in what is included
As with the last time, initially the layout will be in major disarray while I fill in the details and find/create suitable preview shots -- the index will be incomplete, links will probably point to the wrong places and screenshots will be placeholders which have nothing to do with the mod they're near. Your patience in ignoring such things is appreciated
Full Terrain Mods (Built-in)
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Section II: Terrain and Resources
Note: This thread is intended only for the library itself. Please do not post comments or other replies here. Instead, you should send such things to the original C&C thread. By restricting the posting to this thread it will hopefully make browsing the library and finding what you need much easier. Thank you.
Preface: Given the positive feedback on section 3 and its resultant stickiness, I suppose it's time I started the next section of the library. Please post any comments, suggestions, etc in the original C&C thread. Particularly of interest is any advice on how to organize the resource packs since there is so much overlap in what is included
As with the last time, initially the layout will be in major disarray while I fill in the details and find/create suitable preview shots -- the index will be incomplete, links will probably point to the wrong places and screenshots will be placeholders which have nothing to do with the mod they're near. Your patience in ignoring such things is appreciated

Full Terrain Mods (Built-in)
- Standard Terrain by Firaxis -- Terrain from the game, simply including a preview here to compare with the others
- European Terrain by Firaxis -- Terrain from the game (PTW "extra"), simply including a preview here to compare with the others
- Winter Terrain by Firaxis -- Terrain from the game (PTW "extra"), simply including a preview here to compare with the others
- Snoopy's Terrain by Snoopy -- Very popular terrain pack in 2 styles (standard and greener), including city graphics (Note: included on most PTW CDs)
- Womoks' Terrain by Womoks -- Terrain pack with especially nice mountains in 2 styles (standard and greener version by Thunderfall)
- Watercolor Terrain by Warpstorm -- Terrain mod which looks like a watercolor painting (Note: included on most PTW CDs)
- Rhye's Terrain by Rhye -- terrain mod based on Snoopy.
- Less Yellow Modpack by Thunderfall -- Makes terrain brighter and adds more contrast between terrain and objects
- Color-Corrected Terrain -- Makes some color modifications to standard tileset
- Cordy's Terrain by Cordy -- Terrain mod with a lot of contrast between terrain types and 3-d crops for irrigation
- CCJ39's Graphic Mods by CCJ39 -- A whole set of modifications to Snoopy's Greener (v2)
- Mars Terrain by sprnv8 -- Terrain pack made to look like the planet Mars
- Lunar Terrain by Beer Engine -- Terrain pack for a mod with a combination of Lunar and Earthlike Terrain with Space replacing water
- Lukree's Space Terrain by Lukree (posted by tpasmall) -- Terrain for Star Wars Mod with Space replacing water and some other changes
- Steppes by Incubus0223 -- Brown tundra to simulate steppes
- Hills in Desert by Incubus0223 -- Simulation of desert dunes with a graphic based on the standard hill
- Desert Dunes by thamis -- Another desert modification to simulate dunes
- Swamp Terrain by Incubus0223 and GIDustin -- Modified version of Snoopy's Jungle with water to simulate swamp
- Muddy Flood Plains by Yurt -- Gives "the flood plains a Nile-style mud banks look, and also lots of grass"
- Less Brown Mountains by m_m_x -- Modifies standard mountain graphic to be less brown
- California Terrain by Babble-on -- Modifies grassland to look like it has native Californian wildflowers
- Zeb's Terrain by Zeb_Fisher -- New Irrigation graphics
- Desert Irrigation by Cretatus_Manus -- New desert irrigation with some small buildings and pyramids
- Altered Irrigation by GIDustin -- New irrigation based on Snoopy's Greener 4.1
- New mine by buk -- Small mine graphic in SW corner of tile
- Moved Mine by Yoda Power -- Offsets the original mine graphic to SE corner of tile
- Derrick Mine (Author Unknown) -- Derrick-style mine posted by Lemming in a thread for another mod
- New Mine by CCJ39 -- Modification of the derrick-style mine posted by Lemming to make it easier to see
- Brighter Mine Derrick by Overseas -- Another derrick-style mine with a smoking chimney
- Nice Mines by ahenobarb -- Replaces mine with houses to represent city suburbs
- Mine the Sheep by mrtn -- Replaces mine with cluser of sheep
- Kettyo's Terrain by kettyo -- A compilation of other terrain mods which includes an original factory graphic for the mine
- New Mine by aaglo -- Adds some mechanical flavor to the original mine; dark and light versions available
- New barb camp, goody hut, and mine by m_m_x (posted by Thunderfall) -- New walled barb camp, village-style goody huts, and a slight change to mines
- MMX Goody Huts with CTP Golems by W.i.n.t.e.r.-- Combines the above village-style huts of m_m_x with Stonehenge and Easter Island statues from Call to Power
- Civ3 Goody Huts with CTP Golems by Taé Shala -- Uses the CtP extras of W.i.n.t.e.r. along with the original Civ3 goody huts
- Civ3 Goody Huts with CtP Golems/Stonehenge Figurines by Colonel Kraken -- Also uses the CtP extras of W.i.n.t.e.r. along with the original Civ3 goody huts
- New Huts by buk -- Another village-style goody hut replacement (2 versions)
- Easy to Spot Goody Huts by Aethon -- Adds an identifying badge to standard goody huts to make them easier to find
- New TerrainBuildings.PCX by Hunter -- Contains new modern fort and also a changed mine
- Alternative Fortresses by aaglo -- New fortress graphics for several eras; includes barb camp from m_m_x listed above
- Pollution as Wasteland by mrtn -- New pollution graphic based upon the wasteland of Test of Time
- Graveyard Pollution by Kinboat -- New pollution graphic of dead bodies
- New Radar Tower - Womok Art by bhiita -- Post of the radar tower from Womoks' Terrain including a smaller version
- Thin Brown Roads by cassembler -- Thinner roads
- Roads with Enhanced Buildings by Overseas -- Small buildings at road intersections
- Civ 2 Style Railways by SkankyBurns -- Straight, civ2-type rails
- Alternative Civ2 style railroads by Soufie77 -- Another version of straight, civ2-type rails
- Circular Railroads by Dark Sheer -- The opposite of civ2-style rails, completely circular rails
- Tidier Railroads by Soufie77 -- Cleans up some of the 8-way intersections of the standard rails to be simpler
- Highways/Railroads by Kuratko -- Changes railroad into a combination of highways and railroads along with small buildings
- Shockwave's Highways by Shockwave -- Replaces railroads with fat grey roads to simulate highways
- Urban Combat Railroad by GenghisFarb -- "Industrial Sprawl" type mod with lots of buildings added to railroads; the more railroad intersections, the bigger and denser the buildings.
- Advanced Railroads by Crist2000 -- Another "Industrial Sprawl" type mod with lots of buildings added to railroads
- Alternative to Railroads Skyscrapers by Overseas -- Another Sprawl-type railroad, but this one has smaller buildings with higher railroad density to make it easier to see.
- All Cities with Trees by Amenhotep IV -- Modified city graphics for all cultures (Included on some PTW CDs as "Lush Cities")
- New City Graphics based on CTP2 by alireza1354 -- New city graphics for most cultures
- Noah's Arc Cities by computerdude113 -- Animal-related city graphics from the Noah's Arc mod
- Smiley's Cities by Smiley (posted by hzm) -- Custom city graphics based on Chapultepec, Tokyo, and Taipei
- New Ruin by m_m_x -- New ruin graphic which looks more like the remains of buildings as opposed to the standard pile of rubble
- Spaceport Graphic by Plexus -- Icon for Spaceport to replace Airport graphic on cities for sci-fi mods
- Solid Territory Borders by malik -- Changes territory boundaries from standard dashed border to a solid border
- See-Through Fog of War by HadroLepton -- Makes Fog-of-War partially transparent (Standard Civ3 Only)
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