Moo, baby. Moo.
CFC Graphics Modpack Library
Section III: Interface Enhancements and Miscellaneous
Note: This thread is intended only for the library itself. Please do not post comments or other replies here. Instead, you should send such things to the original C&C thread. By restricting the posting to this thread it will hopefully make browsing the library and finding what you need much easier. Thank you.
Preface: This is the third section of the library for the Graphics Mod Forum which I am creating, although it is paradoxically the first to be completed and posted. The reason for that is that as the smallest and easiest to complete, it will allow people to offer comments and suggestions which will help in the creation of the other, larger, sections. All such comments, suggestions, insults, and questions should be directed to the original C&C thread. Given the positive feedback on this section, I have begun work on the second section.
Full Interface Mods
Section III: Interface Enhancements and Miscellaneous
Note: This thread is intended only for the library itself. Please do not post comments or other replies here. Instead, you should send such things to the original C&C thread. By restricting the posting to this thread it will hopefully make browsing the library and finding what you need much easier. Thank you.
Preface: This is the third section of the library for the Graphics Mod Forum which I am creating, although it is paradoxically the first to be completed and posted. The reason for that is that as the smallest and easiest to complete, it will allow people to offer comments and suggestions which will help in the creation of the other, larger, sections. All such comments, suggestions, insults, and questions should be directed to the original C&C thread. Given the positive feedback on this section, I have begun work on the second section.
Full Interface Mods
- Colors n Chrome Interface by Telgar -- Colorization of many screens along with metallic highlights.
- Ancient Rome Interface by Bebro -- Gives an ancient Greco-Roman feel to many screens
- Stone Interface by Sirotnikov -- Stone texture background for many screens
- Marble Pack by Overseas -- Colored marble backgrounds for many screens
- Fallout Interface by Skarekrow -- From the Fallout game series, part of a complete mod
- Confirm Check by Rhye -- Replaces circle confirmation button with a check-mark
- Menu Buttons by zbear -- Changes the 3 main menu buttons in the upper left of the screen
- Color Order Buttons by sebsage -- Colorization of the tan buttons used to give orders to units
- Civ-specific cursor by Neomega -- Changes cursor color
- Random Leader by sebsage -- Replacement graphic for the unknown/random leader icon.
- Apache Copter Title by Exsanguination -- (Standard Civ3)
- Rocket Launch Title by hawqeye -- (Standard Civ3)
- Alexander vs Darius Title by elfstorm -- (Standard Civ3)
- Replacement Wonder Splashes by Il Mafioso -- Standard Civ3 wonders with an effects overlay
- Replacement Wonder Splashes by mizaq -- Replacement splashes for standard wonders with an effects overlay
- Replacement Wonder Splashes by Harlan -- Splashes for both standard and additional wonders with an effects overlay
- Additional Wonder Splashes by LouLong -- Additional wonder splashes for modders
- Additional (DyP) Wonder Splashes by kal-el -- Additional wonder splashes from the DyP mod.
- New Era Splashes by Bebro -- Replacement splashes for the era change graphic
- Star Wars Era Splashes by tpasmall -- Era splashes from the Star Wars Mod
- Civ3 Usability Pack by Il Mafioso -- Adds colored-bar and numerical attribute indicators to icons for buildings (maintenance, culture, etc) and units (transport capacity, upgradeability) in the build queue (Standard Civ3; also PTW update by Gavrilo Princip)
- Build Queue Icons by Nemo -- Modification similar to Usability Pack using iconic indicators instead of bars (Standard Civ3 only)
- QueueMod by Mercade -- Modification similar to Usability Pack using Nemo-style iconic indicators for PTW
- Build Queue Icons by Silvagem -- Modification similar to Usability Pack using numerical indicators with inclusion of pollution and happiness for buildings (Standard Civ3 only)
- Annotated Build Queue for DyP by RobO -- Adds attributes for buld queues like above, but for DyP mod.
- Civ2 City Icons by Morten Blaabjerg -- Changes several of icons in city info and advisor screens to resemble those of civ2
- Civ2 City Icons by Exsanguination -- Modification of above to remove Elvis and adjust colors
- Population Heads with Tiny Mood Badges by EvanCiv -- Small (8x8) colored mood smiley on citizens (green happy, white content, blue sad, red resisting)
- Population Heads with Larger Mood Badges by EvanCiv -- Large (15x15) colored mood smiley on citizens (green happy, white content, blue sad, red resisting)
- New Icons for City Screen by han_solo -- Colored mood smiley on citizens (yellow happy, white content, blue sad, red resisting)
- Another Smiley Face Graphics Mod by Smirk -- Colored mood smiley on citizen icons (orange happy and content, red sad, none for resisting)
- Mood Shielded Population Heads by Rickk (posted by rdomarat) -- Colored mood smiley on citizens (orange happy, white content, red sad, black resisting)
- Colored Population Heads by Tenaku -- Colored outline around citizen icons based (white happy, blue content, yellow sad, red resisting)
- Civ3 Citizens Downgrade by Morten Blaabjerg -- Changes citizen icons to Civ1-style (not nationality-specific)
- Smiley People by Il Mafioso -- Changes citizen icons into cartoon smiley heads (yellow happy, blue content, gray unhappy, red resisting, plus specialists)
- Smilies Citizen Heads by muxec -- Changes citizen icons into cartoon smiley faces (colored for nationality, expressions for moods)
- Bill the Advisor by Shockwave -- Male computer-generated domestic advisor; both Era- and Mood-Specific
- Fallout Advisors by Skarekrow -- Advisors from the Fallout game series, part of a complete mod
- Sara the Advisor by Parodygm -- Female computer-generated cultural advisor; both Era- and Mood-Specific
- Axl Rose Advisor by FfEeLlIiPpEe -- Axl Rose as cultural advisor; Era and Mood Specificity unknown
- Star Wars Advisors by tpasmall -- A pair of advisors from the Star Wars Mod
- Henry Kissinger Advisor by ahenobarb -- Henry Kissinger as Foreign Advisor; Both Era- and Mood-Specific
- Elvis is Hired by Il Mafioso -- Computer-generated Elvis as Domestic Advisor; both Era- and Mood-Specific
- NES Advisors by mercurycrusader -- Replacements for all 6 advisors in a blocky Nintendo style; all Era- and Mood-Specific
- Female Advisors by Futumch and Taé Shala -- Replacements for all 6 advisors with Playboy Playmates; generally Mood-Specific only
- Female Advisor by Rendre -- Female model photos for Military Advisor; Mood-Specific only
- Rush Limbaugh Advisor by aaron_burr -- Rush as Domestic Advisor; both Era- and Mood-Specific
- Bigger buildings-large.pcx by Incubus0223 -- File with more room for adding custom building graphics
- Barn by Incubus0223 -- Barn graphic
- Buildings by Ukas -- Several buildings including gallows, secret police headquarters, and brothel
- Wonders by Ukas -- Several wonders including Holy Inquisition, Maginot Line, and Winter War Memorial
- Yoda Leader Image by chesspatzer -- Circular images of Yoda for Foreign Advisor screen only, not a leaderhead; Mood-Specific only
- Female Leader Image by chesspatzer -- Circular images of Fantasy women for Foreign Advisor screen only, not a leaderhead; Mood-Specific only
- European Palace by joebasstard -- Bluer version of the Palace View for European culture