Great Writer/Artist/Musician points, and work slots? GP points in general?


Jun 4, 2015
I'm doing my first game, as Russia. I have been awarded a lot of great WAMs and I didn't even try to get them. I have had to hold on to a lot of them until I made ampitheaters etc. Where are these Great WAM points coming from? I have been focusing on science.

If I pass on a great person, does that mean I can get other types sooner? Ex if I pass on a writer, will I get a scientist sooner? Or are they in groups, like the WAM group in civ 5 and the Scientist/Engineer/Merchant group etc?

And additional question about great WAMs: It seems great scientists, engineers, etc all have different abilities. But WAMs just make great works. So what's the point of passing? I don't really want any more WAMs, but every once in a while I get one anyway and I have to accept them and have them sleep forever becuase I don't have room for their works or any other use for them.
Probably not, most of the time. But keep in mind that theming bonuses in museums call for 3 of the same type of great work by different artists. If you have filled your first museum with 3 portraits by Rembrandt, it's not very helpful (from a theming standpoint) to pick up 3 landscapes by Qui Ying. If you are angling for a theming bonus, you would prefer that your next two Great Artist also produce portraits, so skipping may make sense.

Not having enough slots for their great works is a different issue. It would be helpful if GWAMs had a secondary, less powerful bonus for those who just want to quick burst of culture -- maybe a random civic inspiration. Nothing that would compete with the long-term value of the Great Works they would produce (which should be their preferred use), but something better than putting them to sleep for most of the rest of the game.
Yeah, I've got lots of Lavras, and yes those are giving me the points now that I checked in the civlopedia, thanks for pojnting that out. I thought the only thing they did was give you that extra tile. Good synergy for that district!

Thanks for the responses
Yeah, each Lavra provides +1 of each category of GWAM points. Spam out 6 or 8 Lavras and you'll be swimming in GWAMs before long.
There's also a problem that before the Industrial era, you have nothing to do with your Great Musicians (except for the Palace slot).
There's also a problem that before the Industrial era, you have nothing to do with your Great Musicians (except for the Palace slot).

I definitely think they should give the GWAM alternative abilities besides creating a great work - i.e. burning them for a golden age (as in old games), or a festival (ala Brazil's carnival project).
I'm playing as Russia and I've been selling the great works of writing to the AI when I lack slots to store my new ones. The AI seems to value a book at just over 1000 gold and usually give me something like 250 gold+27gpt for 30 turns. Great writers are thus worth 2000 gold as they create 2 of them. Compare that to Great Merchants that give you a couple hundred gold plus some minor bonus like gaining a tile or 1-2 envoys...
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