Gripes about natives odds and such

Maybe that explains why my Zahkarov game had such a large continent completely cleared and only incursions came from the borders, while with this game I have only a smallish continent that had fungus spawning coming from the coast. But even then why does fungus not clear from sea tiles as quickly as land, and shouldn't the two (land/sea) be separate?
Ok, I found you an example where fungus spawned without any fungus right next to it. (Unless you meant adjacent meaning 2 squares away!)
If you move a rover from Academy Park to the gems, they'll still spawn but SW of the city. Note that I have moved a former to the remaining fungus in sight to clear it and parked units onto where fungus can actually spread (so not on the ridges next to Fountainhead).
Does the difficulty influence how often natives will spawn?
Ok, I found you an example where fungus spawned without any fungus right next to it. (Unless you meant adjacent meaning 2 squares away!)
If you move a rover from Academy Park to the gems, they'll still spawn but SW of the city. Note that I have moved a former to the remaining fungus in sight to clear it and parked units onto where fungus can actually spread (so not on the ridges next to Fountainhead).
Does the difficulty influence how often natives will spawn?

I loaded your save and tried. Indeed, there is a spawn of native life (but not of fungus!) NW Academy Park without any directly adjacent fungus. However, the fungus 2 squares away might be the culprit - you surrounded it with your units. As far as I know that isn't supposed as strategy to fight fungal blooms/spawnings of NL. It prevents the event on the occupied tile for technical reasons, but it will make it happen on the next free tile (I remember I posted a similar save quite a while ago, where I wondered about a bloom I could not explain and there was also one of my units blocking a tile)

One hint BTW...I noticed that you have built quite anumber of excess (=currently non-worked) terrain improvements around your bases, especially mines. While this is useful, if a base is about to grow, I would recommend to limit that prebuilding as a Terraformer strictly - unused mines have the same negative impact on PV as ones worked ones! Also, you have build some mines on rainy/polar flat tiles. I generally avoid that at all costs, because here you gain the negative PV for just one mineral extra. Those tiles are not the best to use, but IMO a Windmill with +2 or even only +1 is the lesser evil.
I know prebuilding is bad, but in this case I wanted to free up the former to allow it just to clear fungus. (I also needed an extra silver to trade with Lal's monolith).

So this is just a matter of me at my tricks again (i.e. trying to defeat the system) and the system trying to compensate. But that's still unfair--the natives should not even have spawned. (if anything they should do so on my eastern front where there's plenty of unoccupied fungus)
You are intruding on a planet. You are destroying its environment.
The planet hates your guts.
It's a freaking planet! Are you going to make it play fair?

In retrospect, you could planet bust all those tiles into the sea and save your self the trouble of native life...
No, but I expect plenty of anti-AP patches as Rhye well knows. :)
for those squares, forest is another better improvement to use, it gives the 1 extra production, plus health, plus energy with a bioreactor, and no planetary problems.
Yeah, but to build those early wonders you've got to have some mines, and trees cannot be planted with an early tech. I tried doing it with just windmills and greenhouses, but if the AI wants to beat you it will. (In fact this game I just uploaded I was beaten to the Unity Observation Bay by 1 turn--yes, 1 turn--by Morgan, hence I took them out first since I was so pissed.
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