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Heart of Destiny

I'll get to work on tech arrows, but I'll leave the 4th era alone until you guys are done expanding it. ;) Unless you'd like me to hold off until you are finished completely. It's rather tricky since the arrows have to be painted right into the background and if a tech box moves, the arrow doesn't. It ahs to be erased and repainted. :coffee: So should I get started on the first 3 eras?
Hi, I have had the following missing bits when I have been playing. Yes I have downloaded the latest patch etc.

Missing files (ie spelling errors in the pediaicons.txt files)

art\tech chooser\icons\09-Chivalry-large.pcx should be art\tech chooser\icons\09-Chivalry2-large.pcx

missing entry WON_SLPASH_BLDG_Crusading_Order text file is missing the _BLDG in the name.

art\wonder splash\Pisasplash should be art\wonder splash\Pisasplash.pcx

In the UNITS files the Resister directory has a Resistor.INI not Resister.INI which it should be.

I may be playing at the wrong difficulty level but in the couple of games I have played expansionist civs don't learn irrigation so dont get settlers so dont expand. Making them ripe for attacking.

Oh, and while I remember, in the ancient tech tree Monarchy is marked as not necessary for advancement but you need it for Currancy which is needed for advancement.
did it, they have been fixed and i am working on the map now. im trying to figure out whether it should be the whole solar system or just the inner planets though... any ideas?
Not me, but I will get to those tech trees today for sure. Sorry about the delay. RL is such a pain sometimes. :gripe:
Tjedge: I tried to uncheck the player properties under the properties bar and the game seems to be working fine now, since i restarted a new game. But I got mercenary. ini missing but when i checked the units I only found ancient, industrial and modern mercenary. And all their "ini" names seems to be correct?
:hmm: That is another issue. Something Sword_of_Geddon might be more on top of. I haven't really experimented with age specific units myself.
Is there a fix for the Sitting Bull thing I missed? I seem to be having problems with that and get kicked out. I can patch it up to work for me, but I was hoping that someone else already did. Did anyone? I'll have to fix this before I can get into editing the arrows for the tech tree so I can take screenshots of the tech windows in the advisor screen.
I just ran the PiC utility on your mod and came up with the following list of errors in the mod. You might want to do another patch for these when you get a chance. I thought I sent this utility to you once.

took 5 screeenshots of the results. :sad: Sorry to bring this to the table Sword, but this is what is uploaded so far. Luckily this is a beta so...If you want I can work on fixing the ones I can, and then uploading a patch, unless you already have many of these worked out already. You said some of these shouldn't be happening, but they are. :(

Actually it might be better if you correct these. You have all the correct files and the mod seems to work for you better. This is just what is coming form the files you've uploaded.
I have no idea whats causing that, one idea is that somehow the sitting bull stuff became corrupted on transfer. I have the same files you guys do, and I'm not getting any of these errors.

And there should be no problem with the Modern Merc. I checked the folder, ini name etc, and the pediaicons file is correct. :crazyeye: Betas....

Half those things are stuff I took out but are still in the civilipedia. All of those other files should still be there.
Don't let it get you down. This is about a 1/3 the size list I got when I tried to start the Mystara mod in beta. I almost threw my pc through a window. :cringe: :aargh: [pissed]

If you want I'll see what I can fix to at least get it working for those of us who seem to not be able to get the full thing. If there are any files I can't locate then I'll just post the list so you can re-upload and I can add them to the patch. Once completed I'll upload it as patch 2 or 3 if you have another out. Before I do that though, I'm going to redownload it and see if maybe I got a corrupt file or something. That does happen even on cable internet.

I've got the next 9 hours with hardly anything to do (home sick today) so I would love to use it for something besides working on my own mod. :p I need a break from it.
Ok, Once I redownload and reinstall it I'll post again with the results and then I'll asl for any changes you've made so far to your version. ;) Then I'll run the utility again and start fixing it up. :)
i did get the sitting bull error, i think i just decided never to select the sioux to allow playtesting without having to deal with this, but the problem is there... i agree. wow tjedge, that is quite a list we have there (so i can only imagine what yours was) and i think that a good deal arent a problem since you never have to deal with them in the game (they were from far horizons and no longer are in the game) but i think we should get working to remove as many of those as we can
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