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Heart of Destiny

cyberstrong said:
I got rid of the "railroads pcx" file so the tall buildings disappear, but the loading time reamains. But maybe I will have to start the game all over again getting it to work properly?
Shouldn't have to start the game all over unless you changed something in the biq itself.
Lachlan said:
Your mod is it finished or is it too early ? :)

What's the different elements of you mod ? What are his major "+" by comparizon with Rise and Rules ? :confused:

I hope for you that this version will be fully playable :mischief:
The mod is in beta still. Which mean it isn't quite finished. The biggest difference between this mod and other mods like Rise and Rule is that it has lots of added features without too much to overwhelm you. And it is the only mod really to go from ancient bc times to far inot the future. Rise and Rule stops about Post-Modern times and most mods do or barely touch the far future, but this mod goes farther than just touching on it. The future has it's own era. ;) It also has some different civs.
Welcome back!

Ok, Sword_of_Geddon. Here is the first era tech tree pcx file. I'm listing the four techs that need to be moved. Here are their x/y coordinates. After changing this in your biq, and then placing the file in your Art/advisor folder they should show up in the game. Let me know what you think. Post a screenie if you want for anyone else.

The Wheel= x: 228 / y: 146
Chariotry= x:340 / y: 146
Horseback Riding= x: 488 / y: 170
Improved Sailing= x: 500 / y: 56

Ancient Era Tech Arrows
Small hint there (I wonder why nobody has noticed it so far):

Air and Sea trade doesnt work - seems like you forgot to check the "allows sea trade" on harbor and "allows air trade" on airport - or was it on purpose? :?
With those on the loading time jumps to hours...which I find unacceptable. I know its annoying. I am still debating whether or not to delete the larger map sizes, since people will not enjoy playing a game on them when the Industrial Age rolls along.

BTW Tjedge...excellilent work. I'd hold off on the Future age though, I think Coltrane wishes to expand it. Thankyou so much Tjedge..
I remembered you 2 discussing something about the 4th era so I'm not even looking at it right now. I'm going to attempt the 2nd era this week, but it is quite a scramble. I'll probably have to move a few around, but with the multi-colored tech lines I think it will not be too much a problem to keep some in their current spots. The reall chalenge will be the 3rd era. Industrial and Modern combined. :coffee: That will keep me quite busy. I'll see what I can do today. I also have been using my breaks and lunch at work to go at this, so that should help speed me up.
You can't change the number of eras. It's hard-coded. You can however cram two eras into one and name each of them. This mod has done that with the Industrial and Modern eras.
tjedge1 said:
You can't change the number of eras. It's hard-coded. You can however cram two eras into one and name each of them. This mod has done that with the Industrial and Modern eras.

thats cool. i liked what they did with rise and rule, most of it anyway. to many horse units in it though. so are you adding more techs to this one?
Sword of Geddon has added a whole lot of techs, but not like RaR. He's added enough that he's going with the RaR tech boxes which are smaller. Whenever he comes around he can fill you in on more. I'm just a patcher guy and tech arrow guy for the mod. ;)
Are you planning to change anything or add anything to the Middle Ages?
Well, I am thinking it could use the same treatment we gave the Industrial-Modern Eras, in this case, it would be, Middle Ages and Age of Reason. You any good at making entire techtrees from scratch Tjedge?

I could use ideas if you would like me to do so in any case.. ;)
Sword_Of_Geddon said:
Well, I am thinking it could use the same treatment we gave the Industrial-Modern Eras, in this case, it would be, Middle Ages and Age of Reason. You any good at making entire techtrees from scratch Tjedge?

I could use ideas if you would like me to do so in any case.. ;)
Sword_Of_Geddon said:
Its ok, I was only kidding. I'm thinking about increasing the tech research for the late middle ages techs, but other than that I'm leaving them alone. Thanks for helping me, I really do appreciate it Tjedge.
Actually I can build tech trees from scratch. ;) I did the Mystara mods from scratch and sort of the 3rd era for this mod. I just didn't pick all the techs for the eras here. Ok, then. I'll get back on track with era 2 then. I'll have to maove some around, but I think I can avoid redoing the whole tree like I thought I might have had to. The colored lines will just have to have arrows added to them. I will add arrows to the first era also just to be uniform.
Well go ahead and redo them if you want. I can move on to the 3rd era for now instead. It's no problem really. I wasn't able to do much at work this week and home life is not existant right now. Just let me know what you change or upload the new biq when your finished and I'll go back to the 2nd era.
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