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Heart of Destiny

but I don´t understand what could require so extremely much just by progressing into the industrial age. When i played rise and rule I had no problems when I played on a 140 x 140 earth map with more than 20 civs. I completed the game in modern age and the time between turns was not long at all. Now when playing heart of destiny the time between turns make the game unplayable. And I only play this one on a 112 x 86 europe map with just 14 civs from the beginning. There must be something that makes this mod require so extremely much. Could it be the graphics on the tiles, with skyscrapers popping up or something different? Maybe to many units at the same time on the map. It has to be something that really differs this one from rise and rule in requirements.
I am thinking its the buildings that show up when you build lots of railroads. I noticed that civs with no railroads(but the same tech level) slow down the game alot in my mod...

I think I may chuck the railroads and create a new road-type improvement availble in the future, what do you think? I was thinking roads have the commerce bonus but don't improve movement. Railroad would improve movement, and a new level three road-type thing would allow instantanious movement like railroads currently do.
can you do that sword? is it even possible with this engine? and i did a game on the second largest seting as the americans and fought a long war against more advanced powers to become the only civ on my continent, then with guerillas and angelsand such i played around and did some vietnam style stuff, but then i just went crazy with the crawlers and won, but there was little to no wait.
Is it possible to remove the buildings on the tiles caused by railroads, without changing the graphics of this mod and keeping the farmlands on the tiles? And if possible, how do I proceed in doing this?
I think that is what slows down the mod. I'm not completely sure, but try chucking the railroads file in the Far Horizons terrain foldier. See how that works.

Sounds like you are having some fun Coltrane. I think the Future era, especially the later part, needs to be seriously re-balanced. Also, that space idea of yours is really growing on me....

Unleash soon.
aww, im honored! haha. sword, at the moment ive been fairly busy. i have been creating a mongolia scenario that incorporates tons of my ideas (obviously) and many ive found from your mod and RFRE, so it has been quite time consuming... also my gf has been... well haha you know. but i have been toying around with many of my ideas. is there a way to ask for the map i want to be made? i apparently am better at converting maps from civ2 then making civ3 maps from scratch and making them look good. ive made several attempts, but i cant figure out how to start a HUGE map (362X 362) from scratch... dont worry about the issues behind this, its negligable as the game will take place on a tiny portion of this until the later ages, but advice here is appreciated.
Regarding the tech tree, I started drawing the lines, but I have a question. You said you don't mind just lines, but what about different color lines This way if lines cross eachother it won't be confusing to the player. Does that make sense? Will that be fine with you Sword_of_Geddon?
Ok, then I'll get back on it and redo some of the lines that cross so you can tell which way they are going after crossing. I was thinking of throwing in some arrows along the lines, but they won't be aimed at lining up exactly on the boxes, just showing the direction of the lines travel. ;) I've got a computer fix to work ont his week and a sneek peek to see Skeleton Key so I probably won't finish all the eras this week, but I will try to at least get the ancient era done and post it so you can see what I'm doing. I'll also post any x/y coordinates that need to be altered in the biq so you can make them on yours. :coffee:
I finished the ancient era, but I can't upload yet. I'm on the wrong pc. I'll get that up tonight for sure so you can check it out. There are 4 techs that are slightly moved. I'll post their new coordinates with the pcx file later. ;)
What will be the features ?

When this will be terminated ?
Your mod is it finished or is it too early ? :)

What's the different elements of you mod ? What are his major "+" by comparizon with Rise and Rules ? :confused:

I hope for you that this version will be fully playable :mischief:
I got rid of the "railroads pcx" file so the tall buildings disappear, but the loading time reamains. But maybe I will have to start the game all over again getting it to work properly?
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