help getting building art into game


Oct 24, 2016
I'm building a lakeside resort improvement. It will be the same as the legacy seaside resort improvement but can be built adjacent to lakes with tile appeal more than charming. I've built the mod & it seems to work as intended (builders have the 'buid lakeside resort' ability enabled), but when they build the improvement no graphic/building appears (obviously). Now I'm trying to duplicate the seaside resort building art/graphic as the lakeside art/graphic.

First time using the asset editor. I copied what I think are the definitions for seaside resort into the new lakeside artdef file. When this file is cooked I get this output from modbuddy. I'd appreciate help with adding the seaside art.

------ Build started: Project: Lakeside Resort, Configuration: Default Civ6 ------
"F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI SDK\AssetModTools\Cooker\Civ6AssetCooker_FinalRelease.exe" --absolute_paths --no_mt --mode ArtDef --platform Windows --shaders "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI SDK\AssetModTools\Cooker" --pantry "E:\My Documents\Firaxis ModBuddy\Civilization VI\Improvements\Lakeside Resort\Lakeside Resort" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI SDK Assets\Civ6\DLC\Shared\pantry" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI SDK Assets\Civ6\pantry" --banquet_hall "E:\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Lakeside Resort\ArtDefs" --config "F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI SDK\AssetModTools\Cooker\Civ6.cfg" "E:\My Documents\Firaxis ModBuddy\Civilization VI\Improvements\Lakeside Resort\Lakeside Resort\ArtDefs\LakesideResort.artdef"
Starting AssetCooker...
Argument '--shaders' has been deprecated and is no longer used.
Opened output file: E:\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Lakeside Resort\ArtDefs/LakesideResort.artdef
Cooking ArtDef: (Eras.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Cultures.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (CityGenerators.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Appeal.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Civilizations.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Landmarks.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Districts.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Buildings.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (StrategicView.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Walls.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (Improvements.artdef).
Cooking ArtDef: (LakesideResort.artdef).
>> LakesideResort.artdef >> Improvement >> IMPROVEMENT_LAKESIDE_RESORT >> Landmark >> Landmark001 >> Fence references an ArtDef (LakesideResort.artdef) that uses the wrong template (DynamicGeo). Expected template: (Improvements).
>> LakesideResort.artdef >> Improvement >> IMPROVEMENT_LAKESIDE_RESORT >> Landmark >> Landmark001 >> Fence has had its value replaced with its default value.
Cook finished for ArtDef at Path: 'LakesideResort.artdef' with Template: 'Improvements'
ArtDef cook completed.
Opened output file: E:/My Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization VI/Mods/Lakeside Resort/Lakeside Resort.dep For project Lakeside Resort
Cook completed in 0.252 seconds
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Thankyou Raen. You've helped me in the past so I'm grateful for your time. I can open the legacy improvement.artdef file, but this is marked 'read only' so (unless I'm doing it wrong) I cannot add new elements to that file. I can however make a new artdef & copy paste the legacy IMPROVEMENT_BEACH_RESORT item from the legacy improvements.artdef into a new artdef file & change the item name from IMPROVEMENT_BEACH_RESORT to IMPROVEMENT_LAKESIDE_RESORT. I've checked the item folders & there are 'stategicviewoo1 & stategicview002 undet the strategicview catagory, & there is landmark001 under the landmark catagory (which matches the legacy beach_rsort setup.. There is also under buldingstates, a completed & pillaged item as per the legacy setup. All these item are under the 'improvements template'. I know it's hard to tell remotely whats wrong but do you have any further ideas? Am I missing 'hook' or some other thing to do to get it into the game.

[EDIT] Interestingly, the legacy improvement.artdef file is 'read only' but the improvment.artdef files from DLC Expansion 1 & from DLC Expansion 2 are not (ie I can right-click an item & a duplicate option is available).
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Im a little confused, you mean you can't access improvements.artdef? try to see in the file system if is read-only there.

Anyway, if you want to use seaside resort graphics, I can give you a hand on that if nothing else works. Any more custom improvements in improvements.artdef?
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