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Help! My wife hates civ!


Prophet of Doom
Sep 5, 2007
Deep in SabanNation
Hey, guys! Long-time lurker, but new poster. I was here before Civ III, but never posted anything. :goodjob:

Gots a question. My wife hates civ. :eek: :cry: What to do? Do any of you have any experience in helping your spouse to actually like civ? Or at least not hate it so bad? It seems like I saw a discussion about this years ago, but of course I cannot find it now that I'm actually married.

Thanks for your ideas/wisdom/input.
It's not quite clear from your post whether you want her to enjoy playing it herself or to not mind so much when you play.

If you want her to play the game too and she doesn't enjoy it, you may as well give up that idea. She'll either become curious about what you're doing or she won't, but don't push her.

OTOH, if you're wanting her to not object to your playing there may be ways to work that out...mostly compromises...but I'll wait to make suggestions until we know more about the nature of her objections. I'm a female, and my husband used to hate my playing until we worked it out. In this type of situation I can almost guarantee it's a battle for your time and attention...not the game itself she hates.
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yeah, it would be cool if she would play MP with me, but I'm pretty sure that'll never happen.

I'm not sure about the time/attention thing, because the only time I play when she's at home is when she's watching a movie on Lifetime. Even then, I generally try to stick to Civ Fanatics instead of actually playing. I get most of my playing time during the week when she's at work. I "work" at home, so my schedule is pretty flexible most of the time.

Thanks for the help.
I get most of my playing time during the week when she's at work. I "work" at home, so my schedule is pretty flexible most of the time.

Maybe that's the problem, she might think she's the only one doing the work and you lay around all day playing civ.
lol @ this thread

At least she knows where you are when you are playing civ. You are sitting safely at home as opposed to picking up hookers at strip clubs, getting drunk, and bringing home some fiery luggage.
@ ecuwins:
:lol: That is so very true!

@ nate1976:
Yeah, maybe. She just got home, so I think I'll try to find out. Wish me luck :mischief:
Mine hates it too. The way I keep her and me happy is to take breaks and sit with her while she is watching House Hunters. (obsessively) Sometimes I come up with new strategies during thses breaks.
I'm trying a new strategy by playing on my laptop while we both sit in the family room. She watches LifeTime while I conquer the world.
Mine hates it too. The way I keep her and me happy is to take breaks and sit with her while she is watching House Hunters. (obsessively) Sometimes I come up with new strategies during thses breaks.

What is it with women and those house shows? Mine watches them almost exclusively.
If you don't have DVR, then you don't know the half of it. Mine DVRs all House Hunters and any kind of flip this house show. I DVR my football games and The Sopranos and thats it. I'm lucky if there's enough room for my stuff... Such is the plight of the 30-something white guy...
my gf plays MP with me, it's great. i introduced her to it a while ago and she's almost as addicted as me.

getting better too, i'm gonna have to watch out or she'll be kicking my arse soon
Thanks for all the comments and help!

I had an opportunity to talk with her about it. We're planning on getting a laptop before too terribly long, and I suggested that we play each other over the network. She basically 1) doesn't understand the draw of the game, 2) thinks I spend too much time playing it (We all know that there's no possible way to spend too much time civving, but... :thumbsup: ), and 3) thinks it's only for guys. I told her that there are quite a few women who play civ, most of them much better than I.

Anyway, I think I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I just have to be very careful that I don't derail myself before we get to it.

Thanks again for all the comments and help.
thinks it's only for guys. I told her that there are quite a few women who play civ, most of them much better than I.

Well, if it will help any, you can tell her I said "Hi!" from Grandma Harriet. Golly, I'm not only female, I'm also pretty darned OLD. :wavey:

BTW, I just gave a copy of Civ Complete to my grandson. :D
1) doesn't understand the draw of the game
Remember, Tutorial mode is your friend.

Tell her it's just a thing you enjoy. It's a great brain excersize (or at least it is if you say it to yourself enough times) and it's mostly harmless. If she doesn't like it because she thinks you spend too much time doing it, call her a sod, spill her drink and run away with your middle finger up.
Man I'm going to make a great husband.
You could download the graphics mod that makes Civ3 look like Excel, then she'd think you were doing real work.

Only kidding, there's no such mod, but I do keep thinking about making one.
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