Help with Mongolian UHV

I made it. Unless you mean the world map in .xls. I copied that from Rhye's city name file.
As for stability, the biggest mistake you can make imo is to go organized religion or theocracy and declare a religion. You have so many cities with diff religions it becomes a huge stability hit.

I know this is about Mongolia but this quote needs highlighting for anyone that has stability problems. It really is important if your conquering cities that have other religions than your own.
I've been trying this Mongolian UHV now, and it is hard but seems do-able.

One complaint: I have never, ever, had the UP work for me! I have raized a city within 2 squares of another city, and that city did not flip. For example as you come out of the Gobi, there is Merv and another city right next to each other. Also the Turks often have 3 cities within 1 square of each other around the Cacususes (sp?). I destroy, but no flippy-flip.

Finally I gave up on the UP. Oh, and I tried it lots of ways. before I would destroy a city I would save, then I would play that turn and the next again and again, just to see if I need to do something (examples: approach the 2nd city immediately, or wait, or already be there, or what). Nothing.

Neighboring cities only flip to you if the city you razed is larger or equal population and within 4 tiles. This means you have to weigh the benefits of destroying a possibly very valuable city against the free turnover of smaller cities.

On the 600 AD start I get most use from this power when conquering Turkey. Destroying a city like Iskenderun when it's the largest turkish city will often net me 3-4 free cities the next turn.

It would also be great for taking down Russia, but they can be extremely difficult to break.
At the risk of pissing off Rhye:

Bright green is good, dark green is kinda bad, light yellow is bad and White is very bad. Don't ask for other ones or why they're colored like this. I just observe, then extrapolate.

No offense, but just to disprove his point...(took me 4 hours to fine tune my Indian and Khmer conquests).
If you need to move units quickly, use whatever workers you capture. Build roads from Mongolia/China to the borders of Persia/Arabia and Russia. That's how I moved most of my Arab units to Carthage. With Engineering (I haven't tried the Mongols yet, so I don't know if they start with it), you can get six movement Keshiks and three movement seige units.

Also, if the Mongols don't start with it, extort Drama. Theatres are huge for quick culture, and one or two Artists, if possible, bombing a newly captured border city (or a city you found in the middle of Siberia somewhere) will add 1-2% to your final total. Rush popping the theatre for larger cities shouldn't hurt too much, I don't think.
Yeah, theaters are good, but I concentrated on getting engineering (took me 15 turns). Used monuments/walls/castle/religions to get my culture early, didn't ever get drama or great artists by 1520 when I razed my last independent city (Jerusalem!). Never even got gunpowder--those kesliks are so experienced they even took out veteran janissaries.
I debated on razing Pagan (now with Shwedagon Paya), in the end decided it will never grow in time, nor will I get Aesthetics to use the culture or free religion by the time I finish. Maybe next time...
BTW, I found that even if the enemy's capital is smaller than a razed city, it will never flip on approach. (I razed Iskenderun but Sogut never flipped while Sinop did).
BTW, has anybody ever attempted to conquer the Japanese islands? Kublai Khan would be proud if anybody succeeded in time. (I'm tempted to forgo the 3rd UHV condition, bring all my troops back east and build some galleys to invade Japan, which has a lot of wonders and large cities)
Japan works following :

You have to raze Kyoto in a surprise attack, load around 10+ units on galleys, position yourself one turn away. Declare war, approach, attack from see, raze and all the other cities will flip then , except sapporo.

Naturally as you rightly pointed out this is contradictionary with the campaign to the east ....
In the 600 AD start you can use the Silk Road to go to Samarqand.
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