High-def infantry

Sure thing, I plan to do some separate, high-def-ish guns for people to use with their units at some point anyways - sharing is what the community's all about :D

So here you go:


It's nearly done, I'll probs release it in a couple of hours.
Say, Chuggi, as you seem to know quite a bit about modding Civ4, have you got MSN/Xfire/any other IM program? It'd be cooler to chat over there in case I need some help or stuff :D
wow amazing quality - I'll use it in personal mod :)
That's a pitty that firaxis won't make HD skins in colonization for other units. Civ without modifications starts to look old :/
You should really reskins LH. With the amount of details you put in your work, I think we will enjoy more those in leaderheads close up faces than on low resolution unit. However, this unit's texture is still amazing.
I think people are right about your talent being better used for LH´s. If you still want to work on Units, i suggest creating 256 textures, they still allow for a lot of details and might save you some time and the game will perform better.
just my opinion :)
keep up the good work!
A ship might be good for high detail because there's generally not a bajillion of them on the map... but infantry... phew! That's going to be a lot of guys on the map at once! seZereth might be right on either going LH with your skills, or bring the texture size down to 256.
I think 256 is enough for a ship. With Millenia's skills though, I think he should definitely retexture the Firaxis leaderheads (and maybe even bumping the size from 512x512 to 1024x1024). You're going to see all the nice details with leaderheads, they use normal, specular and enviroment maps and they have a reasonably high poly count, so you could really improve them a lot with a decent texture.
Hey Millenia, can you perform the same with some another vannila/default unit, ehhhmm... The pikeman for example?
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