High to Low, 3rd Civ, Victoria, October 1972.
Having to resume from a crash out of memory, I do a full review of my empire. Ye olde London, just gave me an announcement of citizens getting rebellious, so I send a newly produced Modern infantry there as a garrison.
Having done a full review of my cities, some have been put onto stagnation, some taken off, builds altered. One city was bribed, Ye Olde London, as its a major military city, and I don’t want it going off-line for 18 turns or so.
November 1972 – Saladin, declares war upon ME!!!!!,
I’m EQUAL with Shaka in strength, through just building some troops in select cities, mainly focusing on infrastructure, and cleaning up fallout.
I immediately take 3
Vacant Bunkers, built along the border or internally. Destroy 2 NLOS cannons, for the loss of 1 Gunship @ 75%
I have Aurora scram jets v’s Strike fighters, not many offensive troops I can see in this cities. A few have Tactical nukes, but are back from the front lines, the one tactical nuke in range, was in a bunker I captured. A-bombs seem fairly prevalent in his cities, but I should shoot them all down.
I think having a vassal has gone to his head, I was
ONLY sending in Agents to constantly destabilize his empire, but all had hide nationality as first promotion.
As I’ve decided
NOT to expand through war beyond the next line of settlement, I’m quite happy to take the bunkers, free up land, and burn down some border cities of Saladin. I had my main air-forces, facing off against Ashurbanipal, as I did fight the last war with him, but he’s busy fighting Pacal and Suppiluliuma, the later a rebel civ spun off, and Pacal, has only 2 cities.
I’ve also been busy building anti missile batteries in ALL my cities, for the 15% nuke defense.
Not going to be much of a war, as I’m busy cleaning up fallout, from these idiot AI’s and their nuke happy nature. I clean 1, and 2 more descend. I have Advanced Quality control in all cities, bar Pasargadae, which has had the power turned off. My capital city, which I moved to the top most line of settlement along the Arabian borders.
December 1972 - I launch a tactical nuke at a city in range, Aden, and it brings them down to half strength.
I then assault the city with my troops.
I take the city with no losses, and pillage it to nothing as its not a grid city, but it has freed up another grid city position, by the bunker I took in the 1st round of the war.
I also assault the city of Yeha, and take it with a special infantry unit, A size 43 city to be pillaged over a number of turns. I shot down 4 A-bombs, 1 strike fighter, and destroyed 1 strike fighter on the ground.
all for the loss of 1 strategic bomber.
It takes 2 turns at least to pillage size 43 Yeha, down to rubble. At least I’m out of range of the tactical nukes Saladin has. I try to pillage a Town, in range of tactical nukes and I get hit.
As the other AI cities are all covered by Tactical nukes, I don’t want to press the attack any further. As well, I just lost my inherited warlord unit, as I was trying to grab 3 workers on a fall out tile. So sad, too bad, I don’t need it any more anyway.
Ashurbanipal is at war with Saladin, don’t know when that happened?? he’s at war with the Hittite rebels as well, having just lost 2 cities to them. Must have been when Caesar vassalled to the Assyrian. Hopefully the Assyrian gets taken out by the Hittites, then I can push into them with no threat of Nuclear weapons raining down on my head.
June 1973 – I do a full review of my cities, I have crippling war weariness in all of them. Not such a good idea any more to be; a pacifist, at war, and having build peace monuments in some of my cities. The 5% CUMULATIVE bonus (Penalty) certainly does add up. I could mass build security Bureaus, but that’s only a -25%
or -5, against a -20~30 in my cities due to war. For a cost or 10% maintenance, no thanks. I already have
@ 40%,
@ 10% to stay in the green.
My worst city is Blackpool, with -38 from war weariness, -49 overall, at size 49. So you can see now why I chose not to pursue war as a way of expanding my empire, that and tactical nuke proliferation.
I could push further into Arabia, along the line of the 2 Ethiopian cities,
but I don’t really want to start another line of settlement. I can barely pay for my current cities now at a reasonable research rate, and I don’t want to be trying to catch up another large group of cites. I’m still doing that with ten cities in the Ex Siamese lands.
Next turn, Saladin is willing to negotiate with me, I’m getting out of this war
HE declared. I was able to make peace with Saladin
I did get one Grid city settled out of it, for the loss of 1 strategic bomber, my inherited great general unit, 6 special infantry, curtsy of drone bombers and ACV attacks and some other units lost to 1 tactical nuke or an A-bomber. I lost a number of units, but I burnt down 2 Arabian cities, and settled 1 Grid city, overall I’m happy, I’m producing units on a regular basis, but I can’t replace the lost siege, as you can’t capture Rocket and NLOS cannons.
I really don’t want to fight wars, due to my restrictions on builds, I can’t afford to replace siege and workers.
Ho!!! BANG!!! I’m suddenly over 5K in the green on gold, nearly all cities are out of unrest, I adjust a few cities that need it, bribe a couple to get below -2 unrest levels, set builds and continue onwards.
April 1974 – I’ve had to set Culture at 50%, to combat the unrest in my cities. Some of them have just grown too far too fast. I can’t build anything to keep them happy, seems the easiest solution to combat unrest. I really need network nodes, for which I need Nanobots, for which I need Nanotechnology. That’s in the 5th Column, according to my research rules.
Mind control centre’s, -10%
, -25%
, -10%
, for the larger cities, in trouble, yes, only a couple, that could handle losing bonuses. I have to research Automated vehicles, then Fusion, then I’ll make a decision, I probably will do this, just to lower the
rate down a couple of notches, down to 40%.
July 1974 – The AI’s are still just as crazy as ever with the nuclear weapons.
The only way for fight a modern war, is either to vote out nuclear weapons, or to build the one time effect nanite diffuser. I have enough
on the Assyrian, to bribe a grid city, which is what I’ll do, when its available again. I may even set off a nuclear device in one city?? 100K points, will take a few infiltrations to build that up.
November 1975 – I decide to declare war on Ashurbanipal, he’s spent all or most of his tactical nuclear weapons, and I only really want to take the next line of settlement off of him. The City of Jute is a Grid city, Suru has a grid city above it, Nakhon Pathom a grid city 1 tile to the NE and Arbhela borders my lands by one tile. I may have to advance further, but I’ll burn them down.
I take the city of Arbhela, its scheduled to be burnt down and raised the same turn. The citizens formed resistance units, 5 Guerrilla units to spawn about, they were attacked by my stealth bombers, Aurora fighters and cleaned up by Modern Armour.
I take the city of Suru, its scheduled to be burnt down and raised same turn.
I take the city of Nakhon Pathom, its scheduled to be burnt down, I capture five workers, working on some fall out on my borders
Pillaging down to 1 population, so I can further promote units next turn, before destroying the city.
One commando promoted tank, pushes 4 tiles deep into Assyrian territory, and assaults the city of Ubon Ratchathani, and I take the city, with no losses.
Those helicopter gunships are pillagers par excellance. They can move into cities, behind enemy culture, and still pillage, or if they get there in a short enough distance, they can pillage 5 times. The taking of those cities, certainly has helped with my creeping unrest in all my cities, they all have a band of green in the Revolt status bar.
1st turn of the war, and this
Is all that remains of the “mighty Assyrian empire”. Fighting all those war’s certainly doesn’t help.
On the counter attack, next turn, 1 Modern infantry gets lucky against my ACV @ 44%
ok fair enough, I did win a battle at 37%.
2nd Turn of the war, I take Karkhemish, I then take Akhad, and remove the only tactical nukes that Ashurbanipal had left in the area.
I raise Nakhom Pathom, and spawn rebels, they are eliminated by the NLOS cannons, I have in the tile next to the city, holding the captured workers, hardly a fair fight at 99.37%. After they reduce the rebels down to a manageable level, they are sent to the walls of Jute, that Grid city, I have chosen to take last.
I take the Grid city of Jute
Garrison it with 3 ACV’s and other troops who still had movement points to reach the city. I also picked up Thought Scanning and Wireless Electricity through my war efforts, even though my war weariness has started to raise its head.
I’ve now decided to fully eliminate the Assyrian scourge from the game. The Ottoman rebels, are aligned to the Arabian, through vassalage, and are mortal enemies of the Assyrian’s. Actually, on reloading, they gave up independence to the Arabian empire.
I have 2 pillaging stacks of 14 and 9 Gunships, with 5 pillage turns each, that’s 5x23=115 turns of pillage. Enough to destroy a size 40+ city, even with 1/3 pillage rates.
Julius Caesar broke free of his vassalage to Ashurbanipal, who then promptly declares war upon him??? say what????, you can’t even defend you own cities, let alone assault another civ, even a 1 city one.
I first take the city of Dur Shakkukin with 2 Special forces infantry, and raise the city with my Gunship squadron. The citizens form Partisan units and flee towards the capital city.
After bombing Tur Abdin with my strategic bombers x 4 and reducing the lone surviving modern infantry to 28 health, I take the city with a commando tank.
I now move my Gunships from the ruins of Karkhemism, to Akhad, to pillage that city, with 17 Gunships as much as they can, as they left 7 behind on the road to Tur Abdin. I raise Akhad, relocating a specialist to Iconium, using up 11 Gunships movement points, leaving 6 to move onto Tur Abdin, and more pillaging.
The Ottomans, in giving up their independence, have given Arabia, some default culture in tiles, they never really have had any input into. I still have 14 turns of peace treaty remaining, and the Arabians have inherited some 4 Tactical nukes in Nineveh, placing Tur Abdin in range of them.
It nearly takes a full stack of 28 two movement units to pillage size 29 Dur Shakkukin down to nothingness, and I dispatch 1 specialist to Warwick as a reward. They manage to do it with 1 movement left in the entire stack of 58.
Six Modern infantry are spawned due to the raising of the city, and are dispatched by stack of 5 Modern Armour, 5 NLOS cannons, 3 Howitzers, 4 Artillery and one Mechanised Infantry unit, awaiting OUTSIDE the city they can’t enter. The rebel partisans are quickly dispatched, then more troops are moved up to Tur Adbin.
That city is pillaged to nothingness, generating 8 Partisan’s, where were they when the city was under attack , no matter, they are eliminated where possible,as 6 spawned in Arabian cultural lands.
I also settle the Grid city of Aden
With a 2nd Pioneer going to the grid position, between Aden and Jute.
Having reduced Assyria, down to 1 garrisoned city, and 1 city with no garrison, I now review my own lands and builds. I’ve put a mind control centre as the Top build in all possible cities, but review the turns needed and builds queued for each city.
1st page
This is what taking all those cities has done to my creeping revolution index.
Arbel, is the last of the Assyrian cities I wish to take.
Its size 63, even with 23 Gunships, with 2.5-3.5 movement points, it will take at least 2 turns to dismantle this city.
There are 2 more cities after that one, but I’ll leave it up to Saladin, Qin Shi Huang or another to take them out. I make peace with the Assyrian, after I wipe out his remaining troops in the field.
To celebrate my victory over Assyria, I commission a new city in KasKase
I'll occupy two bunkers, that are north of my line of settlement, facing into the lands of the Hittites and Arabians. Qin Shi Huang, has taken the Hittites under his wing, and has moved troops into those same cities. He’s currently at war with Saladin, who, give him credit, is warring with;
Qin Shi Huang and his vassal Suppiluliuma of Hatti.
Julius Caesar, of the Roman 4 city empire. (Also warring with me)
Ashurbanipal, who has 2 ex Roman cities.
I try to make peace with Ashurbanipal, who has war weariness of 306, but he wants
LIVERPOOL WTF , I tried to offer 500
Not wanting to pillage the cities I've taken, I gift two cities to Suppiluliuma, 1st is Arbel
Hmm, looking moderately pee'd off,or maybe a hard night of civ'ing with that Arabian master of his.
I could see that Arbel would be of great use to the Hittite, and the 2nd being Erbil,
Calmed down now,have you.
Erbil was nearly fully consumed by his culture as well. It did give me some positive diplomacy points, but I did declare war on him?? When I’ve forgotten, oh yes as a vassal of Ashurbanipal, when I declared war upon Napoleon, so he’s still furious, but, meh!!
I do a quick check of that statistics, No cottage line improvements.
My cities are all in the Green for rebelliousness, mind control centre’s are going up in majority of cities, I’ve fully settled my 9th line of settlement, and have scope to start on the 10th line. Tiring of war, I end the turn, 3 turns to virtually eliminate the Assyrian Empire, leaving it as a rump with 2 cities, the larger of which is in 8 turns of revolt.