Hilarious! - CivAnon.com


Nov 1, 2005
Hey all!

I came across a funny advert to this site in the latest PcPowerplay. I think it's bloody hilarious! :lol: Im sure you will all find it very amusing.




If you are like most Civilization addicts, your story began innocently enough way back in 1991 with the discovery of Sid Meier's Civilization by Firaxis Games. The original “Civ,” as it's called on the streets, and its two subsequent sequels, II and III, allowed you to create or conquer vast civilizations-from the dawn of man to the space age and beyond. The unique turn-based strategy game quickly became the game of choice for gamers around the world. For some, however, it became more than that...it became an addiction.

It is important that you take control of your life and wrest the upper hand from your addiction once and for all. CivAnon (Civilization Anonymous) is a support community in the mold of traditional 12-step programs that can help you find your higher power in order to break the chains of your addiction-for good.


I love the whole thing about "no more turns"....very civ! :king:

Enjoy :goodjob:

Yes very funny. And EXTREMELY old "news". We all know and love it. It's been around for a year and a half or so.
I first saw this before the wheel was invented, and even then it was old. It's still funny though.
I told my auto mechanic I would teach him how to use computers if he taught me how to fix cars. He refused my tech trade, so now I am cautious toward him.

I may need an intervention.
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