Twinfinite has published an article called "Top 10 Best 4X Games". While a top 10 can be very limited, the writer made a very good selection in this case, containing Civ5, Civ6, Alpha Centauri, Humankind and Old World.
The excerpt from Civ6:
Read the full article here.
Thanks to Rui Castro for this tip on Twitter.
The excerpt from Civ6:
It should be no surprise that Civilization 6 is on this list alongside its predecessor. It’s the most-played 4X game on Steam at around 41,000 players in September 2023. And it’s no understatement to say that the Civilization series has a monopoly on the people’s vision of a 4X game. Wherever there is talk of the 4X genre, Civ will always make an appearance.
In previous installments, a game of Civ was skewed towards building tall, rather than build wide. This has since changed with Civilization 6, moving its tile supremacy into sprawling your empire across as many tiles as possible. Districts are the major point of addition that shakes up how you approach city building. Previously, the most important tile was your city centre, but now districts can be built on any tile in your empire. City location and management just became far more important. Mountains are great for science-dedicated cities, while those that anchor beside a beach can earn gold through trade hubs. The magic you know from Civilization is still here, its polish is unquestioned, and its additions all hit the right mark.
Read the full article here.
Thanks to Rui Castro for this tip on Twitter.