Hill/Wetlands too powerful


Jun 4, 2023

In my previous games with 4.0.2, I have notice that the terrain “hills/wetland” it’s actually the most precious land (excluding special resources).

This is because it’s the only land that produce Clay an Goats.

This seems unbalanced to me: clay is pretty frequent in nature: every non-rocky plot besides a river should produce clay.

Regarding goats, it should be able to be herded in the same condition than sheeps, probably .

Considering immersion you are pretty much correct but please understand that the balancing was mostly made for gameplay.
Most of the time it is necessary to have a compromise somwhere in modding and gaming.

It is simply not fun and challenging if everything is available everywhere.
Scarcity and e.g. also not having everything everywhere ... e.g. maybe having to buy stuff from Europe ... may also be fun.

In this case it was chosen to design for gameplay.
(i.e. Terrains being special and not having everything everywhere.)


clay is pretty frequent in nature:
True, but it is also comparably cheap and nobody would e.g. give up fertile farm land or or planations or breeding grounds or ... to create a clay mine there.
That is the reason you usually find clay mines or peat digging in areas that are not suitable to do farming or ranching or other more profitable usages of land.

That is the reason why we chose to implement it the way it is in the game right now ... and I really do not think it is as bad as some people make it to be.
You can always do things in 10.000 different ways and you can always discuss things 10.000 times ... but at some point you need to decide for something.


Remarks considering Balancing of Goats:

Actually there are really many Terrains where Goats are available - just as often as Sheep.
Maybe it is just a coincidence that you have not settled in any region that has these Terrains.

But if you do not believe me, just check the Terrains in Colopedia to see how often Goats are available.
Nobody ever complained that there are not enough Goats in the mod since release ... :)


Remarks on upcoming WTP 4.1:

In WTP 4.1 (coming soon) there is a new mapscript
by @Ramstormp that ensures that Clay is more available by generating more Wetland / Marsh Hills.
So please have a bit of patience until the new version WTP 4.1 is published soon. :thumbsup:

What you are saying has actually also been discussed several times already in the feedback thread and was also answered already.
Also let me remind you that everybody is able to adjust / customize the mod to his own liking in his private version as it is all just XML. :thumbsup:

It has been heard and considered ... and as already said also adjusted in the new version.
But it was / is and issue of the Maps / MapScripts and not the Terrain Balancing in general.


Remarks on posting:

By the way, please do not start complete threads for small feedback / questions like this.
If everybody does, then it will completely clutter the forum.

Instead you could e.g. use these here:

Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:
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Thanks a lot for your prompt and comprehensive response.

I do agree on everything you said.

Sorry for polluting the forum with a separate thread.
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