Interval 1 to 11
Other Organismo
The flock departs, spreading out to search the Otherworld. Finds much of the same. Two locations of note. To the north, a large section of the terrain is covered in purple and green crystals, replacing the grass. Unknown if it is edible, but if any of the crystals are damaged, all Organismo within several meters immediately light on fire. Why exactly is unknown, other than the ather in the area distorting above the damaged crystal. (34 lost to crystal field)
The area to the southwest has become a no-fly zone, as great reptilian creatures, larger than any creature upon the original Organismo, seem to be actively hunting the flock, or at least any that would venture near them. The initial encounter with them was quite a shock to the whole, as the creatures did not seem to notice the flock at first, but once they did, they systematically hunted down the thousand of flock members in their territory over a period of three days. Attempt for individual members to fight them off proved futile, their hides throwing off any physical attacks upon them. Athletic attacks did seem slightly more effective, but also brought swift death upon the one that launched the attack, as the creatures would immediately focus upon them. (1200 lost in exploration efforts, shock from suddenly being preyed upon)
Efforts to build shelters, basic factory spaces, record library, and farms were successful. Involved in the effort were some several personal transports and ground digging machines, along with a large amount of tools benign brought through the portal, including what was needed to set up a small smelting and forging industry to produce more tools. (+0.5 infrastructure, Records library built. Population grows by 28% over the decade to 71736)
The Antonine Order
The expedition’s along the coast went quite well for the first few years, more of the same barren coasts with little life upon them other than the alien grass. But around the 8th year into the effort, something different was noticed, something a lot more complex.
Something undead. It was a cursed land of green and black, with giant slimy pillar-like trees rising from its mass. It wasn’t identified as a zone of un-death until a small exploration group landed upon the beach nearby, only to be overwhelmed by a swarm of small creatures, even with the priest using a purifying miracle to take out a third of the swarm. (8 people lost, the Deadmire found)
The exploration up the river went similarly well, though it was eventually forced to stop by the discovery of another civilization. The first sign of it was a large farm upon the banks of the river, where hundreds of stone statures roamed about tending the fields and breaking up a large bolder upon its banks. These Atheric creations would have been something to be wary of, but the fact that a quarter of them seemed to made in the image of St. Antonine threw the entire expedition into confusion. There was a fair bit of discussion on what course to take afterward, eventually deciding on dispatching an armed group to the sole building to inquire about why the statues looked like they did.
This is where things appear to have gone wrong. Whoever was living in the structure appears to have spotted their approach and issued a command for several of the statures to form up into some lines in front of the building. This seemed to have spooked one of the priest, who attempted to purify a moving stature near him, which was partially successful and slowed it down to a snails pace. The inhabitants in the building seemed to take this as them being under attack and yelled several strange phrases that prompted all the statues to start moving toward the group and the ship in the river. It was a fighting retreat, with the stone statues benign very hard to damage, and only able to be temporarily disabled by the priest magic. It was only some of the cannons on the ship that won the day, the people commanding them fleeing upriver after the first explosions. The farm was explored, and the statures analyzed of the next few days, but the expedition leader eventual decided to retreat when a pair of building sized statues were seen wading down river, likely brought by those that fled the farm.
Further exploration upriver is stopped at this point, with several dozen of these larger statures guardian the route. A concentrated effort would be needed to get a ship past them.
The writing found at the site does not seem to resemble anything known. Craftsmanship of the tools there were crude, and no signs of iron were found.
The statues seem to be a strange mixture of ather to power them, and by something similar to the power of a miracle to drive and control them. This Heretical mixture has made many of the priest examining them uneasy. (New civilization found, “golemancers” outposts along the river founded)
Closer to the portal, The city of Antonia has been reorganized into a proper City, with areas for future districts for housing, workshops, and warehouse marked out once the population grows enough to need them. And at it’s center a great cathedral is being built, much in the style popular back on Nata currently. While far from finished, mostly due to the need to transport the needed stone from further inland, parts of it are already in use, and many buildings have sprung up around it to support its function in the meantime. It is a fitting structure to serve as the church's headquarters here on Caritas.
(City of Antonina founded. Infrastructure +0.5, Cathedral complex built, +0.3 government)
The City wasn’t the only thing expanding at the colony, as a small revolution was also taking place in the farms outside the new cities limits. The limited amount of farmland available in this new land has led to some intense competitions among the farmers, and made them quite a bit more willing to adopt new agricultural developments than the farmers on Nata. (+0.1 development, Specialty Advancing agricultural, Resource: surplus food)
Of course, the ongoing agricultural revolution is also having some unintended consequences. The food surplus in Antonina has seen a drastic reduction of the number of ships traveling through the portal to trade in it, reducing the means for immigrates to travel to it. While a upswing in those wanting to immigrate due to politics back on Nata has somewhat offset this, some incentive will be needed to attract more shipping to really bring them in.
(Population grows by 21%, mostly through natural growth, to 26620)
New N’Kuitha
The initial plans for a mag-lev rail-line was abandon shortly after the initial tests concerting the portals due to safety and maintenance issues.
It was soon found that it was impossible to suspended something inside the portal, and attempting to do so would quickly build up a kinetic charge upon an object passing through it, until it was pushed/pulled through it, or the object simply broke in half.
The second issue preventing a rail line was the fact that the portals were drifting. Or rather, the land underneath the portals were drifting. The portals were anchored to their planet's gravitational field, not their continental plates as was first thought. While the actual movements were miniscule, it was enough to misalign any rail line within a decade, especially with the nature of the portal forcing there to be a gap in the line there.
Rather, it was eventually decided to build a railess trained, with an electric breaking system to recover the energy generated by passage through the portal. While it did require a driver to steer through the portal and align with a free docking station on the other side, It only required a small amount of energy to start the transit, and dozens of cars could be pulled in a single operation. Most of the cargo on these land-trains were high capacity batteries to ferry the power generated by the growing number of dams near the settlement, their high weight insuring the most power being generated by a passage through the portal. Only the two cars immediately behind the driving units were used for actual cargo, baring a single full cargo land train used for larger shipments.
(+.2 infrastructure, Portal Transit system built. Higher rate of supplies and personal flowing through the portal)
The dams themselves were encountering significant issues. They were being very slow to fill up to capacity, mostly due to low rainfall and how many were actually built, but they were producing a slow trickle of power to feed to the portal land-trains, which would only grow over time.
Unfortunately, they have also attracted some unwanted attention. Large groups of what could only be described as Frogmen appear to be protesting the building of the dams along the lower portions of the river, though they have actually launched an attack. All efforts are being put forth to learn their language and what they are shouting at us, and some guest infiltrators are likely to start reporting back shortly.
(Dams built, provides enough power to supply current battery exchange system. Issue with the frogmen, who are decisively non-native. +.3 infrastructure)
Some New guest minds have been recently collated to lead the colony, and they have already started to improve the organization on New N’Kloytha (+.3 governance)
The surveys of the local area have produced mixed results. Foremost, the location of the frogmens settlement has been found, located at the mouth of the river. They seem to have recently had a large number of pools near the mouth of the river flooded by the sea, likely due to our dams reducing the flow of the river.
Surveying to the west produced little results, but several metal deposits were found to the east and the south, though the ones to the south might soon cause some issues. The area was being swarmed by “Rockworms” who seem to be eating the metal deposits found there. While their biology is somewhat unknown, they will likely be a major problem in any future mining efforts. (find frogman colony, and discover “Rockworms”)
There was also a survey of the local plant life, identifying the three main forms of the local flora. The first was a stalked plant growing in the river, anchoring to the river beads and producing a single large leaf that floated on the surface of the rivers and ponds. The second was a variant found along the river bank, where a single large leaf would root itself firmly into the soil. The third was best categorized as a moss, growing everywhere farther than the immediate riverbanks, and very good at retaining water for long periods of time.
Unfortunately, most of the native life near the base has been displaced by plants from the home world, most of which drifted through before we discovered it. While the minimal amount of soil has slowed their spread, it is unlikely we can fully contain their spread.
More so with the agricultural facilities that we are setting up on the shores of the new reservoirs.
While the soil placed upon them is thin and mostly imported from the home world, they are now producing a good portion of the food for the settlement. (+18% population, driven mostly due to improved transition through the portal. New population: 31860)
Possibly the first things the Soviets did was to repurpose and rebuild some of their Zero-g maneuvering units into something that could be used in the planets' gravity well. These jetpacks allowed them to greatly increase the range they could explore, and soon a unit of RANGERS is assigned the task of exploring the world.(jetpacks added to standard equipment, exploration efforts enhanced, 20 ranger units created)
Much of the land was much of the same as around the crashed asteroid, large planes of broken rock with a thin coating of green covering it. Yet there were a few exceptions. Large area’s of black rock, one of which has a pool of a very hot red liquid. Another was a massive plane of water far to the west.
The only native life found were strange piles of soft rock found to the north. While slow moving, the one bot that approached one of the piles had its legs dissolved by the creature, only managing to survive by quickly jet packing away.
Unfortunately, further exploration efforts were put on hold when a second asteroid dropped from the sky and crashed a mere 100 km to the east. Nearly identical to the one they arrived upon, the bots of the SOVIETS were initially hopeful and set out to convert them to their cause. An encounter that would quickly go south. Called CASHSHOP (corporate authority social hierarchy, simplified hub of production), they were very much the opposite of the SOVIETS and the initial meeting quickly turned into a battle between the two groups. While there were very few casualties (mostly due to their laser weapons being unable to melt their foes bodies), It would spark a low-scale conflict between the two, each taking shots at the other whenever they spotted each other. (area explored)
Dave was crusaded to produce some more bots for the ongoing conflict with little effort.(75 bots produced)
Efforts were also made to try and salvage the pushing laser from where it was buried in the ground, both for supplies to shore up the other structures and possibly to gain a weapon capable of hurting the other bots. Unfortunately, the central lens was cracked, and it is unknown how they would build a new one. (Pushing laser dismantled, plentiful supplies gained. Buildings are no longer as risk of accidentally failing apart. +.2 infrastructure)
Some of the free supplies were even used to build a statue of Marx next to the Replication facility, so as to be the first thing they see when they emerge. Effort to deal with the mud and rain mostly proved to be futile, and are eventually given up upon when the bots realize they are waterproof. (Scrap sculptures are built around the settlement. Efforts to deal with mud and rain seem futile. Water does not seem to effect the bots due to them being vacuum rated. )
Investigations into the world's magic is quite slow. What was perceived was a world of simplicity and raw potential, reaching out and trying to find a stable form. Initially Isolda suspected this was a ruse, that something was hiding from her searches, but she quickly realized that she was looking to deep into the matter as new forms started to appear and grow upon the world, each uniquely flavored.
Close by, two flavors of nexus were starting to form. One of the air and skies, the other of the deep earth and darkness. Close to the north, a form of light and earth was growing next to one of light? (though it seemed off) and another of pure undeath. To the west, a nexus of life was growing. To the west-north west were two nodes, one of order and thought, another of ancient power. To the Northwest, A node of earth and trees was violently destroyed, with a node firefly undeath replacing it a few months later.
She could feel traces of dozens of other nodes, most that felt like echos underwater, but after the initial probes, she turned her attention to the closer source of undeath. It was quite strange, so similar but different from the magic that formed herself. Yet it echoed stronger upon the world like they was a great mass of power behind it. She could see its influence in the undead that had been raised upon this world, Novaya, making them distinct from those brought through the portal. They were more fluid and more rotted, as opposed to the typically dry texture of her own skin, and if they came into contact with a large quantity of salt, they were likely to have their selves disrupted. But they could revive a corpse simply being near them, not requiring a spell to do so.
She was sure she could gain further insights with a bit more of a study into Novaya’s raw magic. (Magic development +.3./ salt lethal to undead raised in this world, but they spread undeath a lot more easily)
Still, a lot more effort would be need to secure the portal, especially with two nexus' of magic growing nearby. She quickly sent a dispatch back to her siblings on the other side of the portal, for more serfs and undead to help build the settlement, along with some of her findings. Several were willing to trade resources and servants for some of the zombies created on this side of the portals. Though, the Dead King soon had all the zombies sent for such trade back to this side of the portal, along with three of his Dread Knights with orders to keep all the new zombies on this side of the portal, saying they felt foul and corrupting. (3 dread knights gained? 1400 serfs, and 1100 “basic” undead immigrate)
Still, enough supplies and personal were gained, and by the decade's end a heavy stone wall was built around the growing settlement, ready to defend against any attackers. Though the walls did not extend far enough to encompass the new iron mine that was set up nearby. (+.2 infrastructure, heavy stone walls built, Iron mine built)
Aislan’s explorations have provided locations of the nexus' Isolda felt nearby. The first were a group of dwarves, quickly carving out a fortress from a mountain near their portal. It was initially not apparent why they were not building their fort around the portal, especially as it was constantly open unlike their own in the caves, but when the giant undead elk emerged from the portal and threw itself at the fort's entrance, it became apparent they might not be able to.
She left the dwarf fortress soon afterwords, not wanting to be close to that portal in case another monster came through it, and instead sought out the second nexus that Isolda sensed. This turned out to be a group of winged humanoids carving out sections of a nearby mountain and suspending them in the air. She could not learn much more about them without exposing herself, given that she lacked the ability to fly, so she returned to the settlement soon after. (Dwarves and winged folk found)
Atraria Xenoscience Outpost
Vandrex Karlhushas arrived to find the outpost in a com pleat mess. Half the vehicular fled of bikes and quads were gone, along with a decent amount of the settlement's supplies. Apparently, a group of anti-directorate rebels had managed to get to this side of the portal and stolen them, before heading off to the east.
Still, he was able to quickly bring the panic and chaos under control, using the incident as an excuse to use force and bring the most rowdy members into line.
One of his first tasks after the initial emergency was to organize a scouting group to find them, and he has a bit of luck here with the members of the “burnout revolution” A biker gang that has effectively taken control of the remainder of the vehicular pools, they were a bit rowdy but quite willing to work with him. Provided that they were allowed to keep their bikes and the settlement paid to maintain them. They were tasked to find where this “Free Science” group had set up, something they failed to do by decades end. (Free Science founded somewhere to the east, Vandrex Karlhushas appointed as “outpost director, 1 governance, Burnout Revolution biker group founded.)
His second major task was to deal with the uncontrolled experimentation that was going on in the settlement. There had been a lot of unplanned lifeforms released into the area since the first people crossed through the portal, and it was showing in the local environment. Most of the native plant life nearby was gone, replaced by the more robust strains brought through the portal, or made here. This proved quite beneficial as the amount of topsoil was slowly increasing, allowing some farms to be set up quite quickly. Even some of the released wildlife was gathered and raised as liver stock, with some of the land bound bird proving quite profitable and in high demand back home. Soon, numerous people were flowing through the portal, seeking to set up their own farms to get in on this craze. (Uncontrolled fauna introduced to the world, increasing the development of the local biosphere, +.5 infrastructure. 29% population increased to 18318)
Of course, not all the uncontrolled life forms were a beneficial thing, and some of them appear to have started a very small war. Near the end of the decade a huge number of ants were found to the west near the river. Ants that appeared to have developed tools and fire arms scaled to their size, and who were waging a war against the various lifeforms that were released. While they don’t seem to have noticed us or realize that we are the source of these creatures, they are slowly pushing the creatures back, and it’s a matter of time before we will be forced to make contact with them. (Empire of the ant’s found to the west)
The Tevvos Protocol
Perhaps the most notable construction effort was the building of an entirely new dome dedicated to agriculture and the biosciences. While its primary goal is to serve as a place to grow the colonies food locally, removing the need to ship it to Essentia and potentially reveal it to those tracking such shipments, it has been built to handle future terraforming efforts and serve as a testing ground for new flora before it is released.
In addition to the new dome, a communication tower was built nearby, along with several tanks to store fuel for the armored cars.
(+.6 infrastructure, food self-sufficiency, agricultural dome. Communication tower built, Fuel tanks built))
A new group of bureaucrats has arrived at the colony to help streamline its management.
(+.1 governance, 1200 new colonists arrive)
It also came in handy when the armored scouts stumbled upon an ecological anomaly. Up until this point, the land bound fauna had been found to be quite simple and scarce away from the planet's rivers. They never expected to encounter a jungle as they explored upriver. What appeared to be hundreds of different forms of plant life choking the river with their growth. Scouting the perimeter showed that it covered several hundred square kilometers of land, and observations of its interior seemed to hint that Another portal was present at the heart of this jungle. Something of the scale that starships used instead of the tiny one at the heart of their colony.
With nothing but plant life being seen in the intel scouting, it was only logical that the next step was to try and reach this portal and confirm it was there, clearing a path to reach it through the undergrowth.
This proved to be a mistake. As soon as the first blade touched a plant, everything nearby surged toward the explorers and the armored cars. While the drivers were able to back their cars away quickly enough, those on foot proved less fortunate and were dragged deeper into the jungle by the plant life before being ripped apart.
Further, attempts to penetrate the jungle met with similar reactions, through with the surprise gone there were no more casualties, and eventually the efforts were called back, the scouts falling back with the small number of samples they had gained. Taken from where, they were attached to the scout cars that escaped the initial attack.
Efforts to analyze them back in the newly created agricultural home nearly proved disastrous. While they were able to learn that all the samples, no matter how different, has the same gene sequences, the sample soon began to grow rapidly, eventually breaking containment and killing hundreds in the dome before it could be destroyed. (Discover the Biomass, 117 dead trying to contain a sample of the biomass)
There was also a second encounter by the armored cars. Somewhere to the south, a group of green skinned humanoids were encountered, wandering far from any source of water or vegetation. While initially the cars simply tried to observe the humanoids, one of them (that was painted red) was ambushed shortly afterward, several of them leaping from a large bolder to land atop it, before removing its top with motorized swords. They managed to kill the crew and take over the car, leading the other armored cars with it on a chase, before suddenly tripling its speed (well past the point it should have shaken itself apart) and easily outrunning the other armored cars.
There have been no further sightings of the greenskined humanoids, and the armored cars transponder is transmitting, show it still moving at high speeds far to the south. (Orks met. -1 armored scout car)
Ocean explorations were a lot more peaceful, as three submersibles were built and began exploring the oceans nearby. Just offshore giant bags of algae-like slime, each the size of a small town, have been found drifting, with entire ecosystems being built around and upon them. Including a large eel like creature with an external chitinous spine that briefly attacked one of the submersible, but failed to do any damage and eventually gave up. (gain 3 exploration submersibles)
Experiments to build a hot air balloon proves to be quite easily and equations on atmospheric buoyancy have been confirmed. There are talks about building a Hydrogen dirigible some time in the next decade.
The Cybrex continues to head east, eventually encountering an elvish settlement and deviating to completely destroy it, then force their portal closed. It briefly continues east afterwords, before sharply turning south as it detects a radio signal in that direction.
A necromancer spots the cybrex destroying the elvish settlement and wisely decides to stay well away from it. Once the cybrex has moved a fair distance away from the former elvish settlement, it moved in and raised those killed by it to form a small army. Since then, he seems to be following the path of destruction the cybrex is making, possibly hoping to raise anything else it kills.
Decimals are now in use for the development and other numbers. Please keep in mind, numbers are only for reference.
Next deadline is…the end of February 15th.